. In last class - Created Basic React App
. Today, production ready React App - From scratch without using create react-app
. to Ignite our app - Bundler eg : vite,parcel,webpack
. In create react-app, they use webpack bundler
. Bundler is package/module of javascript code
. to have a package in code -> we need Package Manager (eg : npm, yarn)
npm init -> create package.json -> initialise our repo with npm
npm init -y -> to skip configuration
. why npm ? helper packages -> React app is powered by a lot of packages for bundling, optimizing, minifying maven : java :: rnpm : react
npm install package-name -> to install a package named package-name & node modules (helper functions )is created
npm install -d package-name -> -D means dev dependency or --save-dev
package-lock.json is created and parcel code is updated in node modules
parcel is in dev dependencies of package-lock - parcel is needed in dev environment
if update happens, package.json is updated but package-lock.json is not updated
package-lock.json - dont ignore in git but put node modules in .gitignore
if we have package-lock.json -> we can regenerate node modules
react cdn - is not a good way Good way -> in server thrugh node modules
npm install react -> in global dependencies not dev dependencies
npx parcel index.html -> Execute using npm with index.html as entry point -> Creates local server
Parcel gives us this server
Error : React is defined because we removed cdn link. Instead of that, we have to use import since this time we are using node modules - npm
Error : Browser doesnot understand import -> we have to inform its modules, use type="module" in script tag
Warning : React DOM -> createRoot is not found -> use react-dom/client
Live Server -> Auto refresh -> Hot Module Replacement (HMR) -> Parcel does it for us using File Watcher Algorithm (written in c++) Parcel.cache -> uses this space for doing all the HMR, minify and other stuffs dist folder -> minified code in dist npx parcel build index.html -> production ready build is created by parcel inside dist folder and has only 3 files : css, html and js file containing all the code including react code
Parcel Functionalities :
- minification (removing indentation),
- image optimizations,
- compression(renaming variables),
- cleaning our code,
- super fast build,
- dev and prod builds,
- caching while development
- works with older version of browsers
- Https on dev as well npx parcel index.html --https 10.Consistent Hashing Algorithm 11.zero config
- Tree shaking - Removing unwanted code
we should put .parcel-cache in gitignore -> anything which can be autogenerated in server can be put in gitignore
Initial dev build -> longer time (500ms) -> for next build -> takes less time 5ms using caching
When using parcel, we give entry point in command so we can remove main: app.js from package.json
Transitive dependencies -> dependencies of dependencies Eg: Our App is dependent on Parcel which is again dependent on other dependencies (dependency Tree)
browsersList -> cross browser compatibility for older versions of browsers
Summary Steps :
- npm init
- npm install -D parcel
- npm install react
- npm install react-dom
- npx parcel index.html or npx parcel build index.html
- import React from 'react'; in App.js
- import ReactDOM from 'react-dom/client'; in App.js
- use type="module" for index.html
- Remove main : app.js from package.json
- Write browserslist in package.json
"browsersList" : [ "last 2 versions"]
Homework :
- Read Parcel Documentation
- Types of script in script tage in html
One issue I faced while setting up parcel is, though the server was succesfully started,I was getting 404 Page not found when run the application in browser. We were not able to find the root cause for long time. Finally, my npm was outdated and it did not throw any error during build. After updating the npm, it worked.