![](/assets/guild digest.png)
Just wanna share a few clarifications around the daily schedule and squads:
Morning squad meeting is meant to be acheck-in (good morning, how ya doin’?). It starts right at 10. Like Carla’s favorite high school volleyball coach used to say, “If you’re early you’re on time, if you’re on time you’re late!”
Afternoon stand up is a...well, stand up. It should be short, sweet, and follow the Agile format of Y/T/B (what did you accomplish *Yesterday*, what will you accomplish *Today*, and whether you're currently *Blocked* by anything).
Standup with your *squad leader* unless you're working on an SEP-led project, then standup with your *project leader's squad*. For example, if I'm in Judy's squad but I'm working on Echo, I'll standup with Punit. If you're collaborating on an independent project not led by an SEP, choose one of your respective squad leaders to join (here's looking at you, Debrena)
Standup starts at 1pm sharp. Get in, stand up, get down (to business...writing code...Carla is a little loopy writing this on Friday afternoon…)
Friday code reviews and demos now happen in squads.
You’ll soon be added to an extra special channel for your squad. Phase channels will be archived this week - use your squad channel to check in about any and all things work-related, including letting your squadmates and squad leader know if you are running late or using personal time.
You asked for it, so here we go: due to overwhelming popular demand, Punit will be hosting an ongoing React / Redux series during Tuesday’s instructional block
Bonnie will continue hosting Algorithmspractice during Thursday’s instructional block.
- Starting next Thursday 3/1, counseling sessions with Carolyn will move to the conference room.
**12-1pm on Weds 2/28: **“A Front End Developer in an AI World” with Wells Lucas Santo from AI4ALL (thanks Eugene!)
**6-8pm on Tues 3/6: **Technical Interview Prep Workshop with Glenn Gonda from Rockbot