http://www.ccpem.ac.uk/download.php -
http://www.ccpem.ac.uk/downloads/ccpem_distributions/ccpem-1.3.0-linux-x86_64.tar.gz -
http://www.ccpem.ac.uk/licensing/ Please follow the licensing details and download ccp-em. -
Prerequisites: To build this container the following software is required:
- CCP-EM - http://www.ccpem.ac.uk/downloads/ccpem_distributions/ccpem-1.3.0-linux-x86_64.tar.gz - to deploy CCP-EM, a Modeller licence key is required (free for academic use). - Please follow the link on the CCP-EM downloads page for further details. - Once the key has been obtained edit the file 'input.txt' and replace the line 'MODELLER-KEY-GOES-HERE' with the key. - CCP4 - http://www.ccp4.ac.uk/download/#os=linux - The container was originally constructed with CCP4 version 'ccp4-7.0.072-shelx-arpwarp-linux64.tar.gz'. - Archives of CCP4 are not available from this site. - You may need to edit the '%files' and '%post' section in the recipe file 'ccp-em_v1.3.0-cuda-9.0.def' to update the name of the CCP file. Place all files in the same folder as the recipe file (ccp-em_v1.3.0-cuda-9.0.def). To build the container: sudo singularity build ccpm.simg ccp-em_v1.3.0-cuda-9.0.def
singularity exec --nv imageFileName.simg vglrun ccpem singularity exec --nv imageFileName.simg vglrun relion
singularity exec --nv imageFileName.simg vglrun ccpem