To run this program, you need setup you local environment as following
- A Python Environment with Python 3.8+ and pip (reckon use pyenv and create a virtualenv)
- Poetry (Dependency management)
- make (a dev tool)
Before you can run everything, please make sure you have setup a Python environment
if you are using make, you can setup the dev environmane by simply using
make init
this will install poetry and install all dependencies. If you don't want to use make, alternatively, just run the following commands
pip install poetry
poetry install
To prepare/build the cli tool for you to play with, run
make build
or, just run
pipx install .
Now, you should be able to run the program, for example
cronpar explain "*/15 0 1,15 * 1-5 /usr/bin/find"
There are some test cases generated during development, to run the tests, you can either run
make test
poetry run pytest tests/ --cov --cov-fail-under 89
Please make sure you have tested all the changes you made properly, and all tests passed before you push
Also, it will be good to keep the code formatted, you can check this by running
make format
make lint
poetry run black --preview --line-length 120 cronpar
poetry run isort --line-length 120 cronpar
poetry run flakehell lint .
Please Note this program is still in development, it may be not very stable, but we will fix and add more features in the coming future.