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Releases: LoginRadius/ios-sdk

Released Version 5.2.0

20 Jun 09:24
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  • Updated FBSDKLoginKit and FBSDKCoreKit - 4.27.0 to 5.0.2


  • Fixed FBSDKLoginKit Version - 5.0.2 : Error - Semantic issue
  • Fixed Build issue in LoginRadius Swift Demo with Swift Version 5.0
  • Fixed Build issue With TwitterKit Version -3.4.2

Released version 5.1.2

18 Dec 12:43
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  • Fixed issue iOS 10 and below App crashes when tapped on Cancel button in sfsafariviewcontroller(WebView).
  • Fixed Build issue in LoginRadius Swift Demo with Swift Version 4.2

Released Version 5.1.1

16 Nov 12:52
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Breaking changes

  • Updated LoginRadius Google Native EndPoint Also,
  • Updated the convertGoogleToken() methods of the above API .


  • Fixed google refresh token issue in native login.

Released Version 5.1.0

31 Oct 09:03
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API breaking changes

  • Updated endpoints and renamed ""Auto Login"" to ""Smart Login"", ""No Registration/Simplified Registration"" to ""One touch Login"" and ""Instant Link Login"" to ""PasswordLess Login"". Also, changed the methods of the above APIs accordingly."


  • Improved native social login performance for better native user experience.
  • Added new custom domain option.
  • Updated FBSDKLoginKit - 4.27.0 to FBSDKLoginKit - 4.36.0.
  • SOTT is added as a header in Registration API.
  • Added new Privacy Policy API.
  • Added new Reset Password By Email OTP API.
  • Added new Verify Email By OTP API.
  • Access Token is added as a header in all Authentication APIs.
  • Added preventEmailVerification (Boolean) option to prevent email verification flow in Auth Login and Registration APIs (where optional email is enabled).
  • Added new Send Welcome Email API.
  • Significantly improved code performance.


  • Fixed FBSDKLoginKit - 4.36.0 : Error - Semantic issue - Redefinition of 'EMAIL' in LoginRadiusField.h
  • Fixed SDK required field issue.
  • Fixed demo issue in Objective-C and Swift.

Release Version 5.0.0

07 Feb 13:02
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API breaking changes

  • All the classes are restructed and 'Registration Service' class is depericated, inplace of this now we have multiple sections of Api such as:


  • Tiny size overhead to your application, below 380kb for everything.
  • Improved native login performance for better native user experience.
  • Add new Some Missing APIs AuthenticationAPI section.
  • Add new All SocialAPI section.
  • Add new All AutoLoginAPI section.
  • Add new configuration API section.
  • Add new InstantLoginAPI section.
  • Add new SimplifiedRegistrationAPI section.
  • Significantly improved code performance.


  • Fix social login issue on old devices and browsers.
  • Fix delete APIs issue related to body parameters.

Version 4.1.2

24 Nov 18:29
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4.1.2 Release notes (2017-11-02)

SwiftDemo Enhancements

  • Add Login by Username
  • Automatically call Username Availability when Username is in dynamic registration
  • Add asserts on SOTT if not initialized


  • Fix Username Availability Call


02 Nov 16:34
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4.1.1 Release notes (2017-11-02)


  • Fix Facebook Native calling finishlogin twice on 0 permission

Version 4.1.0

13 Oct 18:28
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4.1.0 Release notes (2017-09-27)


  • Support XCode 9 compiler
  • Update from Swift 3.2 to Swift 4, in the Swift Demo


  • Fix Twitter Native Authentication flow in iOS 11

Version 3.5.0

13 Oct 18:28
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3.5.0 Release notes (2017-09-27)


  • Support XCode 9 compiler
  • Update UI for Objective C Demo
  • Update from Swift 3.2 to Swift 4, in the Swift Demo


  • Add missing fields validation on native social login flows
  • Fix Twitter Native Authentication flow in iOS 11

Version 3.4.1

26 Jul 18:55
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Version 3.4.1 Pre-release

##Bug Fix

-Handle missing verified email in Native Social calls