This file contains the full list of all libraries used Elypso Hub, Elypso Engine, Game Template and Compiler. Lost Empire Entertainment does not own, did not create, does not actively develop or contribute to these libraries. All rights belong to the library developers and all questions and problems related to these libraries should be forwarded to their developers and not to Lost Empire Entertainment.
Each library (except Visual Studio and CMake) has these two files
- CHANGES.txt - explains any changes made to this library compared to the developers original format
- LICENSE.txt - a copy of the license provided by the developers of the library
Note: Modifying the structure or location of any of the external library files is highly discouraged as this will break things, modify at your own risk.
Full list of libraries:
- Assimp - Imports fbx, obj, gltf and other popular model formats into the engine
- Glad - Generates platform-specific code to load OpenGL functions
- GLM - Simplifies vector and matrix calculations and handles shader files
- GLFW - Creates the engine window and handles User input
- ImGui - Handles all the engine GUI
- stb_image - Imports images
- magic_enum - Simplifies enum-string operations