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James edited this page Aug 14, 2017 · 10 revisions

Welcome to the PupilPlot wiki!


Menu PupilPlot functions:

  • File Menu
  • [Preprocess Menu](Pages/Preprocess Menu.html)
    • [Set PreProc Options](Pages/Set PreProc Options.html)
    • [Define Triggers](Pages/Define Triggers.html)
    • [View Raw Data](Pages/View Raw Data.html)
    • [Import PreProc Options](Pages/Import PreProc Options.html)
    • [Preprocess Data](Pages/Preprocess Data.html)
  • [Analysis Menu](Pages/Analysis Menu.html)
    • [Set Alpha](Pages/Set Alpha.html)
    • [Run Analysis](Pages/Run Analysis.html)
  • [Plot Menu](Pages/Plot Menu.html)
    • [Select Conditions](Pages/Select Conditions.html)
    • [Plot Type](Pages/Plot Type.html)
    • [Save Current Plot](Pages/Save Current Plot.html)
    • [Plot in new Window](Pages/Plot in new Window.html)
  • Help
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