- PM: Lucas Lee
- Database
- File storage
- Flask routing
- D1: Andrew Juang
- Database
- Droplet deployment
- File storage
- D2: Ella Krechmer
- Styling direction
- Teacher profile
- D3: Christopher Liu
- Auth/Login
- Teacher directory
- Droplet deployment
- D4: Eliza Knapp
- Database
- Auth/Login
- Teacher Profile
We will be making a site with the primary function of allowing students to see important information about their teachers —- most importantly, emails, course syllabi, and free periods/office hours. There will be a student login (using Google) where students will be able to see all this information and a teacher login (also using Google) where teachers can update their information.
Google OAuth 2.0
- API KB: https://github.com/stuy-softdev/notes-and-code/blob/main/api_kb/411_on_GoogleAuth.md
- How to use in your projects: https://github.com/stuy-softdev/notes-and-code/blob/main/how-to/howto_use_OAuth2-w-googs.md
TLDR: Google OAuth allows the flask app to use "sign in with google" for a secure, authenticated login.
How we used it: To ensure that only members of the stuyvesant community have access to the teacher profiles/schdules, you have to login with a stuyvesant email, which is made possible by google oauth. Further, this way you don't need a separate email and password to use this site!
- Clone repository
$ git clone https://github.com/Lucas-Lee11/P04.git
$ cd P04
- Create a new virtual environment
$ python3 -m venv env_name
$ source env_name/bin/activate
- Install project dependencies
(env_name) $ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
- Run the app
(env_name) $ python3 loophole.py
Access the app by going to
Alternatively, use our deployed droplet: http://teachertally.me
The following instructions are intended for deployment on a DigitalOcean droplet. They are current as of June 1, 2022.
Set up a DigitalOcean droplet with Ubuntu 20.04.3 and Apache2. Instructions here.
Install and enable WSGI. When you deploy a new app, you won't need to install the system dependencies again.
$ sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-wsgi-py3 python-dev
$ sudo a2enmod wsgi
- Install the app. (Note: typically, we would recommend using a virtual environment. However, sudo pip3 seems to bypass virtual environments anyway--please submit a PR if you figure out how to fix that--so we're going to ignore that for now.)
$ cd /var/www
$ sudo git clone https://github.com/Lucas-Lee11/P04.git
$ sudo apt-get install python3-pip
$ cd P04
$ sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt
- Configure your virtual host. Note: you can use any text editor (nano, etc.) in place of vim. Replace DROPLET_IP_ADDRESS and USERNAME as appropriate.
$ sudo vim TeacherTally.conf
You should see the following template in the .conf
<VirtualHost *:80>
WSGIScriptAlias / /var/www/P04/TeacherTally.wsgi
<Directory /var/www/P04/app/>
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
Alias /static /var/www/P04/app/static
<Directory /var/www/P04/app/static/>
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.log
LogLevel warn
CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access.log combined
Note: In order to deploy multiple apps, you won't be able to deploy both at the top-level route. You can change the WSGIScriptAlias
from /
and /static
to P04
and P04/static
Save and close the file. For vim users, type :wq
- Move the
file to the correct location.
$ sudo cp TeacherTally.conf /etc/apache2/sites-available/TeacherTally.conf
- Enable the virtual host.
$ sudo a2ensite TeacherTally
To disable your site, use
$ sudo a2dissite TeacherTally
- Change the permissions on your database file. Run the following. This will likely cause an error--it is necessary to generate the database file.
$ python3 loophole.py
Next, change the owner of the database file to www-data
$ sudo chown www-data:www-data loophole.db
$ sudo chmod 755 loophole.db
$ sudo mkdir tmp
$ sudo mv loophole.db tmp/loophole.db
$ sudo chown www-data:www-data tmp
$ sudo chmod 755 tmp
- Apply the deployment patch.
$ sudo git apply deployment.patch
Add OAuth secret files (see 411 on GoogleAuth API and
). -
Restart apache.
$ sudo service apache2 restart
- Test your app by going to
in a web browser.