This is a progress bar that can be set in various states.
VStack {
BarView(value: 22, max: 30)
BarView(value: 35, max: 30) // Notice that this bar overflows its max. This is why there is a indicator on the bar.
BarView(value: 30, max: 30)
BarView(value: 22, max: 30, showLabel: nil, color: .green)
BarView(value: 22, max: 30, showLabel: true, color: nil)
BarView(value: 22, max: 30, showLabel: true, color: .red)
You can also set the bar based on percentages:
VStack {
BarView(percent: 25)
BarView(percent: 50)
BarView(percent: 75)
BarView(percent: 100)
Simple button styling to make styling your buttons quicker. This feature is still not very customizable but will be enhanced in later versions.
Full documentation links
There are three button styles available
Button(action: {}){
Button(action: {}){
Button(action: {}){
By default these buttons will take up as much space as is available to them. You can adjust the size of your button with the frame modifier.
Button(action: {}){
.frame(width: 100, height: 50)
You can set the border/fill styling
Button(action: {}){
Button(action: {}){
}.buttonStyle(PrimaryButton(variant: .outlined))
Button(action: {}){
}.buttonStyle(PrimaryButton(variant: .contained))