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Luis Humanoide edited this page Nov 25, 2022 · 17 revisions

Installation and running the project


  • Windows

  • Java

  • Java SDK: The system needs to be run from the environment

  • NetBeans: Version 13 is recommended

  • OpenCV: The system uses a dll, the file is "opencv_java455.dll" and is in the root folder of the project.

  • opencv-455.jar

  • kmiddle.jar: Middleware jar library.

  • JMathIO : Required by JMathPlot

  • JMathPlot : Needed for visualizing some 2D and 3D plot

The following libraries and the DLL can be found ➡️ HERE ⬅️


First, it is necessary to go to the GitHub site, clone the project or download it. The address at which the project is located is as follows:

After that, is recommended to open the project in the NetBeans environment; it has not yet been tested if the project can be imported without problems in other environments. NetBeans can be found at:

Once loaded into NetBeans, the project should run smoothly.

Running the project

Once the project is downloaded in Netbeans, if the requirements are met, the system can be run

The GUI of the system is the following:


  • Original image visualizer: Displays the original image in a square resolution; the image in this version is resized to this aspect ratio since operations need the arrays to have this relationship. It will then be modified to adopt any aspect ratio.

Monocular or binocular images can be displayed.


  • Animation controls: They allow you to control if the sequence is going to animate, which can go forward or backward, in addition to being able to move to the following image or the previous one. Also, the frame rate per time unit of time can be adjusted to go faster or slower.

  • Tab panel: It shows several tabs; the first tab corresponds to the folder selector, the second to the controls to adjust brightness, contrast, and other values; Finally, the third corresponds to the additional tools that serve to create convolution filters and configure the system.


  • Activation viewer: Displays the array of images corresponding to the activations generated by the visual system.

  • Navigation buttons: They are used to navigate in the activation viewer since the arrangement of images can be extensive, and it is convenient to display all the images on one screen.

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