Denoising, Impaiting & Deconvolution with matlab
- First part : Denoise an image
- Second part : Impaiting & Deconvolution
- Matlab
run '01 - Denoising'/main.m
or '02 - Impaiting & Deconvolution'/main.m
with matlab
Result of the denoising
Zoom of the result of the denoising
Result of the deconvolution with noise = 0.1
Result of the deconvolution with p = 1 (PSNR = 21.4377)
Noised image for impainting
Result of the impainting
├── 01 - Denoising
│ ├── Denoising_Linear_Diffusion.m
│ ├── div.m
│ ├── Energy.m
│ ├── estimate_noise.m
│ ├── gradx.m
│ ├── grady.m
│ ├── Img
│ │ └── *.jpg
│ ├── main.m
│ ├── PSNR.m
│ ├── untitled2.jpg
│ └── untitled.jpg
├── 02 - Impaiting & Deconvolution
│ ├── Blur.jpg
│ ├── div.m
│ ├── Energy.m
│ ├── gradx.m
│ ├── grady.m
│ ├── Img
│ │ └── *.jpg
│ ├── kernels.mat
│ ├── main_Deconvolution.m
│ ├── main_Inpainting.m
│ ├── pEnergy.m
│ ├── pEnergy_R.m
│ ├── pLap_Deconvolution.m
│ ├── pLap.m
│ ├── PSNR.m
│ ├── result1.jpg
│ └── roispline.m
├── Explanation-esp.pdf
├── imgs
│ └── *.png
- Luis Rosario - Member 1 - Luisrosario2604