Comprehensive evaluation of a deep learning model for automatic organs at risk segmentation on heterogeneous computed tomography images for abdominal radiotherapy (Accepted to International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics).
- This work was modified from nnUNet.
- Due to data privacy protection, we can not release all-used hospital datasets, but we released 170 cases for academic research: please contact Xiangde (luoxd1996 AT gmail DOT com) for the dataset, please check the access requirement of this dataset in Here.
- PyTorch version >=1.8
- Some common python packages such as Numpy, SimpleITK, OpenCV, Scipy......
- Download the trained model (trained based our proposed method) from Google Drive.
- Now, you can use the following code to generate 16 OARs delineation.
from InferRobustABOD import Inference3D
Inference3D(rawf="liver_70_img.nii.gz", save_path="liver_70_pred.nii.gz") # rawf is the path of input image; save_path is the path of prediction.
This project was originally developed for our previous work AbsegNet, if you find it's useful for your research, please consider to cite the followings:
@article{liao2023AbsegNet, title={Comprehensive evaluation of a deep learning model for automatic organs at risk segmentation on heterogeneous computed tomography images for abdominal radiotherapy}, author={Liao, Wenjun, Luo, Xiangde, He, Yuan, Dong, Ye, Li, Churong, Li, Kang, Zhang, Shichuan, Zhang, Shaoting, Wang, Guotai, and Jianghong Xiao.}, journal={ International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics}, DOI={}, year={2023}, publisher={Elsevier} }
Liao, Wenjun, Luo, Xiangde, He, Yuan, Dong, Ye, Li, Churong, Li, Kang, Zhang, Shichuan, Zhang, Shaoting, Wang, Guotai, and Jianghong Xiao. "Comprehensive evaluation of a deep learning model for automatic organs at risk segmentation on heterogeneous computed tomography images for abdominal radiotherapy." International Journal of Radiation Oncology*Biology*Physics, (2023). Accessed May 26, 2023.
If you have any question, please contact Xiangde Luo.