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ZizzyDizzyMC edited this page Oct 15, 2014 · 3 revisions

Someone please edit this so the batchfiles actually look like they should. An experienced user could figure them out but they are badly mis-represented here.

Welcome to the wiki page for the Minecraft Console Client.

As most information is given in the readme with the download I will not be adding much to this page except advanced usage.

Most people that use this for logging in alts to a server will love the following.

This is a highly commented batch file and recommended only for advanced users of this software.

`@Echo off

set /p Server= What Server would you like? (Input server here.)
REM This Statement adds your input for the Question "What server Ip?" into a variable called "Server"

set /p DelayTime= The delay between logging in alts. (Input delay time here.) REM This Statement Adds your input in for the delay under the DelayTime variable. This is in milliseconds, Recomended time is 18000 for 18 seconds.

set /p Config= The Configuration File you would like to load.
REM You have to look at the actual config file name for the one you want to run. I have many config files for myself all programmed to do different things.

CD C:\Minecraft\New REM This above changes the directory so you can run this file from your desktop.

START /MIN MinecraftClient.exe %Config% user pass %Server% REM The START /MIN command makes the client start minimized so it doesn't annoy the crap out of you. REM The %Config% variable is what tells the client which file to load for the configuration. REM The "User" is the account's User for login. REM The "Pass" is the account's Pass for login. REM The %Server% variable is what tells the client which server to log into.

PING -n 1 -w %DelayTime% >NUL REM %DelayTime% is the ammount of time before the next one starts. REM The PING command delays the script on purpose, this is to prevent flooding mojang obviously and to give the current running client time to log in and perform commands.

TASKKILL /F /IM MinecraftClient.exe
REM Closes the previous window after the PING times out.

REM Just copy the three proceding lines above this comment line. REM A Nice file without all this crap would be like the following, (After the first three variables are set above at the begining.)

REM The REM command tells the file not to read this line or that line. Look at "Log Off when Command Performed.bat" for a very clean file with no comments. REM START /MIN MinecraftClient.exe %Config% user pass %Server% REM PING -n 1 -w %DelayTime% >NUL REM TASKKILL /F /IM MinecraftClient.exe `

The client software is in the directory C:\Minecraft\New

This next batch file is another example one. (Log Off When Command Performed.bat)

@Echo off

set /p Server= What Server would you like? (Input server here.)
set /p DelayTime= The delay between logging in alts. (Input delay time here.) set /p Config= The Configuration File you would like to load. (Type the name of the .ini file you want to load.)
CD C:\Minecraft\New

START /MIN MinecraftClient.exe %Config% user pass %Server% PING -n 1 -w %DelayTime% >NUL TASKKILL /F /IM MinecraftClient.exe

Next batch file is even faster and more automated. But very specialized in nature.

I call it "release the alts." Keep in mind doing something like this may get you banned from your favorite server if you abuse this.

@Echo off

CD C:\Minecraft\New

START /MIN MinecraftClient.exe example.ini user1 pass1

START /MIN MinecraftClient.exe example.ini user2 pass2

START /MIN MinecraftClient.exe example.ini user3 pass3

START /MIN MinecraftClient.exe example.ini user4 pass4

START /MIN MinecraftClient.exe example.ini user5 pass5

START /MIN MinecraftClient.exe example.ini user6 pass6

START /MIN MinecraftClient.exe example.ini user7 pass7

START /MIN MinecraftClient.exe example.ini user8 pass8

START /MIN MinecraftClient.exe example.ini user9 pass9

START /MIN MinecraftClient.exe example.ini user10 pass10