RestARant is an up and coming mobile app that uses Augmented Reality to change the way you sea food!
Supported restaurants will place QR codes on their menu. RestARant will display them on your table before you even order so you can see exactly what you're ordering!
RestARant will also display nutritional information and ingredient lists to help you keep a healthy lifestyle!
RestARant reads QR codes to determine the name of a specific dish from a restaurant. It then downloads it's model from RestARant's database and then searches the USDA's database to find nutritional value and ingredients. All of this information is then displayed to the user.
Simply open the application and make sure the QR code you wish to read is in view. The app will automatically read it and display the dish!
By default, the app displays the ingredients of the dish. To display nutritional information, simply tap the "Nutrients" button.
Rotate the dish by using rotating two fingers in a circular motion on the screen. Pinch the screen to make the dish bigger or smaller! Or even just drag the dish around!
- CGTrader for some of the awesome example food models
- Blender for confirming how bad I am at making 3D Models
- Paint.NET for helping me design the logo
- United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) for a wonder nutritional database
- Welch's fruit snacks for keeping me alive for 36 hours
- And of course, Hack UMass VI
This project was created in 36 hours for Hack UMass VI