<%= tutorial.title %>
diff --git a/spec/cypress/e2e/voucher_redemption_spec.cy.js b/spec/cypress/e2e/voucher_redemption_spec.cy.js
index ef0857459..346933198 100644
--- a/spec/cypress/e2e/voucher_redemption_spec.cy.js
+++ b/spec/cypress/e2e/voucher_redemption_spec.cy.js
@@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
import FactoryBot from "../support/factorybot";
function createRedemptionScenario(context) {
+ cy.createUser("teacher").as("teacher");
cy.then(() => {
- FactoryBot.create("lecture").as("lecture");
+ FactoryBot.create("lecture", { teacher_id: context.teacher.id }).as("lecture");
cy.then(() => {
@@ -23,7 +24,7 @@ function submitVoucher(voucher) {
-function verifyVoucherRedemption() {
+function verifyVoucherRedemptionText() {
@@ -44,6 +45,77 @@ function redeemVoucherToBecomeTutor(context) {
+function createTutorials(context) {
+ FactoryBot.create("tutorial", { lecture_id: context.lecture.id }).as("tutorial1");
+ FactoryBot.create("tutorial", { lecture_id: context.lecture.id }).as("tutorial2");
+ FactoryBot.create("tutorial", { lecture_id: context.lecture.id }).as("tutorial3");
+function selectTutorialsAndSubmit(tutorialIds) {
+ const tutorialIdsAsStrings = tutorialIds.map(id => id.toString());
+ cy.getBySelector("claim-select").should("be.visible");
+ cy.getBySelector("claim-select").select(tutorialIdsAsStrings, { force: true });
+ cy.getBySelector("claim-submit").click();
+ console.log(tutorialIds);
+ cy.getBySelector("flash-notice").should("be.visible");
+function verifyTutorialRowsContainTutorName(context, tutorialIds) {
+ cy.getBySelector("tutorial-row").should("have.length", 3).each(($el) => {
+ const dataId = parseInt($el.attr("data-id"), 10);
+ console.log(tutorialIds);
+ console.log(dataId);
+ if (tutorialIds.includes(dataId)) {
+ cy.wrap($el).should("contain", context.user.name_in_tutorials);
+ }
+ else {
+ cy.wrap($el).should("not.contain", context.user.name_in_tutorials);
+ }
+ });
+function loginAsTeacherAndVisitLectureEdit(context) {
+ cy.logout();
+ cy.login(context.teacher);
+ cy.visit(`/lectures/${context.lecture.id}/edit`);
+ cy.getBySelector("people-tab-btn").click();
+function runTutorialTest(tutorialCount) {
+ it(`allows the user to successfully submit ${tutorialCount} tutorial(s) and become their tutor`, function () {
+ createTutorials(this);
+ let tutorialIds;
+ cy.then(() => {
+ switch (tutorialCount) {
+ case 1:
+ tutorialIds = [this.tutorial1.id];
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ tutorialIds = [this.tutorial1.id, this.tutorial2.id];
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ tutorialIds = [this.tutorial1.id, this.tutorial2.id, this.tutorial3.id];
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw new Error("Invalid tutorial count");
+ }
+ submitVoucher(this.voucher);
+ selectTutorialsAndSubmit(tutorialIds);
+ });
+ cy.then(() => {
+ loginAsTeacherAndVisitLectureEdit(this);
+ });
+ cy.then(() => {
+ verifyTutorialRowsContainTutorName(this, tutorialIds);
+ });
+ });
describe("Profile page", () => {
beforeEach(function () {
@@ -54,49 +126,41 @@ describe("Profile page", () => {
- describe("Verify voucher form", () => {
- describe("for tutor vouchers", () => {
- it("can submit a valid voucher", function () {
- submitVoucher(this.voucher);
- verifyVoucherRedemption();
- });
- });
- });
describe("Tutor voucher redemption", () => {
describe("if the lecture has no tutorials yet", () => {
- it("shows a message that there are no tutorials and a redeem voucher button", function () {
+ it("allows redemption of voucher to successfully become tutor", function () {
+ verifyVoucherRedemptionText();
- });
- it("allows redemption of voucher to become tutor", function () {
- submitVoucher(this.voucher);
cy.then(() => {
+ cy.then(() => {
+ loginAsTeacherAndVisitLectureEdit(this);
+ });
+ cy.then(() => {
+ cy.getBySelector("tutorial-row").should("not.exist");
+ cy.getBySelector("new-tutorial-btn").should("be.visible").click();
+ });
+ cy.then(() => {
+ cy.getBySelector("tutorial-form").should("be.visible");
+ cy.getBySelector("tutor-select").should("be.visible").within(() => {
+ cy.get("option").should("contain", this.user.name_in_tutorials)
+ .and("contain", this.user.email)
+ .and("not.contain", this.user.name);
+ });
+ });
describe("if the lecture has tutorials", () => {
- it("shows a message after submission that there are tutorials and a select form",
- function () {
- FactoryBot.create("tutorial", { lecture_id: this.lecture.id })
- .as("tutorial1");
- FactoryBot.create("tutorial", { lecture_id: this.lecture.id })
- .as("tutorial2");
- cy.then(() => {
- submitVoucher(this.voucher);
- cy.getBySelector("claim-select").should("be.visible");
- cy.getBySelector("claim-select")
- .select([this.tutorial1.id, this.tutorial2.id], { force: true });
- cy.getBySelector("claim-submit").click();
- cy.then(() => {
- cy.getBySelector("flash-notice").should("be.visible");
- });
- });
- });
+ runTutorialTest(1);
+ runTutorialTest(2);
+ runTutorialTest(3);