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Identifo iOS

Swift Swift Package Manager Carthage Compatible

Identifo iOS is an open library that allows you instantly and easily integrate the Identifo authentication framework in your apps.



  1. Head to Xcode -> File -> Swift Packages -> Add Package Dependency...
  2. Paste this link to the search bar:
  3. Proceed with the installation


pod 'identifo-ios', '~> 1.0.0'


github "MadAppGang/identifo-ios" "1.0.0"


Import the library

import Identifo

Setup IdentifoManager using Context. Context needs 3 values to initialize:

  • apiURL (URL to Identifo on your backend)
  • clientID (String - application access identifier defined on your backend)
  • secretKey (String - HMAC shared secret key, also defined on your backend)
class AuthManager {
    private var identifo: IdentifoManager!
    init() {

    private func setupIdentifo() {
        let context = Context(apiURL: URL(string: SecretKey.apiURL)!,
                              clientID: SecretKey.clientID,
                              secretKey: SecretKey.secretKey)
        identifo = IdentifoManager(context: context)

We recommend storing keys and IDs in the file ignored by the version control system or encrypting this file using git-secret


Here's how you can use Identifo functions in your implementation:

    func loginWith(email: String, password: String, completion: @escaping (Result<Void, Error>) -> Void) {
        identifo.loginWith(username: email, password: password) { [weak self] result in
            guard let self = self else { return }
            switch result {
            case .success(let authInfo):
                guard let accessToken = authInfo.accessToken else {
                // Save access token to form url requests with it later. 
                // The best option for such storage is Apples Keychain Services
                decodeUserIDFrom(authInfo) { [weak self] result in
                    // when you have decoded userID you can use it to request user entity from your server
            case .failure(let error):

You would need to decode your user identifier from AuthInfo that you receive on a successful authentication request. For that, you can use auth0's JWTDecode library

    import JWTDecode

    typealias UserID = String

    private func decodeUserIDFrom(_ authInfo: AuthInfo, completion: @escaping (Result<UserID, Error>) -> Void) {
        do {
            let jwt = try decode(jwt: authInfo.accessToken ?? "")
            guard let userID = jwt.subject else {
        } catch let error {

Forming network requests with the access token

When you've successfully authenticated your user and saved their access token you can use it to form network requests. Here's one way how you can do it:

    private func yourRequest() {
        // retrive accessToken from where you've saved it
        let accessToken = keychainService.accessToken()

        var request = URLRequest(url: URL(string: "usersDataPoint")!)
        request.addValue("Bearer \(accessToken)", forHTTPHeaderField: "Authorization")

Available functions

func registerWith(username: String, password: String, completion: @escaping (Result<AuthInfo, Error>) -> Void)
func loginWith(username: String, password: String, completion: @escaping (Result<AuthInfo, Error>) -> Void)
func requestPhoneCode(phoneNumber: String, completion: @escaping (Result<IdentifoSuccess, Error>) -> Void)
func loginWith(phoneNumber: String, verificationCode: String, completion: @escaping (Result<AuthInfo, Error>) -> Void)
// Federated login utilizes login options provided by Apple, Google, Facebook and Twitter
func federatedLogin(provider: FederatedProvider, authorizationCode: String, completion: @escaping (Result<AuthInfo, Error>) -> Void)
func deanonymizeUser(completion: @escaping (Result<IdentifoSuccess, Error>) -> Void)
func resetPassword(email: String, completion: @escaping (Result<IdentifoSuccess, Error>) -> Void)
func renewAccessToken(completion: @escaping (Result<IdentifoSuccess, Error>) -> Void)
func logout(completion: @escaping (Result<Void, Error>) -> Void)


Identifo for iOS is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.