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File metadata and controls

509 lines (419 loc) · 18.4 KB


Observer extends EventEmitter

Observer extends EventEmitter

Observer that provides sync events when data is changed. For data-centric application this allows to build more flat architecture where different logical parts can subscribe to observer and do not need to interact between each other, by that decoupling logic, improving modularity. Data can be any complexity JSON, and provides specific path or simple query for partial paths using wildcard notation for subscribing to changes.

Extends: EventEmitter


Name Type Description
data object | array Data that observer is modifying. This data should not be modified by application logic.

new Observer([data]) (constructor)
.set([path], data)
.patch([path], data)
.insert(path, data, [index])
.move(path, from, to)
.remove(path, [index])
.on(name, callback, [scope], [once])EventHandler
.once(name, callback, [scope])EventHandler
.emit(name, [...args])
.off([name], [callback], [scope])
[path:]set (path, value, old) (event)
[path:]unset (path, old) (event)
[path:]insert (path, value, index) (event)
[path:]move (path, value, from, to) (event)
[path:]remove (path, value, index) (event)

new Observer([data])

Param Type Description
[data] object | array Object or an Array for initial data. Defaults to { };


let planet = new Observer({ age: 4.543, population: 7.594 });

// get data
element.textContent = planet.get('population');

// know when data changes
planet.on('population:set', function (path, value) {
    element.textContent = value;

// set data
planet.set('population', 7.595); // triggers "population:set" event


// more complex example for data
let planets = new Observer({
    earth: {
        age: 4.543,
        population: 7.594
    mars: {
        age: 4.603,
        population: 0

// know when any planet population changes
// using a wildcard notation to match multiple paths
planets.on('*.population:set', function (path, population) {
    const planet = path[0];
    elements[planet].textContent = population;

// set data
planets.set('earth.population', 7.595); // triggers "*.population:set" event


// list of tasks
let todos = new Observer([{
    text: 'buy a milk',
    complete: true
}, {
    text: 'walk a dog'

// subscribe for a new tasks
todos.on('insert', (path, value, index) => {
    if (path.length) return;
    console.log(`new task "${value.text}" been added at position ${index}`);

// subscribe for a task completion state changes
todos.on('*.complete:set', (path, value) => {
    console.log(`task "${todos.get(path[0] + '.text')}" has been marked "${(!value ? 'not ' : '') + 'complete'}"`);

// add another task
todos.insert('', { text: 'fix a fence' });

// complete a task
todos.set('1.complete', true);

.set([path], data)

Set data by a specific path. If in process of setting existing object values will be unset, it will emit unset events with related paths. New and modified values will trigger set events with related paths. If set is against an array and index is higher then length of an array, it will insert null's until set value and trigger insert events.

Param Type Description
[path] string | number Path in data to be set to. If path is not provided, it will set the root of observer.
data * Data to be set.


obj.set('position.x', 42);
obj.set('position', { x: 4, y: 2 });


Unset data by a specific path. It will emit unset events with related paths. If path is not provided, it will reset root of data to empty object. If unset of an array item, it will additionally trigger move and remove events if necessary.

Param Type Description
[path] string | number Path in data to be unset. If path is not provided, it will set root of observer to empty object.



.patch([path], data)

Patch data by a specific path. In process of setting, it will not unset values that are not provided in patch data. But still can trigger unset events if object is changed to something else, so it will emit unset events with related paths. New and modified values will trigger set events with related paths.

Param Type Description
[path] string | number Path in data to be patched. If path is not provided, it will patch the root of observer.
data * Data for patching.


let obj = new Observer({ position: { x: 4, y: 2 } });
obj.patch('position', { z: 7 });
// will become { position: { x: 4, y: 2, z: 7 } }

.insert(path, data, [index])

Insert data by a specific path. Inserting new data will emit set event, if any items were moved in array, they will emit move event first.

Param Type Description
path string | number Path in data to be inserted to. If path is empty string or null, it will insert in the root of observer if it is an array.
data * Data to be set.
[index] number Index within array to insert to. By default -1 (the end of an array). 0 - will insert in the beginning. Negative values will count from the end of an array.


const primes = new Observer([ 2, 5, 7 ]);
primes.insert('', 11);
primes.insert('', 3, 1); // we forgot prime number 3 which should be second in a list


const planets = new Observer({
    saturn: {
        satellites: [ ]
obj.insert('saturn.satellites', 'rhea');
obj.insert('saturn.satellites', 'iapetus');
obj.insert('saturn.satellites', 'titan', 0); // insert in the beginning

.move(path, from, to)

Move item by a specific path. Moving item will emit move event for affected items in arrays first, and then moved item it self. Indices support negative values, counting will be from the end then.

Param Type Description
path string | number Path in data to be inserted to. If path is empty string or null, it will insert in the root of observer if it is an array.
from number Index from which item to be moved.
to number Index to which item to be moved.


satellites.move('', 1, 3); // from 1 to 3
satellites.move('', -1, 0); // from the end to the beginning
satellites.move('', 3, -1); // from 3 to the end

.remove(path, [index])

Remove item by a specific path. Removing item will emit unset event for an affected item in arrays first, then move event for affected items, and then remove for it self. Indices support negative values, counting will be from the end then.

Param Type Description
path string | number Path in data to be inserted to. If path is empty string or null, it will insert in the root of observer if it is an array.
[index] number Index from which item to be removed. By default removes from the end of an array.


planets.remove('', 8); // remove 9th item (sad Pluto)

.get([path]) ⇒ *

Get data by a specific path. Returns raw data based on path. If path is not provided will return root data of observer. This data should not be modified by application logic, and is subject to change by obseerver functions.

Returns: * - Data based on provided path.

Param Type Description
[path] string | number Path of data to be returned.


let x = obj.get('position.x');


const planets = new Observer([ 'mercury', 'venus', 'earth', 'mars', 'jupiter', 'saturn', 'uranus', 'neptune' ])
let planet = planets.get(2); // earth


Resets observer, its data to empty object and removes all subscribed events.

.on(name, callback, [scope], [once]) ⇒ EventHandler

Attach an event handler.

Overrides: on
Returns: EventHandler - Object that can be used to manage the event.

Param Type Description
name string Name of the event to bind the callback to.
callback function Function that is called when event is emitted.
[scope] object Object to use as 'this' when the event is emitted, defaults to current this.
[once] boolean Boolean to indicate if this event should emit only once. Defaults to false.


obj.on('event', function (a, b) {
    console.log(a + b);
obj.emit('event', 4, 2);

.once(name, callback, [scope]) ⇒ EventHandler

Attach an event handler which will emit only once.

Returns: EventHandler - Object that can be used to manage the event.

Param Type Description
name string Name of the event to bind the callback to.
callback function Function that is called when event is emitted.
[scope] object Object to use as 'this' when the event is emitted, defaults to current this.


obj.once('event', function (a) {
obj.emit('event', 4);
obj.emit('event', 2); // will not trigger

.emit(name, [...args])

Emit the event by name and optional list of arguments.

Param Type Description
name string Name of the event to bind the callback to.
[...args] * Arguments to be passed to event callbacks.


obj.emit('event', 'hello', 42);

.off([name], [callback], [scope])

Remove event handlers based on provided arguments.

Param Type Description
[name] string Name of the events to remove. If not specified all events will be removed.
[callback] function Function that is used as callback. If not defined, then all events of specified name will be removed.
[scope] object Object that is used as a scope for event handlers. If not defined, then all events with matching name and callback function will be removed.

Example; // removes all events'event'); // removes all events named `event`.\w+/); // removes all events with name matching regular expression'event', fn); // removes events named `event` with `fn`'event', fn, obj); // removes events named `event` with `fn` callback and `obj` as a scope.

(event) [path:]set (path, value, old)

Fired when value have been set/changed on a path. Path can be a specific or using a wildcard notation for broader matches. Also path can be omitted completely to match event for any changes.

Param Type Description
path Array.<(string|number)> Path to the value changed as a mutable array of strings or numbers. Do not modify this array.
value * New value.
old * Old value.


// specific path
obj.on('earth.population:set', function (path, value, old) {
    element.textContent = value;


// using wildcard with partial path, which will match any changes
// where second level property name is `population`
obj.on('*.population:set', function (path, value, old) {
    const planet = path[0];
    elements[planet].textContent = value;


const obj = new Observer({ position: { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 } });

// using wildcard to match any axis change of a position object
obj.on('position.*:set', function (path, value, old) {
    const axis = path[1];
    setAxis(axis, value);


obj.on('set', function (path, value, old) {
    // any change of data will trigger this event

(event) [path:]unset (path, old)

Fired when value have been unset on a path. Same rules apply as for set event when defining path.

Param Type Description
path Array.<(string|number)> Path to the value changed as a mutable array of strings or numbers. Do not modify this array.
old * Old value.


obj.on('earth.population:unset', function (path, old) {
    console.log(`'earth.population' has been unset`);


obj.on('*:unset', function (path) {
    console.log(`planet '${path[0]}' has been unset`);


obj.on('unset', function (path) {
    console.log(`'${path.join('.')}' has been unset`);

(event) [path:]insert (path, value, index)

Fired when value have been inserted on a path. Path can be a specific or using a wildcard notation for broader matches. Also path can be omitted completely to match event for any inserts.

Param Type Description
path Array.<(string|number)> Path to the value changed as a mutable array of strings or numbers. Do not modify this array.
value * New value.
index number Index at which value was inserted.


// specific path
obj.on('saturn.satellites:insert', function (path, value, index) {
    console.log(`satelite "${value}" has been added to saturn at position ${index}`);


// using wildcard with partial path, which will match any changes
// where second level property name is `satellites`
obj.on('*.satellites:insert', function (path, value, index) {
    console.log(`satellite "${value}" of planet "${path[0]}", has been inserted at ${index}`);


obj.on('insert', function (path, value, index) {
    // any insert of data will trigger this event

(event) [path:]move (path, value, from, to)

Fired when value have been moved in an array. Path can be a specific or using a wildcard notation for broader matches. Also path can be omitted completely to match event for any changes.

Param Type Description
path Array.<(string|number)> Path to the value changed as a mutable array of strings or numbers. Do not modify this array.
value * Value item moved.
from number Index from which value was moved.
to number Index to which value was moved.


// specific path
obj.on('saturn.satellites:move', function (path, value, from, to) {



// using wildcard with partial path, which will match any changes
// where second level property name is `satellites`
obj.on('*.satellites:move', function (path, value, from, to) {
    console.log(`satellite "${value}" of planet "${path[0]}", has been moved from ${from} to ${to}`);


obj.on('move', function (path, value, from, to) {
    // any move of data will trigger this event

(event) [path:]remove (path, value, index)

Fired when value have been removed from an array. Path can be a specific or using a wildcard notation for broader matches. Also path can be omitted completely to match event for any changes.

Param Type Description
path Array.<(string|number)> Path to the value changed as a mutable array of strings or numbers. Do not modify this array.
value * Old value.
index number Index from which value was removed.


// specific path
obj.on('planets:remove', function (path, value, index) {
    // oh Pluto!


// using wildcard with partial path, which will match any changes
// where second level property name is `satellites`
obj.on('*.satellites:remove', function (path, value, index) {
    console.log(`satellite "${value}" of planet "${path[0]}", has been removed from ${index} position`);


obj.on('remove', function (path, value, index) {
    // any remove of data will trigger this event


Provides ability to subscribe and emit events in sync manner. Each subscribtion (on, once) returns EventHandler that simplifies callbacks management.



Constructed by EventEmitter and provides easy ability to manage event.
