The following tests were carried out and their actual outcome recorded:
Test no. | Form/Page | Purpose | Test Data | Expected Outcome | Type | Actual Outcome |
1 | Login | Check that a connection to the database can be established | Database address: “”,Database password: “]JKfpLZSp=8Qd*NM” | Connection to database is established | Normal | Connection to DB is established |
2 | Login | Check that the appropriate error message is displayed if the connection to the database cannot be established | Database address: “”, Database password: “123” | Connection to database cannot be established | Erroneous | Message Box: “Could not establish connection to the database” |
3 | Login | Check that a valid username and password combination is accepted when signing in | Username: “admin”, password: “admin123” | User logs in – administrator form is displayed | Normal | Admin. form is displayed |
4 | Login | Check that an invalid username and password combination is rejected when signing in | Username: “admin”, password: “test” | User does not log in | Erroneous | Message Box: “Login Failed” |
5 | Login | Checking that if the correct user credentials do not match to an administrator or secretary account, access to the Administrator Form is denied | Username: “teacher4”, password: “mathisfun” - access rights: ‘t’ | User does not log in (notified of access denied) | Erroneous | Message Box: “Teachers do not have access to the desktop application” |
6 | Login | Checking that the combination of correct credentials, along with the user type administrator or secretary hides the Log In form and displays the Administrator form | Username: “angeladem”, password: “test2” - access rights: ‘s’ | User is logged in | Normal | Admin. form is displayed |
7 | Administrator-attendances | Checking that an appropriate Absent Student list is generated and displayed without choosing a group | User clicks on the “Display Absent Students” button & Date: Monday, April 12 2021 | List of Students is generated | Normal | Students absent on the day selected are fetched |
8 | Administrator-attendances | Checking that an appropriate Absent Student list is generated and displayed given a selected group | User clicks on the “Display Absent Students” button & Group: “E2” & Date: Monday, April 12 2021 | List of Students is generated | Normal | Students absent on the day selected and from the group selected are fetched |
9 | Administrator-attendances | Checking that a .csv file is generated successfully at the selected file path | User clicks on the “Generate Flat File” button & Date: Monday, April 12 2021 & Target destination: Desktop | .csv file generated named “absences-on-2021-04-12” | Normal | .csv file generated named “absences-on-2021-04-12” |
10 | Administrator-students | Checking that a group selected results in the right list of students presented | User clicks on the “Display All from Group” button & Group: “E2” | List of Students is generated | Normal | List of Students who belong in the “E2” group is generated |
11 | Administrator-students | Checking that an error message is displayed when no group is selected to show its member students | User clicks on the “Display All from Group” button & Group: “” | Error message is displayed | Erroneous | Message Box: “You have not selected a group from the list” |
12 | Administrator-students | Check that an error message is displayed when no student is selected to be removed | User clicks on the “Remove Student” button | Error message is displayed | Erroneous | Message Box: “You have not selected a student from the list” |
13 | Administrator-students | Check that an incorrectly structured .csv file has been selected | User clicks on the “Upload All Students” button, .csv file is selected | Students are not uploaded to the database | Erroneous | Message Box: “You have not selected an appropriate file” |
14 | Administrator-calendar | Check that a semester’s initial date is not later than the final date selected by the user | Semester ID: 5, Start Date: Wednesday, September 1 2021, End Date: Tuesday, August 31 2021 | Semester and dates not added to the database | Erroneous | Semester and dates not added to the database |
15 | Administrator-calendar | Check that all dates are added to the database in the “Semesters” and “Dates” tables | Semester ID: 5, Start Date: Wednesday, September 1 2021, End Date: Tuesday, December 21 2021 | Semester and dates in the range provided are added to the database | Normal | Semester and dates in the range provided are added to the database |
16 | Administrator-calendar | Check that an error message is displayed when no semester is selected to be removed | User clicks on “Remove Semester and Associated Dates” button | Error message is displayed, dates not deleted | Erroneous | Message Box: “You have not selected a semester from the list” |
17 | Administrator-groups | Check for appropriate error message when no group name was used to add a new group | Group ID: “” | Error message is displayed, group not added | Erroneous | Message Box: “You have not entered a valid group name” |
18 | Administrator-groups | Check that a group is added when an appropriate name has been entered | Group ID: “St2” | Group is added to the database | Normal | Group is added to the database |
19 | Administrator-groups | Check that an error message is displayed when no group is selected to be removed | User clicks on the “Delete Group and All Member Students” button | Group and students are not deleted | Erroneous | Group and students are not deleted |
20 | Administrator-groups | Check that a single group and all its member students are deleted successfully | User clicks on the “Delete Group and All Member Students” button group “A1” selected | Group and students are deleted from the database | Normal | Group and students are deleted from the database |
21 | Administrator-users | Check that two correctly structured .csv files have been selected | User clicks on the “Upload Schedule” button after selecting a user, 2 .csv files are selected in sequence | Selected user’s schedule is uploaded as “teachings” | Normal | Selected user’s schedule is uploaded as “teachings” |
22 | Administrator-users | Check that a single user has been selected when uploading their schedule | User clicks on the “Upload Schedule” button | Permission to choose a .csv file is denied | Erroneous | Message Box: “You have not selected an appropriate file” |
23 | Administrator-users | Check that a single user has been selected when changing their password | User clicks on the “Change Password” button | User not allowed to enter a new password | Erroneous | Message Box: “You have not selected a user from the list” |
24 | Administrator-users | Check that an empty password was not provided when changing password for a user | Initial password = “”, Repeated password = “” | New password is not sent to the database | Erroneous | Message Box: “The new password cannot be empty” |
25 | Administrator-users | Inserting the same password twice changes the current password of the user to the new one | Initial password = “newpass”, Repeated password = “newpass” | New password is sent to the database | Normal | New password is sent to the database |
26 | Administrator-users | Inserting different passwords when changing the selected user’s password results in an error message | Initial password = “newpass”, Repeated password = “newpass1” | New password is not sent to the database | Erroneous | Message Box: “The passwords do not match” |
27 | Administrator-users | Check that a single user has been selected when deleting them from the database | The user clicks on the “Delete User” button | No user is deleted from the database | Normal | Message Box: “You have not selected a user from the list” |
28 | Administrator-users | Selecting “Yes” in the popup window deletes the selected user from the database | The user clicks on the “Delete User” button - User selected: “teacher4” | Selected user and associated info is removed from the database | Normal | Selected user and associated info is removed from the database |
29 | Administrator-users | Selecting “No” in the popup window does not delete the user from the database | The user clicks on the “Delete User” button - User selected: “stylianospha” | No user is deleted from the database | Normal | No user is deleted from the database |
30 | Administrator-lessons | Check that a single lesson has been selected when removing it from the database | The user clicks on the “Delete Lesson” button | No lesson is deleted from the database | Erroneous | No lesson is deleted from the lessons table in the database |
31 | Administrator-lessons | Check that a numeric ID results to creating a new lesson in the database | Lesson ID: 12, Lesson Name: “testSubject” | The new lesson is inserted into the database | Normal | The new lesson is inserted into the database |
32 | Administrator-lessons | Check that a lesson is not created when a non-numeric lesson ID is provided | Lesson ID: “new”, Lesson Name: “testSubject” | No new lesson is inserted into the database | Erroneous | Message Box: “The lesson ID must be an integer” |
33 | Administrator | Check that a non-empty post text has been provided | Post text: “” | The post is not sent to the database | Erroneous | Message Box: “The post will not be uploaded” |
34 | Mobile – Main | Check that the current password and new passwords result in the password being changed | Logged in user: georgiagre, current password - “test”, new password - “testnew”, repeat password - “testnew” | The user’s password is changed | Normal | The user’s password is changed |
35 | Mobile – Main | Check that the feed posts are fetched on launch | Logged in user: georgiagre | The posts are fetched | Normal | The posts are fetched |