#Moving towards scalability...
- Have a full backup - database, old files. Make double sure you have it already.
- Ensure Python 3.9 venv is present (
apt install python3.9-venv python3.9-dev
) python3.9 -m venv ~/venv/
source ~/venv/bin/activate
pip3 install -r requirements.txt --upgrade
- If you are using QuestEnhancer you also need async PD - just just download
from usual place.
###Modes of operation:
- Single Host (small setups, approx <20)
Use start.py like you normally would after having installed requirements.txt
- Single MAD core + MitmMapper in a single process (1 core, small to mediocre setups), multiple MitmReceiver hosts/processes anywhere
- Use start.py like normally
- Start additional MitmReceivers using start_mitmreceiver.py
- Check config parameters as to how to connect additiona MitmReceivers using gRPC to the main MAD instance (namely mappingmanager_ip and mitmmapper_ip need to point to main MAD host)
- Adjust LoadBalancer behaviour (or Reverse Proxy) accordingly.
- Set MitmReceiver's unix sockets per process using mitm_unix_socket with full paths to the socket files
- Point ReverseProxy/LoadBalancer to those accordingly Sample NGINX + Supervisord: NGINX config:
Supervisord config:upstream mad_mitm_receiver { server unix:/tmp/mad_mitm_receiver_1.sock fail_timeout=0 max_conns=100 max_fails=0; server unix:/tmp/mad_mitm_receiver_2.sock fail_timeout=0 max_conns=100 max_fails=0; } server { listen 80 default_server; listen [::]:80 default_server; root /var/www/html; # Add index.php to the list if you are using PHP index index.html index.htm index.nginx-debian.html; server_name _; location / { proxy_set_header Host $http_host; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; proxy_redirect off; proxy_buffering off; proxy_pass http://mad_mitm_receiver; } }
[program:mad_mitm_receiver] numprocs = 2 numprocs_start = 1 process_name = mad_mitm_receiver_%(process_num)s command=/opt/MAD/venv/bin/python3 /opt/MAD/start_mitmreceiver.py -os -vv --mitm_unix_socket=/tmp/mad_mitm_receiver_%(process_num)s.sock environment=PATH="/opt/MAD/venv/bin:%(ENV_PATH)s" user = www-data directory=/opt/MAD #directory=/opt/map_all/MADDev startsec=15 startretries=3 autorestart=true stopsignal=INT stopwaitsecs=60 stdout_logfile=/var/log/mad_mitm_receiver.log redirect_stderr = true
- MAD Core, MitmMapper running on same host (or each on their own) + multiple MitmReceivers as shown above
- Use start_core.py, start_mitmmapper.py, start_mitmreceiver.py accordingly
- Adjust mappingmanager_ip and mitmmapper_ip in the configs
Please provide feedback on runtype and performance, especially amount of devices being run in a single MAD core instance :)
Keep in mind that all of MAD is now based on asyncio. Meaning a single .py script being executed runs all code in a single core.
Thus MitmReceiver may show high CPU usage (on a single core). A lot of time is spent waiting for DB processing as well.
Also, the default db_poolsize of 2 may be too little in some situations, do play around with that parameter.
pip3 install uvloop
- Consider splitting up more components, i.e. MappingManager to be extended to gRPC entirely
- Split RouteManagers to components
- Thus connect multiple WebsocketServers to scale by device/worker count