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Wallet App logo

Vercel MIKR.US Swagger

Made by: Team

Wallet App is a web-based application that allows users to manage their finances, monitor transactions and track account balances. The app is designed for personal use and provides tools for tracking income and expenses.

Table of Contents


Version for Mobile / Tablet / Desktop - Responsive Web Design (RWD)


Login and Register Pages


Balance and Currency Pages


Add Transaction Pages


Edit Transaction Page




Logout Page



Login and Register Pages


Balance, Currency and Statistic


Add Transaction Page


Edit Transaction Page


User Panel

userPanel1 userPanel1


Register Page


Login Page


Balance, Curency and Statistic


Add Transaction Page


Edit Transaction Page


Logout Page


General Information

  • The Wallet application created is the final task to take advantage of all the areas faced during the full year of fullstack learning

Technologies Used


  • VSCode (with bash terminal)
  • JavaScript ES6
  • Vite (JavaScript + SWC)
  • GitHub
  • GIT
  • prettier
  • Slack
  • Trello
  • Figma
  • Squoosh: For image optimization and compression.
  • For creating and managing custom icon fonts.
  • .env / dotenv
  • Node.js (v18.17.1):
  • npm (9.8.0) - package manager
  • faker - generate mock transactions

Frontend (client side):

  • Deployed on Vercel (previously on GitHub Pages: )
  • HTML5, CSS3
  • Modern-normalize
  • React.js: JavaScript framework for building the user interface.
  • React Hooks
  • React-Media: For adapting the interface to different screen resolutions.
  • Redux: Library for managing the state of the application.
  • React-password-strength-bar - shows password strength.
  • Redux-Persist: For storing the state of the application, including the token in localStorage.
  • LocalStorage: For storing certain data on the client side, such as tokens.
  • React Router: For navigating between different views of the application.
  • Material-UI: For building user interfaces and components.
  • Formik and Yup: For handling forms and validation.
  • Notiflix: For displaying error notifications and other messages to the user.
  • Chart.js and react-chartjs-2: For charts and data visualization.
  • React-Loader-Spinner: For displaying the loading indicator (spinner).
  • Axios: For making HTTP requests to the server.
  • react-password-strength-bar: Library for password strength indication.
  • Datetime: Library for date and time input.
  • - getting currency data

Backend (server side):

  • Deployed on MIKR.US VPS [Reflink:] (previously on
  • Node.js v20.12.1 (previously v18.17.1): The runtime environment for the server.
  • Nodemon
  • Express.js: Framework for creating an HTTP server.
  • MongoDB: NoSQL database, perhaps using mongoose as the database interaction tool.
  • Mongoose
  • CORS,
  • Morgan
  • JWT (JSON Web Tokens): For user authentication.
  • joi - validation
  • Bcript - encrypting
  • Passport, passport-jwt
  • SendGrid - email delivery API
  • Swagger UI: For generating API endpoint documentation.
  • colors - add colors in terminal API endpoints API endpoints API endpoints


List the ready features here:

  • Users registration, email verification and login:
  • The application handles the registration, sending email with verification link and login process for users. - It uses the Formik and Yup (or Indicative) library to validate form fields, including checking the validity of email address and password length.
  • User auth Management: After a successful user login, the user's token and credentials are stored in the Redux Store, and the isAuth flag is set to true. In case of a login error, the error is stored in the session state and displayed to the user.
  • Routing Protection: Higher-Order Components (HOCs) such as withAuthRedirect are used, which control access to specific sites based on the user's authentication status. In this way, routing protection is provided.
  • Data Retrieval: The application retrieves transaction and balance status data. These operations are performed when the DashboardPage component is loaded and are asynchronous.
  • Displaying Data on Charts: The Chart component uses the react-chartjs-2 library to display data on charts. This data is likely to come from the user's transactions and can be presented as charts.
  • Adding Transactions: The app allows you to add new transactions using a form that appears when you click the "Add Transaction" button. Values such as date, sum, transaction type and comment are validated before being sent to the server.
  • Transaction Categories: There is an endpoint for obtaining transaction categories, which suggests that transactions can be grouped by category.
  • Transaction Statistics: There is an endpoint for obtaining detailed statistics for the month and year with user transactions. This allows you to generate reports and analyze expenses.
  • Modal Logout: When the user clicks on the "Logout" button, a modal window appears to confirm the logout. This is an extra layer of security to avoid accidental logout.
  • Loader (Spinner): A spinner is used to indicate activity during asynchronous operations, such as downloading data. This spinner is called in the center of the screen.
  • Balance Display: The Balance component subscribes to the total balance data and displays it.
  • Dynamic Navigation: Navigation between different sections of the app is handled by react-router-dom navigation. Users can navigate between pages, such as "Home" and "Diagram," via the Navigation component.
  • Filtering Transactions: The app provides the ability to filter and view transactions to help users keep track of their finances.
  • Performance Optimization: There is a suggestion about saving the response with the date of the last request in localStorage and reusing this data for a period of an hour to reduce server load.
  • Fonts and Favicon: The app manages fonts and favicon, which affects the look and style of the user interface.
  • API documentation: There is a plan to create API endpoint documentation with Swagger UI Express, making it easier to understand and test the API.


For Developers:

Install all packages included in package.json: npm install

To run front-end App: npm run dev

To run back-end server.js: npm run start:dev

Node version: v 20.12.1 (previously v18.17.1)

npm version: 10.8.0 (previously 9.8.0)

Front-end and back-end deployed on Vercel now.

Deploying Vite App to GitHub Pages using gh-pages and script deploy:

Install gh-pages: npm install gh-pages --save-dev

Use script in package.json: ( "deploy": "npm run build && gh-pages -d dist" )

Run script to build and publish in gh-pages branch on GitHub: npm run deploy

Project status

The project has been completed, but there is always space to improve it. Give as the feedback on:


  • This project as mentioned is the concluding phase of the training - Thanks to Team 5 and GoIT

  • npm: Package manager.

  • React: JavaScript library for building user interfaces.

  • Node.js: JavaScript runtime environment for server-side development.

  • MongoDB: NoSQL database for storing data.

  • Express.js: Web framework for Node.js.

  • JWT: JSON Web Tokens for user authentication.

  • Material-UI: UI framework for React applications.

  • Chart.js: JavaScript library for creating charts.

  • Formik: Form library for React applications.

  • Yup: JavaScript schema validation library.

  • React Router: Routing library for React applications.

  • Swagger UI: Tool for generating API documentation.

  • Notiflix: Library for displaying notifications.

  • Axios: HTTP client for making requests.

  • Squoosh: Image optimization and compression tool.

  • Custom icon font generator.


Created by Hi5 Team - feel free to contact us! e-mail: