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About the project

The Press Watch aims to follow publication of news online about a theme or keywords in particular. It can get you quick access to :

  • medias which have published the articles
  • what is positive, what is negative in these articles
  • what is the general sentiment of this articles
  • what is said about this theme or keywords in these articles
  1. Seek press articles online

In news_scraping : url_seeker(keyword, keyword2, nombre_resultat = 5) """ Seek press articles online with GoogleNews python library.

input : keyword(str) = most important keyword to look for in press articles
        keyword2(str) = second keyword to add to your search in order to get more pertinence
        nombre_resultat(int) = number of press articles you want to look for (chronogical order from recent to past)
output : Dataframe (we will use title, media, date, link)
  1. Look for content of these press articles

In news_scraping : AutoScrape(link) """ Scrape content of online press articles.

input : link(str) = url link of the website on which you want to scrape the content of a press     article
output : string (of the content of the press article, or "Contenu non récupéré" if content couldn't be found)
  1. Analyse sentiments of each article
  • by defining positive, negative and neutral sentences

In sentiments_resume : sentiment_analysis(df_test, column='Content') """ Define positive, negative and neutral sentences in a text of less than 512 caracters. Tokenizing in sentences with nltk, predicting sentiment with Bert and Hugging Face.

input : df_test(dataframe) = dataframe in which is store the text to analyse
        column(string) = name of the column in which is store the text to analyse
output : dataframe (with 3 new columns added, each containing positive sentences, negative sentences, neutral sentences)
  • by using them to define general sentiment of the article In sentiments_resume : final_sentiment(df_test) """ Define global sentiment of a text using prior results from function sentiment_analyses. Which means that the text has already been divided in sentences dispatched by positive, negative, and neutral feeling.

    input : df_test(dataframe) = dataframe in which positive, negative and neutral sentences are stored respectively in columns named 'stars_pos', 'stars_neg', 'stars_neut'. output : dataframe (with a new column added, contaning final sentiment ('positif' for positive, 'negatif' for negative, 'neutre' for neutral, or 'non renseigné' is sentiment not found)) """

  1. Make a resume of the article around the chosen theme/keywords In sentiment_resume : resume(text, keyword) """ Make a resume of the text arount the chosen them/keywords.

    Tokenizing text in sentences, loop on all sentences of the text and : return the sentence just before a sentence containing the keyword, the sentence containing the keyword, and the sentence just after a sentence containing the keyword. Remove duplicates and keep chronogical order of the reading of the text.

    input : text(str) = text for which you need a resume keyword(str) = keyword to look for in sentences. output : string (resume of the text) """

  2. Give general feedbacks about the search :

  • simple statistics :

Using plotly and results from previous functions.

number of articles by media

number of articles by sentiment

number of articles by publication date and sentiment

  • negative and positive words used In sentiments_resume : wordcloud_global_sentiments(text_global, keyword, keyword2) """ Analyse sentiment of each word of a string, and display most frenquently used words into two wordclouds : one for positive words (green), one for negative words (red). Tokenizing text into words with nltk, predicting sentiment with Bert and Hugging Face, using WordCloud to plot wordclouds.

    ! Warning ! : you first need to run green_color_func and red_color_func (in sentiments_resume) to use this function.

    input : text_global(string) = text to analyse, here : content of all the press articles into a single string. keyword(string) = keyword used for the search of the press articles, to remove from wordclouds. keyword2(string) = keyword used for the search of the press articles, to remove from wordclouds. output : plot with two wordclouds (green : positive words, red : negative words) """

  • most frequently words used In sentiments_resume : global_wordcloud(text) """ Wordcloud of the most frequently used words in a text (blue). Tokenizing text into words with nltk, using WordCloud to plot wordclouds.

    ! Warning ! : you first need to run blue_color_func (in sentiments_resume) to use this function.

    input : text(str) : text from stopwords to analyse, in The press Watch : content of all the press articles into a single string, that have been unified and cleaned with global_text function. output : plot with a wordcloud (blue) """

  1. Prepare text for wordclouds
  • Clean text In sentiments_resume : clean(texte) """ Tokenize a text and remove stopwords and numeric data.

    input : texte(str) = text to clean. output : string (cleaned text) """

  • Define a list of words/expressions to return In sentiments_resume : wordcloud_resume_list(article, nb_most_commons = 30) """ Looking for pattern, entities, and most commons words, in a given text, to create a list of words that can be used to make a wordcloud. Using Spacy and nltk.

    input : article(str) = text to analyse. nm_most_communs(int) = number of most commons words to keep in our list. output : list of words/expressions. """

  1. Give individual feedbacks about the search (article by article):
  • informations (title, date of publication, url link)

Using results from previous functions.

  • negative and positive words/expressions used

In sentiments_resume : wordclouds_stars(df, row, keyword, keyword2) """ Looking for pattern, entities, and most commons words, in a given text, to create a list of words that can be used to make a wordcloud (with clean and wordcloud_resume_list functions). This process is made for positive sentences and for negative sentences, so as to plot two different wordclouds (green for positive words/expressions, red for negative word/expressions). Using Spacy, nltk and WordCloud.

! Warning ! : you first need to run green_color_func, red_color_func, clean and wordcloud_resume_list (in sentiments_resume) to use this function.

input : df(dataframe) = dataframe in which is the text to analyse.
        row(int) = number of row of the dataframe in which is the text to analyse.
        keyword(string) = keyword used for the search of the press articles, to remove from wordclouds.
        keyword2(string) = keyword used for the search of the press articles, to remove from wordclouds.
output : plot with two wordclouds (green : positive words/expressions, red : negative words/expressions)
  • sentiment of the article

Using (3.) In sentiments_resume : final_sentiment(df_test) Displaying sentiment with an image related to it : positive : green smiling smiley ('img_pos.png') negative : red not mouth down smiley ('img_neg.png') neutral : orange mouth as a line smiley ('img_neutre.png')

Pictures are stored in 'packages' folder.

  • keywords / key expresssions used in this article In sentiments_resume : wordcloud_article(article) """ Looking for pattern, entities, and most commons words, in a given text, to create a list of words that can be used to make a wordcloud (with clean and wordcloud_resume_list functions). Plot a wordcloud (blue) of words/expressions in a text. Using Spacy, nltk and WordCloud.

    ! Warning ! : you first need to run blue_color_func, clean and wordcloud_resume_list (in sentiments_resume) to use this function.

    input : article(string) = text to analyse. output : plot of a wordcloud (blue) """

  • sentences that mention the chosen theme/keywords Using (4.) In sentiment_resume : resume(text, keyword) Displaying the text.


beautifulsoup4==4.11.1 GoogleNews==1.6.3 matplotlib==3.5.1 nltk==3.7 numpy==1.21.5 pandas==1.0.5 Pillow==9.1.1 plotly==5.8.0 requests==2.27.1 spacy==3.3.0 streamlit==1.8.1 torch==1.11.0 transformers==4.19.2 wordcloud==1.8.1 tensorflow==2.8.0

ways to improve tool

  • find sentiment analysis models based on newspaper article and not comments
  • scrap from bing which has less shields than google news
  • specialized this tool to one theme