A Bootloader is a small application that is used to load new user applications to devices. After it is loaded, the new user application is able to run in the MCU. It works with two modes, user application and Bootloader mode.
We are discussing common way to implement Bootloader on your own Arm Cortez M3. And we choose Silicon labs SIM3U167 MCU as example for making Bootloader.
Bootloader is an application which runs from internal flash, in case of update Bootloader itself requirement, the Bootloader code needed to be copied into internal SRAM and run.
- The Bootloader code address need to set in SRAM in link file
- The vector table entry needs to update from flash to SRAM after copying Bootloader into SRAM.
- The Reset vector address we want to keep its original address, since it is hardware behavior.
- Internal flash address (0x00000000-0x1FFFFFFF).
- Internal SRAM address (0x20000000-0x3FFFFFFF).
- Peripherals address (0x40000000-0x5FFFFFFF).
- System levels address (0xE0000000-0xFFFFFFFF).
So base on above memory, we need to copy code from internal flash address to internal SRAM address. And access UART peripheral register in Peripherals address, and change vector table address need to access register in System levels address.
To make sure Bootloader code is located in SRAM, we need to specific the address setting in link file. Now we have a Bootloader_link.ld as our link file. We would talk detail about how to write link file, we assume that you already know the basic knowledge about link file.
.text 0x20000000 : AT (0x00000000)
. = ALIGN(4);
_text = .;
_etext = .;
The first line .text 0x20000000 : AT (0x00000000)
means .text section load address start from 0x20000000, store address from 0x00000000.
Inside the description, we put .isr_vector
, *(.text*)
and *(.rodata*)
in .text section. The .isr_vector
is vector entry; we put it in front of Bootloader code.
And then we have other two sections .data and .bss
.data 0x20000000 + SIZEOF(.text) : AT (LOADADDR(.text) + SIZEOF(.text))
_data = .;
_edata = .;
.bss 0x20000000 + SIZEOF(.text) + SIZEOF(.data) :
AT (LOADADDR(.data) + SIZEOF(.data))
_bss = .;
_ebss = .;
And now the link file is ready.
By default Arm Cortex M3 vector table starts at memory address 0. The vector table can be relocated to other memory locations in the code or Random Access Memroy(RAM) region where the RAM is so that we can change the handlers during run time. This is down by settting a register in the NVIC called the vector table offset register (address 0xE000ED08
). You need to have the following (at a minimum).
- Initial main stack pointer value
- Reset vector
- NMI vector
- Hard fault vector
We prepare startup_sim3u1xx.S for our startup file. In this file, we will have the vector table, code copy from flash to SRAM, jump to user application code. Let us have a look on vector table first. We can see .isr_vector in link file is the vector table section name.
.section .isr_vector
.word 0x20008000 // The initial stack pointer
.word ResetISR - 0x20000000 // The reset handler
.word NMI_Handler // The NMI handler
.word HardFault_Handler // The hard fault handler
.word Default_Handler // The MPU fault handler
.word Default_Handler // The bus fault handler
.word Default_Handler // The usage fault handler
.word 0 // Reserved
.word 0 // Reserved
.word 0 // Reserved
.word 0 // Reserved
.word Default_Handler // SVCall handler
.word Default_Handler // Debug monitor handler
.word 0 // Reserved
.word Default_Handler // The PendSV handler
.extern SysTick_Handler
.word SysTick_Handler // The SysTick handler
- Stack pointer we set is 0x20008000, that is because SIM3U167 internal SRAM size is 32KB (0x20000000-0x20007FFF).
- Reset handler address we minus 0x20000000, that is because, Arm will check the value in second word and jump to address in it. Since all Bootloader code was locate at SRAM (0x20000000), but at the time power up, all the codes are in internal flash, and didn’t copy to SRAM yet. So we have to set ResetISR address point to flash in order Arm can execute code correctly.
- Other exception handlers. We need to keep some import exception handlers; we will see HardFault_Handler happens many times during the Bootloader development in case the address not matches.
We need to handle code that Arm will first execute, ResetISR. What does this function do?
- Copy code to SRAM and initialize variables.
- Initialize system hardware
- Check external pin status to run under Bootloader or user application mode.
Here is the cod structure of ResetISR
.globl ResetISR
// Copy code from flash to SRAM
bl CopyCode2SRAM
.extern SystemInit
bl SystemInit
// Check if update is needed
.extern check_update_requirement
bl check_update_requirement
cbz r0, RunUserCode
.extern main
bl main
Let us take a look on CopyCode2SRAM function.
// Copy the text and data sections from flash to SRAM.
movs r0, #0x00000000
ldr r1, =0x20000000
.extern _bss
ldr r2, =_bss
ldr r3, [r0], #4
str r3, [r1], #4
cmp r1, r2
blt copy_loop
// Zero fill the bss segment
movs r0, #0x00000000
.extern _ebss
ldr r2, =_ebss
str r0, [r1], #4
cmp r1, r2
blt zero_loop
// Set the vector table pointer to SRAM.
ldr r0, =0xe000ed08
ldr r1, =0x20000000
str r1, [r0]
// set return address to SRAM and return
orr lr, lr, #0x20000000
bx lr
The code is very simple.
- Copy
from flash to SRAM - Zero
segment in SRAM - Relocate vector table address and return to SRAM to execute.
is defined in link file, which is address after .text and .data. So the copy_loop is copy code from flash to SRAM until it reaches _bss address._ess
is defined in linke file, which is address after .bss segment. So zero_lopp, just write “0” into SRAM follow the .text and .data segment, until it reaches _ebss address.- And finally, we write new vector table address (0x20000000) into register
, and set return address to SRAM and return.
The idea is very simple too, set necessary hardware environment we need in startup file. For instance, we need to check GPIO status to choose running mode. We have to enable clock to GPIO and set the GPIO as input mode and something like that. I paste the example of SystemInit.
void mySystemInit(void)
SI32_WDTIMER_A_stop_counter (SI32_WDTIMER_0);
// Enable the APB clock to the PB registers
SI32_CLKCTRL_A_enable_apb_to_modules_0(SI32_CLKCTRL_0, SI32_CLKCTRL_A_APBCLKG0_PB0);
SI32_PBSTD_A_set_pins_push_pull_output(SI32_PBSTD_1, 0x00000008);
// Enable the LED drivers (P2.10, P2.11)
SI32_PBSTD_A_set_pins_push_pull_output(SI32_PBSTD_2, 0x00000C00);
SysTick_Config(SystemCoreClock / 1000);
// set Priority for Cortex-M0 System Interrupts.
NVIC_SetPriority(SysTick_IRQn, (1 << __NVIC_PRIO_BITS) - 1);
The code call check_update_requirement to check GPIO status, if the GPIO is high, we enter into user application mode; if the GPIO is low, we enter into Bootloader mode. Let’s check user application mode entry code.
// Set the vector table address to user code address.
ldr r1, =0xe000ed08
str r0, [r1]
// Update stack pointer from user code vector table
ldr r1, [r0]
mov sp, r1
// Load user code reset handler and jump to the user code
ldr r0, [r0, #4]
bx r0
Yeah, we have to relocate vector table if we want run user application. Note we have a macro USER_CODE_ADDRESS
which is user application start address. At the end we load user code reset handler and jump to the user code.
OK, we will talk about Bootloader mode in next couple sections.
We choose UART interface as communication port with PC host since it is easier to implement. Just have a look on SIM3U167 reference manual, initialize UART peripherals, and set it as 115200 baud rate. Prepare UART send and received functions.
- UART hardware peripherals initialization. Those codes can be generated by Silabs AppBuilder.
Void UART0_initialize(void)
SI32_PBSTD_A_set_pins_push_pull_output(SI32_PBSTD_1, 0x0001000);
SI32_PBSTD_A_set_pins_digital_input(SI32_PBSTD_1, 0x00002000);
SI32_PBSTD_A_write_pbskipen(SI32_PBSTD_0, 0x0000FFFF);
SI32_PBSTD_A_write_pbskipen(SI32_PBSTD_1, 0x00000FFF);
SI32_PBCFG_A_enable_xbar0h_peripherals(SI32_PBCFG_0, SI32_PBCFG_A_XBAR0H_UART0EN);
// SETUP UART. BAUD RATE (9600 baud, APB = System Clock)
SI32_UART_A_set_tx_baudrate(SI32_UART_0, (SystemCoreClock / (2 * UART_BAUD_RATE)) – 1);
SI32_UART_A_set_rx_baudrate(SI32_UART_0, (SystemCoreClock / (2 * UART_BAUD_RATE)) – 1);
// SETUP TX (8-bit, 1stop, no-parity)
SI32_UART_A_select_tx_data_length(SI32_UART_0, 8);
SI32_UART_A_select_tx_stop_bits(SI32_UART_0, SI32_UART_A_STOP_BITS_1_BIT);
SI32_UART_A_select_rx_data_length(SI32_UART_0, 8);
SI32_UART_A_select_rx_stop_bits(SI32_UART_0, SI32_UART_A_STOP_BITS_1_BIT);
- UART send and receive functions.
Void uart_send_data(unsigned char *data, unsigned int count)
// Block if the output buffer is full
while (SI32_UART_A_read_tx_fifo_count(SI32_UART_0) >= 4);
// Write character to the output buffer
SI32_UART_A_write_data_u8(SI32_UART_0, *data++);
int uart_get_data(unsigned char *data, unsigned int count)
unsigned int time_out;
time_out = msTicks + UART_TIME_OUT;
while(SI32_UART_A_read_rx_fifo_count(SI32_UART_0) == 0)
if(time_out < msTicks)
return -1;
*data++ = SI32_UART_A_read_data_u8(SI32_UART_0);
return 0;
The UART driver was ready. We need to write user application into flash and flash device driver is needed now.
- Flash hardware peripherals initialization.
Void flash_initialize(void)
// 1. Enable VDD Supply Monitor and set as a reset source
- Flash operation functions
void flash_erase_page(unsigned int addr)
SI32_FLASHCTRL_A_write_wraddr(SI32_FLASHCTRL_0, addr);
SI32_FLASHCTRL_A_write_flash_key(SI32_FLASHCTRL_0, 0xA5);
SI32_FLASHCTRL_A_write_flash_key(SI32_FLASHCTRL_0, 0xF1);
SI32_FLASHCTRL_A_write_wrdata(SI32_FLASHCTRL_0, 0x0000);
int flash_write_data(unsigned char * c,unsigned int addr, unsigned int num)
int i;
unsigned short *buf = (unsigned short*)c;
SI32_FLASHCTRL_A_write_wraddr(SI32_FLASHCTRL_0, addr);
SI32_FLASHCTRL_A_write_flash_key(SI32_FLASHCTRL_0, 0xA5);
SI32_FLASHCTRL_A_write_flash_key(SI32_FLASHCTRL_0, 0xF2);
// Write all the half-words in the array
for(i = 0; i < num / 2; i++)
SI32_FLASHCTRL_A_write_wrdata(SI32_FLASHCTRL_0, buf[i]);
SI32_FLASHCTRL_A_write_flash_key(SI32_FLASHCTRL_0, 0x5A);
return 0;
We can define our own protocol as we like. Also choose exist one is suitable. We list a protocol below just for reference. From view of host side.
- Command package
| CMD |
| CMD ^ 0xFF |
| Wait for ACK |
- Address package
| ADDR3 |
| ADDR2 |
| ADDR1 |
| ADDR0 |
- Write flash command
| CMD(0x31) |
| ADDR(address) |
| Wait for ACK |
| (LEN-1) & 0XFF |
| DATA0 |
| … |
| DATA(LEN-1) |
| Wait for ACK |
- Read flash command
| CMD(0x11) |
| ADDR(address) |
| Wait for ACK |
| (LEN-1) & 0XFF |
| CRC (((LEN-1) & 0XFF) ^ 0xFF) |
| Wait for ACK |
| DATA0 |
| … |
| DATA(LEN-1) |
- Erase flash command
| CMD(0x43) |
| LEN-1 |
| SEC0 |
| … |
| SEC(LEN-1) |
| CRC(SEC0^SEC1…^SEC(LEN-1)) |
| Wait for ACK |
The device side control logic was list below.
While (1)
SI32_PBSTD_A_toggle_pins(SI32_PBSTD_2, 0xC00);
// received CMD from host
if (bl_get_cmd() == 0)
switch (data_buf[0])
#define FLASH_SECTOR_SIZE 0x400
#define CMD_WRITE_FLASH 0x31
#define CMD_READ_FLASH 0x11
#define CMD_ERASE_FLASH 0x43
#define CMD_UNKNOW 0xFF
#define RES_ACK 0x79
#define RES_NACK 0x1F
#define RES_UNKNOW 0xEE
void bl_send_ack(unsigned char ack)
unsigned char res = ack;
uart_send_data(&res, 1);
- Get command from host
int bl_get_cmd(void)
unsigned char *ptr = data_buf;
if (uart_get_data(ptr, 2) == 0)
if (ptr[0] != (ptr[1] ^ 0xFF))
return -2;
return 0;
return -1;
- Handle write flash command
void bl_write_flash()
int i;
unsigned int addr, len;
unsigned char crc;
unsigned char *ptr = data_buf;
// get address
if (uart_get_data(ptr, 5) == 0)
crc = ptr[0] ^ ptr[1] ^ ptr[2] ^ ptr[3];
if (crc == ptr[4])
addr = ptr[3] | (ptr[2] << 8) | (ptr[1] << 16) | (ptr[0] << 24);
// send ack
// get data len
uart_get_data(ptr, 1);
len = ptr[0] + 1;
// get data and crc
if (uart_get_data(ptr, len + 1) == 0)
crc = 0xFF;
for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
crc = crc ^ ptr[i];
//write flash
if (crc == ptr[len])
if ((addr >= USER_CODE_ADDRESS) && addr < TOP_CODE_ADDRESS)
flash_write_data(ptr, addr, len);
// send ack
- Handle read flash command
void bl_read_flash()
int i;
unsigned int addr, len = 0;
unsigned char crc;
unsigned char *ptr = data_buf;
// get address
if (uart_get_data(ptr, 5) == 0)
crc = ptr[0] ^ ptr[1] ^ ptr[2] ^ ptr[3];
if (crc == ptr[4])
addr = ptr[3] | (ptr[2] << 8) | (ptr[1] << 16) | (ptr[0] << 24);
// send ack
// get data len and crc
if(uart_get_data(ptr, 2) == 0)
if((ptr[0] ^ 0xFF) == ptr[1])
len = ptr[0] + 1;
// send ack
// send data
for(i =0; i < len; i++)
ptr[i]= *(unsigned char *)(addr++);
- Handle erase flash command
void bl_erase_flash()
int i;
unsigned int addr, len;
unsigned char crc;
unsigned char *ptr = data_buf;
// get len
if (uart_get_data(ptr, 1) == 0)
len = (ptr[0] + 1) & 0xFF; // maximum sector number is 256
// get sector sequence and crc
if (uart_get_data(ptr, len + 1) == 0)
crc = 0xFF;
for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
crc = crc ^ ptr[i];
// erase flash sectors
if (crc == ptr[len])
for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
addr = ptr[i] * FLASH_SECTOR_SIZE;
if ((addr >= USER_CODE_ADDRESS) && addr < TOP_CODE_ADDRESS)
// send ack
It is time to pick PC host UART tool. For easier usage purpose, we choose Python. I had tried to use Ruby serial port gem before Python. However, it is not stable. So Python become the first choice. And very lucky, I found a Python Bootloader UART source code.
- Install Python 2.6/2.7
Go to web site http://www.python.org to download python and install it under windows.
- Download Python Serial Port Extension
Get it from web site http://pypi.python.org/pypi/pyserial
- Install Python Serial Port Extension
Extract the package under Python install directory; execute command below to install the Serial Port Extension.
python setup.py install
- Get stm32loader.py and make you own modification. Get it from web site https://github.com/jsnyder/stm32loader.
We choose Silabs Precision32 UDP MCU Card as our hardware environment.
- Build Bootloader with Precision32 IDE
- Download Bootloader into SIM3U167 internal flash via Serial Wire.
- Power up MCU card and pressing SW2, it enters Bootloader mode, DS3 and DS2 are blinking
User applications runs on Flash, but start address is not 0x00000000, we have a default value 0x1000. We need to make this modification in user application’s link file. Just change .text segment load address to 0x1000. And we also want to generate binary file in post build stage of the user application.
We were doing the test on Silabs Precision32 UDP MCU Card.
- Connect USB cable with J10 and PC USB port, PC will found COM4 after power on.
- Copy stm32loader.py to C:\Python26 (your Python install directory).
- Copy user code binary file to C:\Python26 directory, for blinky example code, we have a sim3u1xx_Blinky.bin.
- Run Python tool.
C:\Python26>python sim32loader.py -wv sim3u1xx_Blinky.bin
[4, 5, 6, 7]
File length 3076 bytes
Write 256 bytes at 0x1000
Write 256 bytes at 0x1100
Write 256 bytes at 0x1200
Write 256 bytes at 0x1300
Write 256 bytes at 0x1400
Write 256 bytes at 0x1500
Write 256 bytes at 0x1600
Write 256 bytes at 0x1700
Write 256 bytes at 0x1800
Write 256 bytes at 0x1900
Write 256 bytes at 0x1A00
Write 256 bytes at 0x1B00
Write 256 bytes at 0x1C00
Read 256 bytes at 0x1000
Read 256 bytes at 0x1100
Read 256 bytes at 0x1200
Read 256 bytes at 0x1300
Read 256 bytes at 0x1400
Read 256 bytes at 0x1500
Read 256 bytes at 0x1600
Read 256 bytes at 0x1700
Read 256 bytes at 0x1800
Read 256 bytes at 0x1900
Read 256 bytes at 0x1A00
Read 256 bytes at 0x1B00
Read 256 bytes at 0x1C00
Verification OK
- Run user application
Press Reset key, we can see DS3 and DS2 are alternate blinking, that means user code Blinky is running.
The source code can be found in https://github.com/MarkDing/sim3u1xx_Bootloader