A tool for the Ting Pen to create your own books. Atm there's only a german website providing some documentation.
Download the installer, install and run the Application.
Make sure you've the Java JDK 14 installed. (currently there's a bug with Java 15)
Clone the repository
git clone git@github.com:Martin-Dames/Tingeltangel.git
Execute the following command to build and run the software:
gradlew tingeltangel-cli:run
gradlew tingeltangel-gui:run
gradlew tingeltangel-andersicht:run
gradlew tingeltangel-manager:run
for just building all of them together execute:
gradlew build
If you want to create your own installer(s) run:
gradlew jpackage
or if you just need a specific one:
gradlew <project-name>:jpackage
where project name is as in step 3. It's either
- jpackage doesn't allow SNAPSHOT versions in Windows (It's more a WiX Problem), so you might want to change the version.
- Windows only: install WiX
- Since recently there was a migration to installers and gradle, the projects andersicht and tingeltangel-manager are empty projects starting the tingeltangel project with a different commandline option only. Futurewise, the project should be splitted.
- If you need the tingeltangel version with no official books, use tingeltangel with the commandline option
- read YAML files from tttool software
- extract strings to i18n-files
- writing all kinds of things (logs, caches etc.) into the user directory not in the installation directory. This
causes ATM, that we cannot install the Application (at least on windows) in the
Program Files
directory. - The mac installation dmg cannot be executed once installed. I am on this, but it doesn't work for now.
a workaround is executing it manually in the commandline. Here an example:
- Find a solution to not update the version number in the Main-File manually, but using the one from the
Version 2, June 1991
Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc., <http://fsf.org/>
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Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
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