- Interpolation
- Linear spline
- Quadratic spline
- Cubic spline
- Linear equations
- QR-decomposition by modified Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization
- Matrix inverse by Gram-Schmidt QR factorization
- Operations count for QR-decomposition and comparison with GSL
- Least squares
- Ordinary least-squares fit by QR-decomposition
- Uncertainties of the fitting coefficients
- Evaluation of the quality of the uncertainties on the fit coefficients
- Matrix diagonalization
- Jacobi diagonalization with cyclic sweeps
- Quantum particle in a box
- Scaling, optimization, and comparison with GSL
- Ordinary differential equations
- Embedded Runge-Kutta ODE integrator
- Store the path
- Newtonian gravitational three-body problem
- Adaptive Integration
- Recursive adaptive integrator
- Open quadrature with Clenshaw–Curtis variable transformation
- Infinite limits
- Monte Carlo integration
- Plain Monte Carlo integration
- Multidimensional Monte-Carlo integrator
- Recursive stratified sampling
- Root Finding
- Newton's method with numerical Jacobian and back-tracking linesearch
- Bound states of hydrogen atom with shooting method for boundary value problems
- Better boundary condition for the hydrogen atom problem
- Minimization
- Quasi-Newton method with numerical gradient, back-tracking linesearch, and rank-1 update
- Higgs discovery
- Implement the downhill simplex method
- Artificial Neural Networks