diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index bb1afda..42e7dec 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -126,6 +126,17 @@ Puts device in low power state. Useful for battery powered operations. Typical c
###### powerUp()
//Wakes chip from low power state.
+##### Error codes explained
+ - 0x00 SUCCESS Operation successful.
+ - 0x01 CALLBEGIN Please make sure .begin() has been called in setup().
+ - 0x02 UNKNOWNCHIP Unknown chip manufacturer.
+ - 0x03 UNKNOWNCAP Unknown chip capacity.
+ - 0x04 CHIPBUSY Chip busy.
+ - 0x05 OUTOFBOUNDS Address out of bounds. Please check if .begin() has been called in setup().
+ - 0x06 CANTENWRITE Unable to _writeEnable. Check wiring/chip.
+ - 0x07 OUTOFMEM Pagenumber outside maximum.
+ - 0x08 OUTOFPAGE Offset is outside page.
##### Deprecated functions
The following functions are deprecated to enable compatibility with other AVR chips.