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File metadata and controls

94 lines (67 loc) · 8.33 KB

Basic settings

General settings

  • fs Sampling frequency in hertz. Default: 50.
  • minimum_amplitude Minimum amplitude of a time-frequency point to not be removed from the Hilbert spectrum. Should be set higher than the amplitude of the noise to filter it out. Default: 0.0.

Segment analysis settings

  • segment_length_time Length of each segment in seconds. Default: 10.0.
  • extension_padding_time_start Length of the signal from before the segment that is used as padding. Default: 0.0.
  • extension_padding_time_end Length of the signal from after the segment that is used as padding. Default: 0.0.

Result format settings

  • results_file_path File path to where results files (CSV and PKL) will be stored, including file name, but not file extension. Default: "results/results".
  • include_asterisk_explanations Includes explanations for asterisks given for uncertain results at the top or bottom of CSV file if True. Still includes asterisks, but with no explanations if False. Default: True.

Real-time analysis settings

  • ip IP address of sending device to connect to. Default: "localhost".
  • port Port number of sending device. Default: 50000.
  • sender_device_id ID code of sending device. ("Device ID Code" in PMU Connection Tester.) Default: 45.
  • pmu_id ID code of PMU with the data you want to analyze. ("ID Code" behind "PMU:" in PMU Connection Tester.) Default: 3000.
  • channel Name of channel you want to connect to. Phasor name if you want to read phasor data, or "frequency" or "freq" if you want to analyze the system frequency. ("The part after "V:" or "I:" in the "Phasor:" drop-down menu in PMU Connection Tester if you want to analyze a phasor.) Default: "V_1".
  • phasor_component Component of the phasor you want to analyze. Can be "magnitude" or "angle". Default: "magnitude".

Advanced settings

Segment analysis settings

  • mirror_padding_fraction Fraction of the signal that is mirrored at the beginning and end of the segment. Default: 1.0.
  • remove_padding_after_emd Removes padding by the end of EMD if True, and keeps it if False (includes for HHT). Default: False.
  • remove_padding_after_hht Removes padding by the end of HHT if True, and keeps it if False. No effect if remove_padding_after_emd is True. Default: True.

EMD settings

  • emd_rec_tolerance EMD sifting stops if REC between the last two iterations is smaller than this value. Default: 0.003.
  • max_imfs Maximum number of IMFs before the EMD is stopped. Default: 5.
  • max_emd_sifting_iterations Maximum number of sifting iterations before EMD sifting is stopped. Default: 100.
  • emd_min_peaks Minimum number of both upper and lower peaks in the residual to continue the EMD process. If there are fewer upper or lower peaks than this number, the EMD process is stopped. The interpolation needs at least 2 points, so if this minimum is set lower than 2, it will automatically be increased to 2. Default: 4.
  • emd_add_edges_to_peaks Both edge points are included in the lists of upper and lower peaks if True. Default: True.

HHT settings

  • hht_frequency_resolution Distance between each value in the discrete frequency axis in the Hilbert spectrum. Default: Same as the inverse of the sampling rate.
  • hht_amplitude_moving_avg_window Window size used for the moving average filter applied to the instantaneous amplitude curves, measured in number of samples. Default: 5.
  • hht_frequency_moving_avg_window Window size used for the moving average filter applied to the instantaneous frequency curves, measured in number of samples. Default: 41.
  • hht_split_signal_freq_change_enable Enables splitting an IMF before Hilbert transforming if its dominating frequency changes abruptly if True. Default: True.
  • hht_split_signal_freq_change_threshold Minimum amplitude of spike in gradient of dominating frequency for the IMF to be split at the spike before Hilbert transform. No effect if hht_split_signal_freq_change_toggle is False. Default: 0.5.
  • hht_split_signal_freq_change_nperseg Window width of STFT measured in number of samples used for deciding where to split IMFs. No effect if hht_split_signal_freq_change_toggle is False. Default: 100.
  • minimum_frequency Lower bound of frequency axis in Hilbert spectrum. Default: Inverse of the length of the segment plus extension padding (Nyquist-Shannon sampling theorem).
  • maximum_frequency Upper bound of frequency axis in Hilbert spectrum. Default: No upper bound; the highest frequency found in the IMFs will be the highest value in the frequency axis.

Hilbert spectrum analysis settings

  • minimum_total_non_zero_fraction Minimum fraction of the combined row from the Hilbert spectrum that must be non-zero for the frequency band to be interpreted as a mode and analyzed. Default: 0.1.
  • minimum_consecutive_non_zero_length Minimum consecutive series of non-zero elements in a combined row an element has to be part of to not be set to zero. Default: 5.
  • minimum_non_zero_improvement Minimum improvement to number of non-zero elements in combined row from including another row for this new row to be included in the combined row. Default: 3.
  • max_coefficient_of_variation Maximum coefficient of variation between an amplitude curve with interpolation and the fitted curve before the estimated damping is considered uncertain. Default: 0.4.
  • max_interp_fraction Maximum fraction of the row elements that had to be filled with interpolation before the mode is considered uncertain. Default: 0.4.
  • skip_storing_uncertain_modes Does not store details on modes with interpolation fraction exceeding max_interp_fraction if True. Stores the modes with an asterisk and brackets around the frequency in the CSV file if False. Default: False.
  • start_amp_curve_at_peak Ignores all amplitude values before the maximum value in the row if this maximum is in the first half of the row’s non-zero portion if True. Default: True.

Alarm system settings

  • alarm_median_amplitude_threshold The minimum median amplitude of the mode in the segment for an alarm to be raised. Default: 0.
  • damping_ratio_weak_alarm_threshold Damping ratio threshold for a weak alarm to be raised. Default: 0.15.
  • damping_ratio_strong_alarm_threshold Damping ratio threshold for a strong alarm to be raised. Default: 0.05.
  • oscillation_timeout Maximum number of seconds before end of segment the detected oscillation can end before it is interpreted as ended, and any alarm is suppressed. Default: 2.0.
  • segment_memory_freq_threshold The tolerance range for frequency in both positive and negative directions for two modes in two consecutive segments to be considered the same mode. Used to determine if the mode is sustained. Default: 0.15.

Result format settings

  • store_csv Enables storing results table to CSV file if True. Default: True.
  • store_pkl Enables storing results objects to PKL file if True. True.
  • csv_decimals Number of decimals used in results table in PKL file. Default: 5.
  • csv_delimiter Delimiter used between values in CSV file. Must be set to ";" instead of "," to open in Excel if Excel interprets "," as decimal separator (common in most European countries and others). Default: ",".
  • unit Unit to be placed in "[]" after amplitudes in header of CSV table. Default: no unit or "[]" will be included.
  • include_advanced_results Includes columns for advanced results in CSV if True. Only includes basic results if False. Default: False.

Print settings

  • print_segment_number Prints the segment number that is currently being analyzed to the console if True. Default: True.
  • print_emd_time Prints the runtime of the EMD step of the segment analysis algorithm to the output console for each segment if True. Default: False.
  • print_hht_time Prints the runtime of the whole HHT step of the segment analysis algorithm to the output console, including EMD, for each segment if True. Default: False.
  • print_segment_analysis_time Prints the runtime of the whole segment analysis algorithm to the output console for each segment if True. Default: True.
  • print_alarms Prints notice about alarms including their frequency to the output console when they occur. Default: True.
  • print_emd_sifting_details Prints the number of sifting iterations for each IMF, along with REC for each of them, to the output console if True. Default: False.