The goal of this project is to lunch a service that has a DICOM receiver that can receive data and subsequently ingest them to a pre-specified tactic instance.
This example is mostly aimed at BRAIN MRI scans, and I will be using dcm2nii for the conversions.
DICOM contains personal information...
A docker receive-ingest instance than can be deployed based om a docker file provided in this repository:
To deploy follow the steps be executing the commands:
docker build . -t receive ( This will take some time)
docker images (Will list all the images select the most recent one), docker ps will give information for the ones running or docker ps -a will show the ones stopped.
docker run -d --name receive -p 10070:80 -p 10071:22 -p 8832:8832 -p 5000:5000 receive
docker receive-ingest is up and running, you can visit localhost:8832 and start setting up the project details or ssh to your docker by ssh root@localhost -p 10081 or shell access. `
storescp -v --fork --accept-all --promiscuous --sort-conc-studies STD 8832 -od /tmp -xcs '/bin/bash'
Command i want to use
find /temp -type d -print0 | xargs -n 1 --max-procs 1 -0 ./ --db dataingested.db --t UCSF.config
Option to execute command
-xcs '/bin/bash ${HOME}/.dcm2mov/
storescu +sd +sp *.dcm -v +r 8832 /media/pan0s/STORE01/stage1/0a0c32c9e08cc2ea76a71649de56be6d/