- React Hooks
- Props/States/Components
- LocalStorage
- Context-API
- React-Router-Dom-v6
- useLocation-Hook
- useParams-Hook
- Toastify
- Bootstrap5
- Form
- Javascript
- Swiper
- I filtered the products with the help of underscroe.js library
- I used underscore.js library again to sort items according to their names and prices
- You can add new item to the cart and remove item from the cart
- When you add or remove item, total fee will change simulatenously
- When you add or remove item, total amount of cart will change simulatenously as well
- I used localStorage to keep cart list thus your cart won't change after refreshing
- It is not allowed to add the same item with the same color.If you try,just the amount of the item in your cart will increase
- You can add the same item with different color even though there is already the same item in your cart
- If there is not item that you want to add in stock,you can not and an alert will be displayed
- If there is not item in your cart and press the "buy" button, an alert will be displayed
- If you don't login, you are not allowed to buy something
- It is not allowed to add items more than their amounts in stock