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This repository has been archived by the owner on May 25, 2021. It is now read-only.

(deprecated) A sample application demonstrating how to store results from the Meltwater Streaming API in a relational database


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Deprecation Notice

This project is no longer actively maintained. If you need to create a client library for any of the Meltwater APIs, please refer to the OpenAPI specs of the respective API at From those OpenAPI specs you can generate the client yourself.

Streaming Relational Database

Streaming Relational Database is a sample Rails 5.0.x app which can be used to receive search results from the Meltwater Streaming API and store these results in a relational database. Once data from the Meltwater Streaming API is stored it can be integrated as part of your application, for example, as part of a product dashboard.

The selected database used in this sample project is Microsoft SQL Server, however it can easily be adapted to work with most major relational databases such as PostgreSQL or MySQL.


The sample application has been created using Docker to setup and run the web server and database. To get up and running with Docker you'll need the following:

  • Docker - find the toolkit for your platform at Get Docker
  • docker-compose Note: Depending on your docker setup, docker-compose might already be included.
  • ngrok - will be used to make the local application accessible to the Meltwater API.

NOTE: The Microsoft SQL Server Docker Image requires a significant amount of RAM. Make sure you allocate at least 4 GB of RAM to Docker before starting.

Getting Started

Initial startup

The very first time you start docker-compose up the Rails app might exit after a short time. The is because you will need to first run the database creation and migration tasks:

  1. On initial run:
$ docker-compose up

Rails app will exit on first time. Simply press CTRL-C to stop docker-compose.

  1. Run migration tasks:
$ docker-compose run web rake db:create
$ docker-compose run web rake db:migrate
  1. Re-run docker-compose:
$ docker-compose up

Now you should be able to open http://localhost:3000.

Running the application

  1. Run docker-compose (if your application is not already running):
$ docker-compose up
  1. Open http://localhost:3000 in your browser. This should greet you with the default Rails welcome page.

Rails Welcome Page

  1. Run a sample POST request with the provided sample/sample-payload.json:
$ curl -XPOST http://localhost:3000/webhooks -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d @./sample/sample-payload.json

You should now have a new search result in your database. To inspect your data, use an appropriate Microsoft SQL Server client, e.g. sqlcmd.

If your application is running you can view your documents at http://localhost:3000/documents.

Document Index Page

Setting the application up with real data

Once the application is up and running you can use a tool such as ngrok to make the http://localhost:3000/webhooks endpoint accessible to the Meltwater API.

  1. Use ngrok to expose your local application:
$ ngrok http 3000
  1. Once ngrok is up and running it will give you a unique public URL to access the application you have running at localhost:3000.

You should see something like this (where 92832de0 will be unique to your instance):

ngrok by @inconshreveable

Tunnel Status                 online
Version                       2.0/2.0
Web Interface       
Forwarding           -> localhost:80
Forwarding           -> localhost:80

Verify that ngrok is setup correctly by visiting your ngrok URL in the browser - you should see the Rails welcome page again.

  1. You can then use the ngrok '/webooks' URL (e.g. as the target_url when creating an API Hook.

See the Streaming API - Quick Start tutorial for details on how to create a Meltwater API hook. (In step #4 you'll use the ngrok public url as the taget_url)

  1. Once your hook is setup, refresh the page at localhost:3000/documents . You should start to see some search results!

Document Index Page With Results

If you don't see any results, ensure the search you're using has enough search results to provide a stream of data.

Using an Alternate Database

The sample application and Docker package is setup to use Microsoft SQL Server, however it can easily be run with other relational databases.

To do this we'll need to run the application locally without the use of docker.


  • Install the latest version of ruby
  • Install bundler gem install bundler
  • Install the necessary gems - In the root directory of the project run bundle install

Set the Rails database

The project is set up to use the activerecord-sqlserver-adapter, Microsoft SQL Server database adapter. To use a different database, we need to change the database adapter.

  • Open up the Gemfile and replace the activerecord-sqlserver-adapter gem with the appropriate adapter. (Remember to run bundle installif you install any new libraries.)
  • Update the database.yml file with the appropriate configuration details for your database. You can find an example config file for PostgreSQL and MySQL in the config folder.

See more details on configuring Rails database connections in the Rails Guides.

Run the application

Once the database is up and running

  • create the database by running bundle exec rake db:create
  • migrate the database by running bundle exec rake db:migrate
  • Run the application by running bundle exec rails server


This repository is using Microsoft's SQL Server as Linux docker container. More information can be found here.




(deprecated) A sample application demonstrating how to store results from the Meltwater Streaming API in a relational database






Contributors 4
