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518 lines (334 loc) · 20.7 KB

File metadata and controls

518 lines (334 loc) · 20.7 KB

Changelog and release notes



  • Breaking Change: update graphql-js peer dependency to ^16.9.0
  • Breaking Change: drop support for Node.js < 20.11.1



  • support declaring middlewares on resolver class level (#620)
  • support declaring auth roles on resolver class level (#620)
  • make possible creating custom decorators on resolver class level - createResolverClassMiddlewareDecorator
  • support registering custom arg decorator via createParameterDecorator and its second argument CustomParameterOptions - arg (#1325)


  • properly build multiple schemas with generic resolvers, args and field resolvers (#1321)


  • Breaking Change: update graphql-scalars peer dependency to ^1.23.0
  • Breaking Change: rename createMethodDecorator into createMethodMiddlewareDecorator
  • Breaking Change: rename createParamDecorator to createParameterDecorator



  • support other Reflect polyfills than reflect-metadata by checking only used Reflect API (#1102)


  • properly override fields of @ArgsType classes in deeply nested inheritance chain (#1644)
  • allow for leading spaces and multiline directives definitions in @Directive decorator (#1423)



  • allow overriding field resolver method with different name arguments (#1284)
  • allow object type's name argument string contain a double underscore (__) when using buildTypeDefsAndResolvers() (#1309)


  • Breaking Change: update graphql-scalars peer dependency to ^1.22.4
  • properly configure esm build pipeline to publish working esm version of the package



  • Breaking Change: expose shim as a package entry point type-graphql/shim (and /node_modules/type-graphql/build/typings/shim.ts)
  • Breaking Change: update graphql-js peer dependency to ^16.8.1
  • Breaking Change: use @graphql-yoga instead of graphql-subscriptions as the subscriptions engine
  • Breaking Change: require providing PubSub implementation into buildSchema option when using @Subscription
  • Breaking Change: remove @PubSub in favor of directly importing created PubSub implementation
  • Breaking Change: remove Publisher and PubSubEngine types
  • Breaking Change: rename interface ResolverFilterData into SubscriptionHandlerData and ResolverTopicData into SubscribeResolverData
  • support defining directives on @Field of @Args
  • support defining directives on inline @Arg
  • allow passing custom validation function as validateFn option of @Arg and @Args decorators
  • add support for dynamic topic id function in @Subscription decorator option



  • Breaking Change: update graphql-js peer dependency to ^16.7.1
  • Breaking Change: upgrade ArgumentValidationError and replace UnauthorizedError and ForbiddenError with AuthenticationError, AuthorizationError that are extending GraphQLError to let the error details be accessible in the extensions property
  • Breaking Change: change ClassType constraint from ClassType<T = any> to ClassType<T extends object = object> in order to make it work properly with new TS features
  • Breaking Change: remove dateScalarMode option from buildSchema
  • Breaking Change: make graphql-scalars package a peer dependency and use date scalars from it instead of custom ones
  • Breaking Change: exported GraphQLISODateTime scalar has now a name DateTimeISO
  • Breaking Change: change ValidatorFn signature from ValidatorFn<TArgs> to ValidatorFn<TContext>
  • support custom validation function getting resolver data on validate
  • bring compatibility with the ESM ecosystem by exposing the double bundle of the type-graphql package (CJS and ESM versions)


  • allow ValidatorFn to accept array of values (instead of only object | undefined)



  • Breaking Change: AuthChecker type is now "function or class" - update to AuthCheckerFn if the function form is needed in the code
  • Breaking Change: update graphql-js peer dependency to ^16.6.0
  • Breaking Change: buildSchemaSync is now also checking the generated schema for errors
  • Breaking Change: validate option of buildSchema is set to false by default - integration with class-validator has to be turned on explicitly
  • Breaking Change: validate option of buildSchema doesn't accept anymore a custom validation function - use validateFn option instead
  • support class-based auth checker, which allows for dependency injection
  • allow defining directives for interface types and theirs fields, with inheritance for object types fields (#744)
  • allow deprecating input fields and args (#794)
  • support disabling inferring default values (#793)
  • support readonly arrays for roles of @Authorized decorator (#935)
  • add sync version of buildTypeDefsAndResolvers function (#803)
  • lift restriction of listing all interfaces from inheritance chain in implements option of @ObjectType decorator (#1425)


  • Breaking Change: properly emit types nullability when defaultValue is provided and remove ConflictingDefaultWithNullableError error (#751)
  • allow defining extension on field resolver level for fields also defined as a property of the class (#776)
  • fix throwing error when schema with dynamic default value was built again (#787)
  • fix converting inputs with fields of nested array type (#801)
  • disable broken exposing input types fields under a changed name via @Field({ name: "..." })
  • support overwriting fields of extended types (#1109)
  • properly execute args validation for nullable items array (#1328)


  • Breaking Change: update class-validator peer dependency to >=0.14.0
  • Breaking Change: change build config to ES2021 - drop support for Node.js < 16.16.0
  • Breaking Change: remove support for loading resolvers by glob paths (resolvers: string[] build schema option)
  • Breaking Change: remove isAbstract legacy decorator option
  • Breaking Change: remove the commentDescriptions option from PrintSchemaOptions (no more support for # comments in SDL by GraphQL v16)



  • fix crashing when of union's or interface type's resolveType function returns undefined or null (#731)
  • fix crashing when no reflected type available for fields with params decorators (#724)
  • fix not registering object types implementing interface type when interface type is used as object type field type (#736)
  • properly transform nested array of input type classes (#737)



  • allow passing custom validation function as validate option to buildSchema
  • support defining deprecation reason and description of enum members (#714)


  • Breaking Change: throw error when wrong type of value provided as arg or input for GraphQLISODateTime and GraphQLTimestamp scalars
  • don't include in schema the fields declared as @FieldResolver when that resolvers classes aren't provided in resolvers array
  • fix grammar in CannotDetermineGraphQLTypeError error message
  • properly inherit extensions from parent class and its fields



  • Breaking Change: emit in schema only types actually used by provided resolvers classes (#415)
  • Breaking Change: update graphql-js peer dependency to ^15.3.0
  • Breaking Change: update graphql-query-complexity dependency to ^0.7.0 and drop support for fieldConfigEstimator (use fieldExtensionsEstimator instead)
  • Breaking Change: introduce sortedSchema option in PrintSchemaOptions and emit sorted schema file by default
  • Breaking Change: make class-validator a peer dependency of version >=0.12.0 that needs to be installed manually (#366)
  • Breaking Change: remove CannotDetermineTypeError and make other error messages more detailed and specific
  • Breaking Change: remove legacy array inference - now explicit array syntax ([Item]) is required
  • update TypeResolver interface to match with GraphQLTypeResolver from graphql-js
  • add basic support for directives with @Directive() decorator (#369)
  • add possibility to tune up the performance and disable auth & middlewares stack for simple field resolvers (#479)
  • optimize resolvers execution paths to speed up a lot basic scenarios (#488)
  • add @Extensions decorator for putting metadata into GraphQL types config (#521)
  • add support for defining arguments and implementing resolvers for interface types fields (#579)
  • add { autoRegisterImplementations: false } option to prevent automatic emitting in schema all the object types that implements used interface type (#595)
  • allow interfaces to implement other interfaces (#602)
  • expose createResolversMap utility that generates apollo-like resolvers object
  • support IoC containers which .get() method returns a Promise of resolver instance
  • update deps to newest major versions (tslib, graphql-query-complexity)


  • Breaking Change: stop returning null for GraphQLTimestamp and GraphQLISODateTime scalars when returned value is not a Date instance - now it throws explicit error instead
  • Breaking Change: fix transforming and validating nested inputs and arrays (#462)
  • refactor union types function syntax handling to prevent possible errors with circular refs
  • remove duplicated entries for resolver classes that use inheritance (#499)
  • fix using name option on interface fields (#567)
  • fix not calling authChecker during subscribe phase for subscriptions (#578)
  • fix using shared union type in multiple schemas
  • fix using shared interface type in multiple schemas
  • fix calling field resolver without providing resolver class to buildSchema
  • fix generated TS union type for union type of object type classes extending themselves (#587)
  • fix using shared union and interface types in multiple schemas when resolveType is used
  • properly inherit directives while extending @InputType or @ObjectType classes (#626)
  • skip transforming empty array items into input classes


  • Breaking Change: change build config to ES2018 - drop support for Node.js < 10.3
  • Breaking Change: remove deprecated DepreciationOptions interface
  • Breaking Change: remove deprecated direct array syntax for declaring union types



  • fix leaking resolver source code in MissingSubscriptionTopicsError error message (#489)



  • rename DepreciationOptions interface to DeprecationOptions and deprecate the old one
  • update deps to newest minor versions (tslib, semver, graphql-query-complexity and glob)
  • support nested array types (@Field(type => [[Int]])) (#393)
  • deprecate the direct array syntax for union types


  • fix errors on circular refs in union types (#364) by adding the function syntax (() => TClassTypes)



  • add support for creating custom parameter decorators (#329)
  • allow to provide custom subscribe function in @Subscription decorator (#328)



  • update packages semver to ^6.0.0 and graphql-subscriptions to ^1.1.0


  • fix broken compatibility with newer @types/graphql due to using removed private types (e.g. MaybePromise) (#320)



  • add support for defining resolveType function for interfaces and unions (#319)
  • add support for setting default nullability for fields and return types (#297)
  • add skipCheck option in buildSchema to disable checking the correctness of a schema
  • add postinstall script for printing info on console about supporting the project


  • fix generating plain resolvers for queries and mutations (compatibility with Apollo client state)



  • add support for emitting schema file in not existing directory (#269)
  • drop support for Node.js v6 (end of LTS in April 2019)


  • fix typings discovery support for WebStorm (#276)
  • allow for returning plain objects when using ObjectTypes that implements InterfaceTypes or extends other classes (#160)



  • Breaking Change: make graphql-js packages a peer dependencies, bump graphql to ^14.1.1 and @types/graphql to ^14.0.7 (#239)
  • Breaking Change: remove useContainer function and allow to register container by buildSchema options (#241)
  • Breaking Change: change the default PrintSchemaOptions option commentDescriptions to false (no more # comments in SDL)
  • add support for passing PrintSchemaOptions in buildSchema.emitSchemaFile (e.g. commentDescriptions: true to restore previous behavior)
  • add buildTypeDefsAndResolvers utils function for generating apollo-like typeDefs and resolvers pair (#233)
  • add support for generic types (#255)


  • Breaking Change: remove the formatArgumentValidationError helper as it's not compatible and not needed in new Apollo Server (#258)
  • fix calling return type getter function @Field(type => Foo) before finishing module evaluation (allow for extending circular classes using require)
  • fix nullifying other custom method decorators - call the method on target instance, not the stored reference to original function (#247)
  • fix throwing error when extending non args class in the @ArgsType() class
  • prevent unnecessary conversion of an object that is already an instance of the requested type (avoid constructor side-effects)



  • add support for default values in schema (#203)
  • add support for lists with nullable items (#211)


  • fix browser shim (compatibility with polyfills for decorator support)



  • Breaking Change: upgrade graphql to ^14.0.2, graphql-subscriptions to ^1.0.0 and @types/graphql to ^14.0.2
  • update all other dependencies
  • drop support for Node.js v9
  • add capability to emit the schema definition file (*.gql) as a buildSchema option
  • add emitSchemaDefinitionFile helper function for emitting the schema SDL



  • Breaking Change: change ClassType type and export it in package index
  • Breaking Change: refactor generic createUnionType to remove the 10 types limit (note: requires TypeScript >=3.0.1)
  • add support for subscribing to dynamic topics - based on args/ctx/root (#137)
  • add support for query complexity analysis - integration with graphql-query-complexity (#139)



  • fix missing loosely typed overload signature for createUnionType (remove the 10 types limit)



  • make class-validator a virtual peer dependency and update it to newest 0.9.1 version
  • add support for creating scoped containers (#113)



  • add reflect-metadata checks and informative error if no polyfill provided
  • update @types/graphql to latest version (^0.13.3)


  • fix throwing error when of => objectType wasn't provided in abstract resolver class
  • fix calling Object.assign with boolean arguments (#111)



  • add support for using type classes in browser (configure webpack to use decorators shim)


  • fix swallowing false argument value (#101)



  • fix bug with overriding methods from parent resolver class (#95)



  • Breaking Change: remove deprecated ActionData and FilterActionData interfaces
  • add support for resolver classes inheritance
  • add name decorator option for @Field and @FieldResolver decorators that allows to set the schema name different than the property name



  • make auth checker feature generic typed (default string for backward compatibility)



  • attach MetadataStorage to global scope (support multiple packages/modules)
  • rename and deprecate ActionData and FilterActionData interfaces to ResolverData and ResolverFilterData



  • add support for returning null instead of throwing authorization error (authMode property of buildSchema config)
  • add support for generating object type field in schema from method with @FieldResolver


  • fix bug when converting object scalars to target class instance (#65)



  • add support for creating and attaching middlewares, guards and interceptors to fields and resolvers
  • Breaking Change: remove deprecated decorators with GraphQL prefix and { array: true } type option



  • add buildSchemaSync function to build the schema synchronously (unsafe! without additional errors checks)
  • update package dependencies
  • Breaking Change: update @types/graphql to 0.13.0


  • decorator option validate is now merged with buildSchema's validate config instead of overwriting it



  • fix bug with extending non-TypeGraphQL classes



  • add support for GraphQL subscriptions using graphql-subscriptions
  • update package dependencies
  • deprecate { array: true } type option



  • add @Info() decorator for injecting GraphQL resolve info to resolvers
  • add support for injecting parts of root and context objects with @Root("field") and @Ctx("field") decorators



  • add base support for GraphQL enums using TypeScript enums
  • add support for defining GraphQL unions
  • add support for importing resolvers from file path glob
  • deprecate decorators with GraphQL prefix - use @ArgsType, @InputType, @InterfaceType, @ObjectType and @Resolver instead


  • fix not working array type notation in circular dependencies (correct thunk generation)



  • add authorization feature - @Authorized decorator and authChecker function in schema options (see docs)
  • add support for defining array type using mongoose-like notation [Type]
  • Breaking Change: remove deprecated @GraphQLArgumentType decorator - use @GraphQLArgsType instead



  • add support for defining GraphQL interfaces and implementing it by object types
  • add support for extending input, args, object and interface types classes
  • add support for implementing GraphQL interfaces without decorators duplication
  • Breaking Change: make buildSchema async - now it returns a Promise of GraphQLSchema
  • rename and deprecate @GraphQLArgumentType decorator - use @GraphQLArgsType instead


  • allow for no args in @GraphQLResolver decorator to keep consistency with other resolver classes



  • create instance of root object when it's type provided in resolver
  • change Date scalar names to GraphQLISODateTime and GraphQLTimestamp
  • support only Date objects (instances) serialization in GraphQLTimestamp (and in GraphQLISODateTime too)
  • update package dependencies
  • add test suite with 92%+ coverage


  • Breaking change: switch array nullable option behavior from [Type]! to [Type!]
  • add more detailed type reflection error message (parameters support)
  • fix ResolverInterface resolver function type (allow additional parameters)
  • add support for named param in @GraphQLResolver lambda and for object class as param



  • add basic support for automatic arguments and inputs validation using class-validator
  • add interface ResolverInterface for type checking of resolver class methods (field resolvers)
  • update graphql dependency from ^0.12.3 to ^0.13.0


  • fix default values for arg/input fields (class property initializers) - use new instead of Object.create



  • add support for descriptions in schema (types, args, queries, etc.)
  • add support for declaring deprecation reason on object fields and queries/mutations


  • fix scalars ID alias (GraphQLID not GraphQLString)



  • add support for Date type (built-in scalar)
  • add support for custom scalars (and mapping it to TS types)
  • change @Context decorator name to @Ctx



  • fix missing type args in schema when declared in field resolver
  • fix missing resolver function when defined as type field method
  • fix creating instances of root object when internal fields are Promises (switch from plainToClass to vanilla JS)
  • fix converting field and resolvers args errors while converting gql objects (weird prototype stuffs)



  • add support for omitting return type when use type options, in selected decorators (@Field, @Arg)


  • fix class getter resolvers bug - missing fields from prototype (plainToClass bug)


Initial release