diff --git a/docs/test/vstest-console-options.md b/docs/test/vstest-console-options.md
index 1a7de21b9ce..4c3a577a9ae 100644
--- a/docs/test/vstest-console-options.md
+++ b/docs/test/vstest-console-options.md
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ The following table lists all the options for *VSTest.Console.exe* and short des
|**/TestCaseFilter:[*expression*]**|Run tests that match the given expression.
is of the format =[\|].
Example: `/TestCaseFilter:"Priority=1"`
Example: `/TestCaseFilter:"TestCategory=Nightly|FullyQualifiedName=Namespace.ClassName.MethodName"`
The **/TestCaseFilter** command-line option cannot be used with the **/Tests** command-line option.
For information about creating and using expressions, see [TestCase filter](https://github.com/Microsoft/vstest-docs/blob/master/docs/filter.md).|
|**/?**|Displays usage information.|
|**/Logger:[*uri/friendlyname*]**|Specify a logger for test results. Specify the parameter multiple times to enable multiple loggers.
Example: To log results into a Visual Studio Test Results File (TRX), use
-|**/ListTests:[*file name*]**|Lists discovered tests from the given test container.|
+|**/ListTests:[*file name*]**|Lists discovered tests from the given test container.
Note: The `/TestCaseFilters` option has no effect when listing tests; it only controls which tests get run.|
|**/ListDiscoverers**|Lists installed test discoverers.|
|**/ListExecutors**|Lists installed test executors.|
|**/ListLoggers**|Lists installed test loggers.|