This repository compares different alternatives to solve optimization problems in Python
We solve a standard linear programming problem of the form
min c*x
s.t. A*x <= b
x >= 0
where x is a vector with all variables and c, A, b are matrices of appropiate dimension whose elements are randomly generated using normal probability distributions.
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Method 1: SCIPY (link)
- Requirements: scipy
- Pros: It only requires importing the scipy package
- Cons: Optimization problem must be transform into matricial form
# Import lp class
from optpy import lp
# Create linear programming probblem with 10 variables and 5 constraints. Further info: help(lp)
lp1 = lp(nvar=10,ncon=5)
# Solve linear problem using scipy. Further info: help(lp.solve_scipy)
obj,x = lp1.solve_scipy(method='simplex')
Method 2: PULP (link)
- Requirements: pulp, glpk, cbc
- Pros: It relies on open-source solvers. Linear and integer problems can be solved. Intuitive syntax.
- Cons: It does not solve non-linear problems.
# Import lp class
from optpy import lp
# Create linear programming probblem with 10 variables and 5 constraints. Further info: help(lp)
lp1 = lp(nvar=10,ncon=5)
# Solve linear problem using pulp. Further info: help(lp.solve_pulp)
obj,x = lp1.solve_pulp()
Method 3: PYOMO Environ (standard) (link)
- Requirements: Pyomo and access to solvers
- Pros: It solves all kind of optimization problems. Intuitive syntax.
- Cons: It needs access to solvers, although neos server can be also used.
# Import lp class
from optpy import lp
# Create linear programming probblem with 10 variables and 5 constraints. Further info: help(lp)
lp1 = lp(nvar=10,ncon=5)
# Solve linear problem using pyomo. Further info: help(lp.solve_pyomo_environ)
obj,x = lp1.solve_pyomo_environ(neos=True,solver='cplex')
Method 4: PYOMO Kernel Library (link)
- Requirements: Pyomo and access to solvers
- Pros: It solves all kind of optimization problems. Lighter and more flexible than Pyomo environ.
- Cons: Less intuitive than Pyomo environ. Connection to neos server under development
# Import lp class
from optpy import lp
# Create linear programming probblem with 10 variables and 5 constraints. Further info: help(lp)
lp1 = lp(nvar=10,ncon=5)
# Solve linear problem using pyomo. Further info: help(lp.solve_pyomo_kernel)
obj,x = lp1.solve_pyomo_kernel(solver='cplex')
Any feedback is welcome so feel free to ask or comment anything you want via a Pull Request in this repo. If you need extra help, you can ask Salvador Pineda (