A Jquery plugin that allow users to add hooks when the url hash changes.
First include the script after jquery
<script src="jquery.jqueryhash.js"></script>
Call the plugin
hashes: [
['foo', function() { console.log(123); }],
['bar', function() { console.log(456); }]
Adds a callback to a foo hash https://myurl.com/index.html#foo
$.onHash('onAddHandler', [ 'foo', function() { console.log(789); } ]);
Please note that if you add more than one callback to a hash only executes the first added, to change the foo hash callback please use the update option
Update the callback of a foo hash https://myurl.com/index.html#foo
$.onHash('onUpdateOne', [ 'foo', function() { console.log(456); } ]);
Triggers the callback of a foo hash https://myurl.com/index.html#foo
$.onHash('onTriggerOne', 'foo');
Removes the callback of a foo hash https://myurl.com/index.html#foo
$.onHash('onRemoveOneHandler', 'foo');
Removes all callbacks