From 11be510427d750c22cb5ff68d4e6a6304945f440 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "github-actions[bot]" <41898282+github-actions[bot]> Date: Tue, 14 May 2024 18:09:17 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 1/6] Update Credits (#1187) Co-authored-by: DeltaV-Bot --- Resources/Credits/GitHub.txt | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/Resources/Credits/GitHub.txt b/Resources/Credits/GitHub.txt index 73b63396aa2..a73e8b1751c 100644 --- a/Resources/Credits/GitHub.txt +++ b/Resources/Credits/GitHub.txt @@ -1 +1 @@ -0x6273, 2013HORSEMEATSCANDAL, 20kdc, 21Melkuu, 4dplanner, 612git, 778b, Ablankmann, Acruid, actioninja, adamsong, adeinitas, Admiral-Obvious-001, Adrian16199, Aerocrux, Aexxie, africalimedrop, Agoichi, Ahion, AJCM-git, AjexRose, Alekshhh, AlexMorgan3817, AlmondFlour, AlphaQwerty, Altoids1, amylizzle, ancientpower, ArchPigeon, Arendian, arimah, Arteben, AruMoon, as334, AsikKEsel, asperger-sind, avghdev, AzzyIsNotHere, BananaFlambe, Baptr0b0t, BasedUser, beck-thompson, BGare, BingoJohnson-zz, BismarckShuffle, Bixkitts, Blackern5000, Blazeror, Boaz1111, BobdaBiscuit, brainfood1183, BramvanZijp, Brandon-Huu, Bribrooo, Bright0, brndd, BubblegumBlue, BYONDFuckery, c4llv07e, CakeQ, CaptainSqrBeard, Carbonhell, Carolyn3114, CatTheSystem, Centronias, chairbender, Charlese2, Cheackraze, cheesePizza2, Chief-Engineer, chromiumboy, Chronophylos, clement-or, Clyybber, Cojoke-dot, ColdAutumnRain, Colin-Tel, collinlunn, ComicIronic, coolmankid12345, corentt, crazybrain23, creadth, CrigCrag, Crotalus, CrudeWax, CrzyPotato, Cyberboss, d34d10cc, Daemon, daerSeebaer, dahnte, dakamakat, dakimasu, DamianX, DangerRevolution, daniel-cr, Darkenson, DawBla, dch-GH, Deahaka, DEATHB4DEFEAT, DeathCamel58, deathride58, DebugOk, Decappi, deepdarkdepths, Delete69, deltanedas, DeltaV-Bot, DerbyX, Doctor-Cpu, DoctorBeard, DogZeroX, dontbetank, Doru991, DoubleRiceEddiedd, DoutorWhite, DrMelon, DrSmugleaf, drteaspoon420, DTanxxx, DubiousDoggo, Duddino, Dutch-VanDerLinde, Easypoller, eclips_e, EdenTheLiznerd, EEASAS, Efruit, ElectroSR, elthundercloud, Emisse, EmoGarbage404, Endecc, enumerate0, eoineoineoin, ERORR404V1, Errant-4, estacaoespacialpirata, exincore, exp111, Fahasor, FairlySadPanda, ficcialfaint, Fildrance, FillerVK, Fishfish458, Flareguy, FluffiestFloof, FluidRock, FoLoKe, fooberticus, Fortune117, freeman2651, Fromoriss, FungiFellow, GalacticChimp, gbasood, Geekyhobo, Ghagliiarghii, Git-Nivrak, github-actions[bot], gituhabu, Golinth, GoodWheatley, Gotimanga, graevy, GreyMario, Guess-My-Name, gusxyz, Gyrandola, h3half, Hanzdegloker, Hardly3D, harikattar, HerCoyote23, HoofedEar, hord-brayden, hubismal, Hugal31, Huxellberger, iacore, IamVelcroboy, icekot8, igorsaux, ike709, Illiux, Ilya246, IlyaElDunaev, Injazz, Insineer, Interrobang01, IProduceWidgets, ItsMeThom, Jackal298, Jackrost, jamessimo, janekvap, JerryImMouse, Jessetriesagain, jessicamaybe, Jezithyr, jicksaw, JiimBob, JoeHammad1844, JohnGinnane, johnku1, joshepvodka, jproads, Jrpl, juliangiebel, JustArt1m, JustCone14, JustinTrotter, KaiShibaa, kalane15, kalanosh, Kelrak, kerisargit, keronshb, KIBORG04, Killerqu00, KingFroozy, kira-er, Kit0vras, KittenColony, Ko4ergaPunk, komunre, koteq, Krunklehorn, kxvvv, Lamrr, LankLTE, lapatison, Leander-0, leonardo-dabepis, LetterN, Level10Cybermancer, lever1209, liltenhead, LittleBuilderJane, Lomcastar, LordCarve, LordEclipse, Lukasz825700516, lunarcomets, luringens, lvvova1, lzimann, lzk228, MACMAN2003, Macoron, MagnusCrowe, ManelNavola, Matz05, MehimoNemo, MeltedPixel, MemeProof, Menshin, Mervill, metalgearsloth, mhamsterr, MilenVolf, Minty642, Mirino97, mirrorcult, MishaUnity, MisterMecky, Mith-randalf, Moneyl, Moomoobeef, moony, Morb0, Mr0maks, musicmanvr, Myakot, Myctai, N3X15, Nairodian, Naive817, namespace-Memory, NickPowers43, nikthechampiongr, Nimfar11, Nirnael, nmajask, nok-ko, Nopey, notafet, notquitehadouken, noudoit, nuke-haus, NULL882, NullWanderer, OCOtheOmega, OctoRocket, OldDanceJacket, onoira, osjarw, Owai-Seek, pali6, Pangogie, patrikturi, PaulRitter, Peptide90, peptron1, Phantom-Lily, PHCodes, pigeonpeas, pissdemon, PixelTheKermit, PJB3005, Plykiya, pofitlo, pointer-to-null, PolterTzi, PoorMansDreams, potato1234x, ProfanedBane, PrPleGoo, ps3moira, Psychpsyo, psykzz, PuroSlavKing, PursuitInAshes, quatre, QuietlyWhisper, qwerltaz, Radosvik, Radrark, Rainbeon, Rainfey, Rane, ravage123321, rbertoche, Redict, RedlineTriad, RednoWCirabrab, RemberBM, RemieRichards, RemTim, rene-descartes2021, RiceMar1244, RieBi, Rinkashikachi, Rockdtben, rolfero, rosieposieeee, Saakra, Samsterious, SaphireLattice, ScalyChimp, scrato, Scribbles0, Serkket, SethLafuente, ShadowCommander, Shadowtheprotogen546, shampunj, SignalWalker, Simyon264, Sirionaut, siyengar04, Skarletto, Skrauz, Skyedra, SlamBamActionman, slarticodefast, Slava0135, Snowni, snowsignal, SonicHDC, SoulFN, SoulSloth, SpaceManiac, SpeltIncorrectyl, SphiraI, spoogemonster, ssdaniel24, Stealthbomber16, StrawberryMoses, Subversionary, superjj18, SweptWasTaken, Szunti, TadJohnson00, takemysoult, TaralGit, Tayrtahn, tday93, TekuNut, TemporalOroboros, tentekal, tgrkzus, thatrandomcanadianguy, TheArturZh, theashtronaut, thedraccx, themias, Theomund, theOperand, TheShuEd, TimrodDX, Titian3, tkdrg, tmtmtl30, TokenStyle, tom-leys, tomasalves8, Tomeno, tosatur, Tryded, TsjipTsjip, Tunguso4ka, TurboTrackerss14, Tyler-IN, Tyzemol, UbaserB, UBlueberry, UKNOWH, UnicornOnLSD, Uriende, UristMcDorf, Vaaankas, Varen, VasilisThePikachu, veliebm, Veritius, Vermidia, Verslebas, VigersRay, Visne, VMSolidus, volundr-, Voomra, Vordenburg, vulppine, wafehling, waylon531, weaversam8, Willhelm53, wixoaGit, WlarusFromDaSpace, wrexbe, xRiriq, yathxyz, Ygg01, YotaXP, YuriyKiss, zach-hill, Zandario, Zap527, Zealith-Gamer, ZelteHonor, zerorulez, zionnBE, zlodo, ZNixian, ZoldorfTheWizard, Zumorica, Zymem +0x6273, 2013HORSEMEATSCANDAL, 20kdc, 21Melkuu, 4dplanner, 612git, 778b, Ablankmann, Acruid, actioninja, adamsong, adeinitas, Admiral-Obvious-001, Adrian16199, Aerocrux, Aexxie, africalimedrop, Agoichi, Ahion, AJCM-git, AjexRose, Alekshhh, AlexMorgan3817, AlmondFlour, AlphaQwerty, Altoids1, amylizzle, ancientpower, ArchPigeon, Arendian, arimah, Arteben, AruMoon, as334, AsikKEsel, asperger-sind, avghdev, AzzyIsNotHere, BananaFlambe, Baptr0b0t, BasedUser, beck-thompson, BGare, BingoJohnson-zz, BismarckShuffle, Bixkitts, Blackern5000, Blazeror, Boaz1111, BobdaBiscuit, brainfood1183, BramvanZijp, Brandon-Huu, Bribrooo, Bright0, brndd, BubblegumBlue, BYONDFuckery, c4llv07e, CaptainSqrBeard, Carbonhell, Carolyn3114, CatTheSystem, Centronias, chairbender, Charlese2, Cheackraze, cheesePizza2, Chief-Engineer, chromiumboy, Chronophylos, clement-or, Clyybber, Cojoke-dot, ColdAutumnRain, Colin-Tel, collinlunn, ComicIronic, coolmankid12345, corentt, crazybrain23, creadth, CrigCrag, Crotalus, CrudeWax, Cyberboss, d34d10cc, Daemon, daerSeebaer, dahnte, dakamakat, dakimasu, DamianX, DangerRevolution, daniel-cr, Darkenson, DawBla, dch-GH, Deahaka, DEATHB4DEFEAT, DeathCamel58, deathride58, DebugOk, Decappi, deepdarkdepths, Delete69, deltanedas, DeltaV-Bot, DerbyX, DoctorBeard, DogZeroX, dontbetank, Doru991, DoubleRiceEddiedd, DoutorWhite, DrMelon, DrSmugleaf, drteaspoon420, DTanxxx, DubiousDoggo, Duddino, Dutch-VanDerLinde, Easypoller, eclips_e, EdenTheLiznerd, EEASAS, Efruit, ElectroSR, elthundercloud, Emisse, EmoGarbage404, Endecc, enumerate0, eoineoineoin, ERORR404V1, Errant-4, estacaoespacialpirata, exincore, exp111, Fahasor, FairlySadPanda, ficcialfaint, Fildrance, FillerVK, Fishfish458, Flareguy, FluffiestFloof, FoLoKe, fooberticus, Fortune117, freeman2651, Fromoriss, FungiFellow, GalacticChimp, gbasood, Geekyhobo, Ghagliiarghii, Git-Nivrak, github-actions[bot], gituhabu, Golinth, GoodWheatley, Gotimanga, graevy, GreyMario, Guess-My-Name, gusxyz, Gyrandola, h3half, Hanzdegloker, Hardly3D, harikattar, HerCoyote23, hitomishirichan, HoofedEar, hord-brayden, hubismal, Hugal31, Huxellberger, iacore, IamVelcroboy, icekot8, igorsaux, ike709, Illiux, Ilya246, IlyaElDunaev, Injazz, Insineer, Interrobang01, IProduceWidgets, ItsMeThom, Jackal298, Jackrost, jamessimo, janekvap, JerryImMouse, Jessetriesagain, jessicamaybe, Jezithyr, jicksaw, JiimBob, JoeHammad1844, JohnGinnane, johnku1, joshepvodka, jproads, Jrpl, juliangiebel, JustArt1m, JustCone14, JustinTrotter, KaiShibaa, kalane15, kalanosh, Kelrak, kerisargit, keronshb, KIBORG04, Killerqu00, KingFroozy, kira-er, Kit0vras, KittenColony, Ko4ergaPunk, komunre, koteq, Krunklehorn, Kukutis96513, kxvvv, Lamrr, LankLTE, lapatison, Leander-0, leonardo-dabepis, LetterN, Level10Cybermancer, lever1209, liltenhead, LittleBuilderJane, Lomcastar, LordCarve, LordEclipse, Lukasz825700516, lunarcomets, luringens, lvvova1, Lyndomen, lzimann, lzk228, MACMAN2003, Macoron, MagnusCrowe, ManelNavola, Mangohydra, Matz05, MehimoNemo, MeltedPixel, MemeProof, Menshin, Mervill, metalgearsloth, mhamsterr, MilenVolf, Minty642, Mirino97, mirrorcult, MishaUnity, MisterMecky, Mith-randalf, Moneyl, Moomoobeef, moony, Morb0, Mr0maks, musicmanvr, Myakot, Myctai, N3X15, Nairodian, Naive817, namespace-Memory, NickPowers43, nikthechampiongr, Nimfar11, Nirnael, nmajask, nok-ko, Nopey, notafet, notquitehadouken, noudoit, nuke-haus, NULL882, NullWanderer, OCOtheOmega, OctoRocket, OldDanceJacket, onoira, osjarw, Owai-Seek, pali6, Pangogie, patrikturi, PaulRitter, Peptide90, peptron1, Phantom-Lily, PHCodes, pigeonpeas, pissdemon, PixelTheKermit, PJB3005, Plykiya, pofitlo, pointer-to-null, PolterTzi, PoorMansDreams, potato1234x, ProfanedBane, PrPleGoo, ps3moira, Psychpsyo, psykzz, PuroSlavKing, PursuitInAshes, quatre, QuietlyWhisper, qwerltaz, Radosvik, Radrark, Rainbeon, Rainfey, Rane, ravage123321, rbertoche, Redict, RedlineTriad, RednoWCirabrab, RemberBM, RemieRichards, RemTim, rene-descartes2021, RiceMar1244, RieBi, Rinkashikachi, Rockdtben, rolfero, rosieposieeee, Saakra, Samsterious, SaphireLattice, ScalyChimp, scrato, Scribbles0, Serkket, SethLafuente, ShadowCommander, shampunj, SignalWalker, Simyon264, Sirionaut, siyengar04, Skarletto, Skrauz, Skyedra, SlamBamActionman, slarticodefast, Slava0135, Snowni, snowsignal, SonicHDC, SoulFN, SoulSloth, SpaceManiac, SpeltIncorrectyl, SphiraI, spoogemonster, ssdaniel24, Stealthbomber16, StrawberryMoses, Subversionary, superjj18, SweptWasTaken, Szunti, TadJohnson00, takemysoult, TaralGit, Tayrtahn, tday93, TekuNut, TemporalOroboros, tentekal, Terraspark4941, tgrkzus, thatrandomcanadianguy, TheArturZh, theashtronaut, thedraccx, themias, Theomund, theOperand, TheShuEd, TimrodDX, Titian3, tkdrg, tmtmtl30, TokenStyle, tom-leys, tomasalves8, Tomeno, tosatur, Tryded, TsjipTsjip, Tunguso4ka, TurboTrackerss14, Tyler-IN, Tyzemol, UbaserB, UBlueberry, UKNOWH, UnicornOnLSD, Uriende, UristMcDorf, Vaaankas, Varen, VasilisThePikachu, veliebm, Veritius, Vermidia, Verslebas, VigersRay, Visne, VMSolidus, volundr-, Voomra, Vordenburg, vulppine, wafehling, waylon531, weaversam8, Willhelm53, wixoaGit, WlarusFromDaSpace, wrexbe, xRiriq, yathxyz, Ygg01, YotaXP, YuriyKiss, zach-hill, Zandario, Zap527, Zealith-Gamer, ZelteHonor, zerorulez, zionnBE, zlodo, ZNixian, ZoldorfTheWizard, Zumorica, Zymem From 842a8dbdd87a27cd7784ac40b015dbe650f4f1d4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Angelo Fallaria Date: Wed, 15 May 2024 01:13:45 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 2/6] Add Makeup * feat: add makeup markings Adds the following makeup markings: - Lipstick - Blush - Nail Polish (Left) - Nail Polish (Right) * feat: rename `lipstick` marking to `lips` * refactor(makeup): add comment for harpies * feat(makeup): improve nail polish sprite * feat(makeup): improve default colors * feat(makeup): add lips and blush for moths * refactor(makeup): remove metadata from `blush.png` --- Resources/Locale/en-US/markings/makeup.ftl | 17 ++++ .../Mobs/Customization/Markings/makeup.yml | 87 ++++++++++++++++++ .../Mobs/Customization/makeup.rsi/blush.png | Bin 0 -> 151 bytes .../Mobs/Customization/makeup.rsi/lips.png | Bin 0 -> 149 bytes .../Mobs/Customization/makeup.rsi/meta.json | 35 +++++++ .../Customization/makeup.rsi/moth_blush.png | Bin 0 -> 139 bytes .../Customization/makeup.rsi/moth_lips.png | Bin 0 -> 137 bytes .../makeup.rsi/nail_polish_l.png | Bin 0 -> 170 bytes .../makeup.rsi/nail_polish_r.png | Bin 0 -> 167 bytes 9 files changed, 139 insertions(+) create mode 100644 Resources/Locale/en-US/markings/makeup.ftl create mode 100644 Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Mobs/Customization/Markings/makeup.yml create mode 100644 Resources/Textures/Mobs/Customization/makeup.rsi/blush.png create mode 100644 Resources/Textures/Mobs/Customization/makeup.rsi/lips.png create mode 100644 Resources/Textures/Mobs/Customization/makeup.rsi/meta.json create mode 100644 Resources/Textures/Mobs/Customization/makeup.rsi/moth_blush.png create mode 100644 Resources/Textures/Mobs/Customization/makeup.rsi/moth_lips.png create mode 100644 Resources/Textures/Mobs/Customization/makeup.rsi/nail_polish_l.png create mode 100644 Resources/Textures/Mobs/Customization/makeup.rsi/nail_polish_r.png diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/markings/makeup.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/markings/makeup.ftl new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..24ca3a10b7d --- /dev/null +++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/markings/makeup.ftl @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +marking-MakeupLips-lips = Lips +marking-MakeupLips = Lips + +marking-MakeupBlush-blush = Blush +marking-MakeupBlush = Blush + +marking-MakeupNailPolishLeft-nail_polish_l = Nail Polish (Left) +marking-MakeupNailPolishLeft = Nail Polish (Left) + +marking-MakeupNailPolishRight-nail_polish_r = Nail Polish (Right) +marking-MakeupNailPolishRight = Nail Polish (Right) + +marking-MakeupMothBlush-moth_blush = Moth Blush +marking-MakeupMothBlush = Moth Blush + +marking-MakeupMothLips-moth_lips = Moth Lipstick +marking-MakeupMothLips = Moth Lipstick diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Mobs/Customization/Markings/makeup.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Mobs/Customization/Markings/makeup.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..901bf6e75cf --- /dev/null +++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Mobs/Customization/Markings/makeup.yml @@ -0,0 +1,87 @@ +- type: marking + id: MakeupLips + bodyPart: Head + markingCategory: Head + speciesRestriction: [Dwarf, Human, SlimePerson, Felinid, Oni, Harpy] # Delta V - Felinid, Oni, Harpy + coloring: + default: + type: + !type:SimpleColoring + color: "#7e2727" + sprites: + - sprite: Mobs/Customization/makeup.rsi + state: lips + +- type: marking + id: MakeupBlush + bodyPart: Head + markingCategory: Head + speciesRestriction: [Dwarf, Human, Reptilian, SlimePerson, Felinid, Oni, Vulpkanin, Harpy] # Delta V - Felinid, Oni, Vulpkanin, Harpy + coloring: + default: + type: + !type:SimpleColoring + color: "#d39394" + sprites: + - sprite: Mobs/Customization/makeup.rsi + state: blush + +- type: marking + id: MakeupNailPolishRight + bodyPart: RHand + markingCategory: Overlay + speciesRestriction: [Dwarf, Human, Reptilian, Arachnid, SlimePerson, Felinid, Oni, Vulpkanin] # Delta V - Felinid, Oni, Vulpkanin + coloring: + default: + type: + !type:SimpleColoring + color: "#702020" + sprites: + - sprite: Mobs/Customization/makeup.rsi + state: nail_polish_r + +- type: marking + id: MakeupNailPolishLeft + bodyPart: LHand + markingCategory: Overlay + speciesRestriction: [Dwarf, Human, Reptilian, Arachnid, SlimePerson, Felinid, Oni, Vulpkanin] # Delta V - Felinid, Oni, Vulpkanin + coloring: + default: + type: + !type:SimpleColoring + color: "#702020" + sprites: + - sprite: Mobs/Customization/makeup.rsi + state: nail_polish_l + +# Moth-specific + +- type: marking + id: MakeupMothLips + bodyPart: Head + markingCategory: Overlay # The marking category is in Overlay instead of Head + # because the Head category for moths only allows 1 + # marking and lips should be usable alongside blush + speciesRestriction: [Moth] + coloring: + default: + type: + !type:SimpleColoring + color: "#7e2727" + sprites: + - sprite: Mobs/Customization/makeup.rsi + state: moth_lips + +- type: marking + id: MakeupMothBlush + bodyPart: Head + markingCategory: Overlay + speciesRestriction: [Moth] + coloring: + default: + type: + !type:SimpleColoring + color: "#d39394" + sprites: + - sprite: Mobs/Customization/makeup.rsi + state: moth_blush diff --git a/Resources/Textures/Mobs/Customization/makeup.rsi/blush.png b/Resources/Textures/Mobs/Customization/makeup.rsi/blush.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9e672df8c31c1bbaa12a2033c023f41f10761734 GIT binary patch literal 151 zcmeAS@N?(olHy`uVBq!ia0vp^4j|0I1|(Ny7TyC=Y)RhkE)0?k@(cp=>UJ#!if|Tq zL>4nJa0`PlBg3pY5Z3` literal 0 HcmV?d00001 diff --git a/Resources/Textures/Mobs/Customization/makeup.rsi/meta.json b/Resources/Textures/Mobs/Customization/makeup.rsi/meta.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..422f1eec834 --- /dev/null +++ b/Resources/Textures/Mobs/Customization/makeup.rsi/meta.json @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +{ + "version": 1, + "license": "CC-BY-SA-3.0", + "copyright": "Sprites by angelofallars (github)", + "size": { + "x": 32, + "y": 32 + }, + "states": [ + { + "name": "lips", + "directions": 4 + }, + { + "name": "blush", + "directions": 4 + }, + { + "name": "nail_polish_l", + "directions": 4 + }, + { + "name": "nail_polish_r", + "directions": 4 + }, + { + "name": "moth_lips", + "directions": 4 + }, + { + "name": "moth_blush", + "directions": 4 + } + ] +} diff --git a/Resources/Textures/Mobs/Customization/makeup.rsi/moth_blush.png b/Resources/Textures/Mobs/Customization/makeup.rsi/moth_blush.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c66a862be017fba40ab00802f73ba1afb1fd671b GIT binary patch literal 139 zcmeAS@N?(olHy`uVBq!ia0vp^4j|0I0wfs{c7_5;rX+877lxY8c5y4i~sDx>wQ|#u%Dwa< literal 0 HcmV?d00001 diff --git a/Resources/Textures/Mobs/Customization/makeup.rsi/moth_lips.png b/Resources/Textures/Mobs/Customization/makeup.rsi/moth_lips.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..72c6f57c6efc880557a31b5129c8fc959e0f24c8 GIT binary patch literal 137 zcmeAS@N?(olHy`uVBq!ia0vp^4j|0I0wfs{c7_5;rX+877lxY8c5P;>Bs|uecwr-J!PZQm3Wkuk4~5S} cF)%d5%REnJ|LNIntp*bIboFyt=akR{0O{Hz?EnA( literal 0 HcmV?d00001 diff --git a/Resources/Textures/Mobs/Customization/makeup.rsi/nail_polish_l.png b/Resources/Textures/Mobs/Customization/makeup.rsi/nail_polish_l.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..73175b4e2c8436ee2c1c5548cbcd51377b9bb489 GIT binary patch literal 170 zcmeAS@N?(olHy`uVBq!ia0vp^4j|0I1|(Ny7TyC=Y)RhkE)1I)(iv7=-5>V?D8gCb z5n0T@z%2~Ij105pNB{-BJY5_^DsH{KwUL)WfrG{2(Ld|QOlEG20^e(`;{Pe81XRMn zAeNHW_v~`yZSNIPJB+x&LJSRB+hdDvd$-nCyM1?NU^uXcPut)4{F#3rYC!Uyu6{1- HoD!MV?D8gCb z5n0T@z%2~Ij105pNB{-hJzX3_DsH{KsmRBmz{BEr=>Pv3i2{qJ46DUj`YZ1k0+lc@ zY*X2Jcdc3a>Tf%;W;23C7%b{U?*BAel-qReJ|n}5e8w#r#^?8D&Flindb;|#taD0e F0szN&F&h8? literal 0 HcmV?d00001 From 6a5cfc6dc41bd7abcbfb00745d501cc93eb236e6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: DeltaV-Bot <> Date: Tue, 14 May 2024 17:14:05 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 3/6] Automatic changelog update --- Resources/Changelog/DeltaVChangelog.yml | 9 +++++++++ 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+) diff --git a/Resources/Changelog/DeltaVChangelog.yml b/Resources/Changelog/DeltaVChangelog.yml index 97d076c6db8..57157e01986 100644 --- a/Resources/Changelog/DeltaVChangelog.yml +++ b/Resources/Changelog/DeltaVChangelog.yml @@ -2314,3 +2314,12 @@ id: 344 time: '2024-05-14T14:45:40.0000000+00:00' url: +- author: angelofallars + changes: + - message: 'Makeup is finally here: lips, blush, and nail polish! Head over to Character + Setup in the Markings section, then look at Head/Overlay to give your characters + the makeover they deserve!' + type: Add + id: 345 + time: '2024-05-14T17:13:45.0000000+00:00' + url: From 12e2826db16563993e1edfe4032b0a75f1a2a9d4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Mnemotechnican <> Date: Tue, 14 May 2024 22:49:58 +0300 Subject: [PATCH 4/6] Paper signatures (#1172) * Signatures! * Fix typo * Suggestions implemented --- .../DeltaV/Paper/SignatureSystem.cs | 103 ++++++++++++++++++ .../Locale/en-US/deltav/paper/signature.ftl | 5 + .../Objects/Misc/bureaucracy.rsi/meta.json | 5 +- .../bureaucracy.rsi/paper_stamp-signature.png | Bin 0 -> 955 bytes 4 files changed, 112 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) create mode 100644 Content.Server/DeltaV/Paper/SignatureSystem.cs create mode 100644 Resources/Locale/en-US/deltav/paper/signature.ftl create mode 100644 Resources/Textures/Objects/Misc/bureaucracy.rsi/paper_stamp-signature.png diff --git a/Content.Server/DeltaV/Paper/SignatureSystem.cs b/Content.Server/DeltaV/Paper/SignatureSystem.cs new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..a5877fd0aba --- /dev/null +++ b/Content.Server/DeltaV/Paper/SignatureSystem.cs @@ -0,0 +1,103 @@ +using Content.Server.Access.Systems; +using Content.Server.Paper; +using Content.Server.Popups; +using Content.Shared.Paper; +using Content.Shared.Popups; +using Content.Shared.Tag; +using Content.Shared.Verbs; +using Robust.Server.Audio; +using Robust.Shared.Player; + +namespace Content.Server.DeltaV.Paper; + +public sealed class SignatureSystem : EntitySystem +{ + [Dependency] private readonly AudioSystem _audio = default!; + [Dependency] private readonly IdCardSystem _idCard = default!; + [Dependency] private readonly PaperSystem _paper = default!; + [Dependency] private readonly PopupSystem _popup = default!; + [Dependency] private readonly TagSystem _tagSystem = default!; + + // The sprite used to visualize "signatures" on paper entities. + private const string SignatureStampState = "paper_stamp-signature"; + + public override void Initialize() + { + SubscribeLocalEvent>(OnGetAltVerbs); + } + + private void OnGetAltVerbs(EntityUid uid, PaperComponent component, GetVerbsEvent args) + { + if (!args.CanAccess || !args.CanInteract) + return; + + var pen = args.Using; + if (pen == null || !_tagSystem.HasTag(pen.Value, "Write")) + return; + + AlternativeVerb verb = new() + { + Act = () => + { + TrySignPaper((uid, component), args.User); + }, + Text = Loc.GetString("paper-sign-verb"), + DoContactInteraction = true, + Priority = 10 + }; + args.Verbs.Add(verb); + } + + /// + /// Tries add add a signature to the paper with signer's name. + /// + public bool TrySignPaper(Entity paper, EntityUid signer) + { + var paperComp = paper.Comp; + if (!Resolve(paper, ref paperComp)) + return false; + + var signatureName = DetermineEntitySignature(signer); + + var stampInfo = new StampDisplayInfo() + { + StampedName = signatureName, + StampedColor = Color.DarkSlateGray, // TODO: make configurable? Perhaps it should depend on the pen. + }; + + if (!paperComp.StampedBy.Contains(stampInfo) && _paper.TryStamp(paper, stampInfo, SignatureStampState, paperComp)) + { + // Show popups and play a paper writing sound + var signedOtherMessage = Loc.GetString("paper-signed-other", ("user", signer), ("target", paper)); + _popup.PopupEntity(signedOtherMessage, signer, Filter.PvsExcept(signer, entityManager: EntityManager), true); + + var signedSelfMessage = Loc.GetString("paper-signed-self", ("target", paper)); + _popup.PopupEntity(signedSelfMessage, signer, signer); + + _audio.PlayPvs(paperComp.Sound, signer); + + _paper.UpdateUserInterface(paper, paperComp); + + return true; + } + else + { + // Show an error popup + _popup.PopupEntity(Loc.GetString("paper-signed-failure", ("target", paper)), signer, signer, PopupType.SmallCaution); + + return false; + } + } + + private string DetermineEntitySignature(EntityUid uid) + { + // If the entity has an ID, use the name on it. + if (_idCard.TryFindIdCard(uid, out var id) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(id.Comp.FullName)) + { + return id.Comp.FullName; + } + + // Alternatively, return the entity name + return Name(uid); + } +} diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/deltav/paper/signature.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/deltav/paper/signature.ftl new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..87741c962c0 --- /dev/null +++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/deltav/paper/signature.ftl @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +paper-sign-verb = Sign + +paper-signed-other = {CAPITALIZE(THE($user))} signs {THE($target)}. +paper-signed-self = You sign {THE($target)}. +paper-signed-failure = You cannot sign {THE($target)} diff --git a/Resources/Textures/Objects/Misc/bureaucracy.rsi/meta.json b/Resources/Textures/Objects/Misc/bureaucracy.rsi/meta.json index 1239eca0a69..3fb207a87d3 100644 --- a/Resources/Textures/Objects/Misc/bureaucracy.rsi/meta.json +++ b/Resources/Textures/Objects/Misc/bureaucracy.rsi/meta.json @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "version": 1, "license": "CC-BY-SA-3.0", - "copyright": "Taken from tgstation at paper_stamp-syndicate by Veritius. paper_receipt, paper_receipt_horizontal by eoineoineoin. pen_centcom is a resprited version of pen_cap by PuroSlavKing (Github). Luxury pen is drawn by Ubaser. psychologist paper stamp resprited by Guess-My-Name", + "copyright": "Taken from tgstation at paper_stamp-syndicate by Veritius. paper_receipt, paper_receipt_horizontal by eoineoineoin. pen_centcom is a resprited version of pen_cap by PuroSlavKing (Github). Luxury pen is drawn by Ubaser. psychologist paper stamp resprited by Guess-My-Name. paper_stamp-signature by Mnemotechnician.", "size": { "x": 32, "y": 32 @@ -259,6 +259,9 @@ }, { "name": "paper_stamp-psychologist" + }, + { + "name": "paper_stamp-signature" } ] } diff --git a/Resources/Textures/Objects/Misc/bureaucracy.rsi/paper_stamp-signature.png b/Resources/Textures/Objects/Misc/bureaucracy.rsi/paper_stamp-signature.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6a7aa083ee597521958a77c2e68c9adf01ef78f5 GIT binary patch literal 955 zcmZvaziU)M5XXmHV#09&3l%jYK?aEy62VrC-o<1vgcwpNq&TpiN)S9Hkf`8^)fWq| zR2wS`!2v53Erm1|!UXg`h=ri2IL>>4a6f#oyR(m-{e0&;+g@6n8?PR&64AKKH|rk4>Jc$6(Y(UfUBAaGFEjF%Rt0)PO0JM27^LHg@r8)4mA}B zDql8GyU1Yrj~-7{6X^~%pGQ#D5`k^?rJ7L#_FE; zXCUr5a}1~t3x}H;1e$sgu5Mz;Iy79|vOWpVx{K^ySUS_qO9OY2+1wp!N=a~uA8?L( zoy%=^DMgb5<_Z%9ixPXE*OWrL>?Squ%Me&7Tr_(CV(l%rcq0f?hgfz_NVCq~*C5o} zpA<LPcuJrImEY#cq2UZ}NaOsR literal 0 HcmV?d00001 From 0c1e5f88b8f96b51318fc1f5075d6674775f06d6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: DeltaV-Bot <> Date: Tue, 14 May 2024 19:50:18 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 5/6] Automatic changelog update --- Resources/Changelog/DeltaVChangelog.yml | 7 +++++++ 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+) diff --git a/Resources/Changelog/DeltaVChangelog.yml b/Resources/Changelog/DeltaVChangelog.yml index 57157e01986..5dc4cea21d5 100644 --- a/Resources/Changelog/DeltaVChangelog.yml +++ b/Resources/Changelog/DeltaVChangelog.yml @@ -2323,3 +2323,10 @@ id: 345 time: '2024-05-14T17:13:45.0000000+00:00' url: +- author: Mnemotechnician + changes: + - message: You can now sign paper by alt-clicking it while holding a pen. + type: Add + id: 346 + time: '2024-05-14T19:49:59.0000000+00:00' + url: From 7e3ba621d325db4d838c4d0fb675b5173f3111df Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Null <> Date: Wed, 15 May 2024 13:36:29 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 6/6] Temporary CI/CD fix (#1199) Testing my beloved --- .github/workflows/build-map-renderer.yml | 2 +- .github/workflows/build-test-debug.yml | 2 +- .github/workflows/publish.yml | 2 +- .github/workflows/test-packaging.yml | 2 +- .github/workflows/yaml-linter.yml | 2 +- 5 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-) diff --git a/.github/workflows/build-map-renderer.yml b/.github/workflows/build-map-renderer.yml index 01575f64b9b..e16d951cfae 100644 --- a/.github/workflows/build-map-renderer.yml +++ b/.github/workflows/build-map-renderer.yml @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ jobs: - name: Setup .NET Core uses: actions/setup-dotnet@v3.2.0 with: - dotnet-version: 8.0.x + dotnet-version: 8.0.100 - name: Install dependencies run: dotnet restore diff --git a/.github/workflows/build-test-debug.yml b/.github/workflows/build-test-debug.yml index 519f5af6f49..70dc7d3b11c 100644 --- a/.github/workflows/build-test-debug.yml +++ b/.github/workflows/build-test-debug.yml @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ jobs: - name: Setup .NET Core uses: actions/setup-dotnet@v3.2.0 with: - dotnet-version: 8.0.x + dotnet-version: 8.0.100 - name: Install dependencies run: dotnet restore diff --git a/.github/workflows/publish.yml b/.github/workflows/publish.yml index 74a975be5c6..177e6a0fe6d 100644 --- a/.github/workflows/publish.yml +++ b/.github/workflows/publish.yml @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ jobs: - name: Setup .NET Core uses: actions/setup-dotnet@v3.2.0 with: - dotnet-version: 8.0.x + dotnet-version: 8.0.100 - name: Get Engine Tag run: | diff --git a/.github/workflows/test-packaging.yml b/.github/workflows/test-packaging.yml index ccece69adb6..745f8c092c4 100644 --- a/.github/workflows/test-packaging.yml +++ b/.github/workflows/test-packaging.yml @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ jobs: - name: Setup .NET Core uses: actions/setup-dotnet@v3.2.0 with: - dotnet-version: 8.0.x + dotnet-version: 8.0.100 - name: Install dependencies run: dotnet restore diff --git a/.github/workflows/yaml-linter.yml b/.github/workflows/yaml-linter.yml index 796795b234d..d24991ec963 100644 --- a/.github/workflows/yaml-linter.yml +++ b/.github/workflows/yaml-linter.yml @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ jobs: - name: Setup .NET Core uses: actions/setup-dotnet@v3.2.0 with: - dotnet-version: 8.0.x + dotnet-version: 8.0.100 - name: Install dependencies run: dotnet restore - name: Build