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160 lines (132 loc) · 6.16 KB


Repo for the paper MWE as WSD: Solving Multiword Expression Identification with Word Sense Disambiguation.


pip install -e .


cd data && ./

While our repository contains all the code necessary to recreate the modified SemCor data used in our experiments, we also make the fully processed data with synthetic negatives and our annotations available in the data/augmented directory. Note that the data has been converted to a JSON format. If you use the SemCor data in any capacity, please cite the original authors as mentioned here.


Generate .jsonl files and split data.

# Convert the data into .jsonl files
python scripts/preprocessing/ data/WSD_Evaluation_Framework/Training_Corpora/SemCor
cp data/WSD_Evaluation_Framework/Evaluation_Datasets/ALL/ data/WSD_Evaluation_Framework/Evaluation_Datasets/ALL/
cp data/WSD_Evaluation_Framework/Evaluation_Datasets/ALL/ data/WSD_Evaluation_Framework/Evaluation_Datasets/ALL/
for d in "data/WSD_Evaluation_Framework/Evaluation_Datasets/"*"/";
  do python scripts/preprocessing/ "$d"

python scripts/preprocessing/ --data_type cupt data/parseme_mwe/EN/train.cupt data/cupt_train.jsonl
python scripts/preprocessing/ --data_type cupt data/parseme_mwe/EN/test.cupt data/cupt_test.jsonl

python scripts/preprocessing/ data/dimsum-data/dimsum16.test data/dimsum_test.jsonl
python scripts/preprocessing/ data/dimsum-data/dimsum16.train data/dimsum_train.jsonl

python scripts/preprocessing/ data/cupt_train.jsonl
python scripts/preprocessing/ data/dimsum_train.jsonl
python scripts/preprocessing/ data/WSD_Evaluation_Framework/Training_Corpora/SemCor/semcor.jsonl 

Apply annotations, add automatic negatives

python scripts/preprocessing/ data/annotations.jsonl data/WSD_Evaluation_Framework/Training_Corpora/SemCor/semcor.fixed.jsonl
python scripts/preprocessing/ data/WSD_Evaluation_Framework/Training_Corpora/SemCor/semcor.fixed.annotated.jsonl --target_percent 0.55

Model download

Pre-trained models can be downloaded from the Hugging Face Hub.

Data Architecture Download
SemCor Bi-encoder
SemCor + PARSEME/DiMSUM Bi-encoder
SemCor DCA Poly-encoder
SemCor + PARSEME/DiMSUM DCA Poly-encoder


To replicate our top run Bi-encoder run:

python scripts/training/ \
--max_epochs 15 \
--batch_size 16 \
--accumulate_grad_batches 2 \
--gpus 1 \
--swa true \
--gradient_clip_val 1.0 \
--lr 0.00001 \
--run_name replicate-top \
--encoder bert-base-uncased \
--enable_checkpointing true \
--mwe_processing true \
--train_data_suffix fixed.annotated.autoneg

For the distinct codes attention Poly-encoder:

python scripts/training/ \
--max_epochs 15 \
--batch_size 16 \
--accumulate_grad_batches 2 \
--gpus 1 \
--swa false \
--gradient_clip_val 1.0 \
--lr 0.00001 \
--run_name replicate-top-dca \
--encoder bert-base-uncased \
--enable_checkpointing true \
--weight_decay 0.01 \
--dropout 0.1 \
--mwe_processing true \
--head_config configs/poly_distinct_codes_128.yaml \
--train_data_suffix fixed.annotated.autoneg

Finetune on DiMSUM/PARSEME data

export BASE_MODEL=checkpoints/replicate-top/ep14_0.73f1.ckpt # set this to the base model you want to fine tune from

# add candidates using the model we want to finetune, so it learns from its own mistakes
python scripts/preprocessing/ data/dimsum_train_train.jsonl \
--target_percent 1.0 --pipeline dimsum_train --no_filter_candidates --model $BASE_MODEL
python scripts/preprocessing/ data/dimsum_train_train.autoneg.jsonl 
mkdir data/dimsum_train_train
mv data/dimsum_train_train.* data/dimsum_train_train

python scripts/preprocessing/ data/cupt_train_train.jsonl \
--target_percent 1.0 --pipeline cupt_train --no_filter_candidates --model $BASE_MODEL
python scripts/preprocessing/ data/cupt_train_train.autoneg.jsonl 
mkdir data/cupt_train_train
mv data/cupt_train_train.* data/cupt_train_train
python scripts/training/ \
--data mixed_finetune \
--load_model $BASE_MODEL \
--max_epochs 3 \
--batch_size 16 \
--accumulate_grad_batches 2 \
--gpus 1 \
--swa true \
--gradient_clip_val 1.0 \
--lr 0.00001 \
--run_name mixed_finetune \
--enable_checkpointing true \
--mwe_processing true \
--wsd_processing false \
--limit_val_batches 0 \
--mwe_eval_pipelines cupt_sample dimsum_sample \
--checkpoint_metric val/cupt_sample/mwe_pipeline_f1 \
--train_data_suffix autoneg.sense \
--limit_key_candidates False

To finetune on only a single dataset, just change the data argument to --data cupt or --data dimsum.


export MODEL=checkpoints/replicate-top/ep14_0.73f1.ckpt # set this to the base model you want to evaluate

python scripts/training/ --data data/WSD_Evaluation_Framework/Evaluation_Datasets/ALL/ --model $MODEL --batch_size 2

python scripts/training/ cupt_test --model $MODEL  --output compare/results.cupt
python scripts/training/ dimsum_test --model $MODEL  --output compare/results.dimsum 

python data/parseme_mwe/bin/ --pred compare/results.cupt  --gold data/parseme_mwe/EN/test.cupt 
conda activate py27 # dimsum eval requires python 2.7
python data/dimsum-data/scripts/ data/dimsum-data/dimsum16.test compare/results.dimsum 

If the dimsum scorer errors out, it may be necessary to comment out lines 204, 206, 456 and 458-472. This does not change MWE scoring, but prevents errors from happening.