We will create VK public group to post Randall Munroe Comics.
Please be sure that Python3 is already installed.
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/MiraNizam/Every_day_Comics.git
- Create a new virtual environment env in the directory
pip install virtualenv
cd <project_path>
python -m virtualenv env
- Activate the new environment
source env/bin/activate (for Linux or any Posix)
env\Scripts\activate (for Windows)
- Use pip (or pip3, if there is a conflict with Python2) to install dependencies in new environment:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Create empty file .env for your private data
Go to your VK page and:
- create a new group
- create a new app manage_app with standalone type
- add your CLIENT_ID in .env
- get key access using Implicit Flow You will need the following permissions: photos, groups, wall and offline. Remove the redirect_uri parameter
- add your VK_TOKEN and GROUP_ID(ID) in .env
- find actual VK version, now it 5.131
- add actual version as VERSION in .env
python vk_api.py
Go to the group and look at the new post.