Project to illustrate the power of Spring.
Spring Boot MVC. This is a simple Invoice and Line Item database structure. This is a maven project and all dependencies have been updated.
Controller RESTful web services to return data. The data is returned in a JSON format.
"/hello" : returns a message 'Linda Says hello..' http://localhost:8080/hello/
"/allInvoices" : returns a list of all invoices loaded. JSON List http://localhost:8080/allInvoices/
"/viewInvoice/{invoiceId}" returns a single invoice for invoice number 10. http://localhost:8080/viewInvoice/10/
"/invoiceVat/{invoiceId}" returns a vat rate set for an invoice http://localhost:8080/invoiceVat/10/
"/custInvoice/{invoiceId}" returns invoice for the customer on invoice number including vat charged and grand total. http://localhost:8080/custInvoice/10/
Reposirory Jpa repository for the entities set. Entity Available entity's. Services Services that are exposed to the RestControllers.