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from SCRaMbLE_simulation_3 import force_SCRaMLE_lin_cir
from SCRaMbLE_simulation_3 import force_SCRaMLE_lin_cir_events
from comparison_sol import LoxP_unit_count_Dict_list
from comparison_sol import NG50_calculator
from comparison_sol import essential_ratio_calculator
from comparison_sol import half_life
from SCRaMbLE_simulation_chr_len_events_store2 import plot_chr_len
from SCRaMbLE_simulation_chr_len_events_store2 import plot_chr_len_median
from work_parallel_functions import sum_within_list
from work_parallel_functions import standard_deviation_from_points_parallel
#from Mapping_coverage_MM import calculate_LU_CN_percentage
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.cm as cm
import random
import statistics
# SCRaMbLEs a synthetic chromosome and outputs chr_len, L_unique, LG50
def SCRaMbLE_SIM_length(syn_chr, events=15, simulations=100, essential=[], CEN=[], circular=False, mu=0, sigma=10, force=True, probability=[0, 2, 2, 1]):
chr_len = [[] for _ in range(simulations)]
L_unique = [[] for _ in range(simulations)]
LG50 = [[] for _ in range(simulations)]
chr_len_SD = [0] # The first value is always 0
L_unique_SD = [0]
LG50_SD = [0]
# Percentiles or Quartiles.
chr_len_Q1 = [len(syn_chr)]
chr_len_Q2 = [len(syn_chr)] # Median
chr_len_Q3 = [len(syn_chr)]
L_unique_Q1 = [len(syn_chr)]
L_unique_Q2 = [len(syn_chr)]
L_unique_Q3 = [len(syn_chr)]
LG50_Q1, LG50_Q2, LG50_Q3 = [len(syn_chr)/2], [len(syn_chr)/2], [len(syn_chr)/2]
# Count the events type
Events = [[] for _ in range(simulations)]
# Calculate the ratio of essential LUs
essential_ratio = [[] for _ in range(simulations)]
for s in range(simulations):
SCRaMbLEd = syn_chr[:]
for _ in range(events):
# Perform SCRaMbLE on the synthetic chromosome
#SCRaMbLEd = force_SCRaMLE_lin_cir(SCRaMbLEd, Number_events=1, essential=essential, circular=circular, mu=mu, sigma=sigma, CEN=CEN, force=force, probability=probability)
chr_events = force_SCRaMLE_lin_cir_events(SCRaMbLEd, Number_events=1, essential=essential, circular=circular, mu=mu, sigma=sigma, CEN=CEN, force=force, probability=probability, event_type=True)
SCRaMbLEd = chr_events[0]
if chr_events[1] != []:
# Get some statistics about the SCRaMbLEd chromosome
NG50 = NG50_calculator(SCRaMbLEd)
essential_ratio[s].append(essential_ratio_calculator(chromosome=SCRaMbLEd, essential=essential))
# Calculate the standard deviation
for s in range(events):
CHR_L = [sim_L[s] for sim_L in chr_len]
unique_L = [sim_L[s] for sim_L in L_unique]
LG50_L = [sim_L[s] for sim_L in LG50]
chr_len_Q1.append(np.percentile(CHR_L, 25))
chr_len_Q2.append(np.percentile(CHR_L, 50))
chr_len_Q3.append(np.percentile(CHR_L, 75))
L_unique_Q1.append(np.percentile(unique_L, 25))
L_unique_Q2.append(np.percentile(unique_L, 50))
L_unique_Q3.append(np.percentile(unique_L, 75))
LG50_Q1.append(np.percentile(LG50_L, 25))
LG50_Q2.append(np.percentile(LG50_L, 50))
LG50_Q3.append(np.percentile(LG50_L, 75))
chr_len_Q1_Q2_Q3 = [chr_len_Q1, chr_len_Q2, chr_len_Q3]
L_unique_Q1_Q2_Q3 = [L_unique_Q1, L_unique_Q2, L_unique_Q3]
LG50_Q1_Q2_Q3 = [LG50_Q1, LG50_Q2, LG50_Q3]
print("chr_len =", len(chr_len), np.percentile(chr_len, 50))#, chr_len)
#print("L_unique =", L_unique)
#print("LG50 =", LG50)
print("chr_len_SD =", len(chr_len_SD), np.percentile(chr_len, 50))#, chr_len_SD)
#print("L_unique_SD =", L_unique_SD)
#print("LG50_SD =", LG50_SD)
#print("chr_len_Q1 =", chr_len_Q1)
print("chr_len_Q1_Q2_Q3 =", len(chr_len_Q1), "=", np.percentile(chr_len_Q1, 50), np.percentile(chr_len_Q2, 50), np.percentile(chr_len_Q3, 50))
#print("Events =", Events)
# How many chromosomes reached the length of zero?
last_chr_len = [sim[-1] for sim in chr_len]
last_chr_len_zero = last_chr_len.count(0)
print("last_chr_len_zero =", 100 * last_chr_len_zero / simulations, "%")
return chr_len, L_unique, LG50, chr_len_SD, L_unique_SD, LG50_SD, Events, essential_ratio, chr_len_Q1_Q2_Q3, L_unique_Q1_Q2_Q3, LG50_Q1_Q2_Q3
def plot_SCRaMbLE_chr_len(syn_chr, events=15, simulations=100, essential=[], CEN=[], circular=False, mu=0, sigma=10, force=True, probability=[0, 2, 2, 1], file_name="", SD=False):
# SCRaMbLE the chromosome and generate chr_len, L_unique, LG50
S = SCRaMbLE_SIM_length(syn_chr, events=events, simulations=simulations, essential=essential, CEN=CEN, circular=circular, mu=mu, sigma=sigma, force=force, probability=probability)
chr_len = S[0]
L_unique = S[1]
LG50 = S[2]
#chr_len_Q1, chr_len_Q2, chr_len_Q3 = S[6], S[7], S[8]
chr_len_Q1_Q2_Q3 = S[8]
L_unique_Q1_Q2_Q3 = S[9]
LG50_Q1_Q2_Q3 = S[10]
# Count SCRaMbLE events types
Events = S[6]
DELs = [0 for _ in range(events)]
INVs = [0 for _ in range(events)]
DUPs = [0 for _ in range(events)]
for Sim in Events:
for E in range(len(Sim)):
if Sim[E] == "DEL":
DELs[E] += 1
if Sim[E] == "INV":
INVs[E] += 1
if Sim[E] == "DUP":
DUPs[E] += 1
# Convert the number of SEs into percentages
DELs = [e/simulations for e in DELs]
INVs = [e/simulations for e in INVs]
DUPs = [e/simulations for e in DUPs]
# Calculate the ratio of essential LUs
essential_ratio = S[7]
if SD == True:
chr_len_SD = S[3]
L_unique_SD = S[4]
LG50_SD = S[5]
chr_len_SD = []
L_unique_SD = []
LG50_SD = []
# List of time points
SCRaMbLEd_events = list(range(0, events+1, 1)) # +1 because we record also the initial value
# If you want to plot all the SCRaMbLE chromosomes
#plot_chr_len(SCRaMbLEd_events[1:], chr_len, L_unique=L_unique, LG50=LG50, num_essential=len(essential), simulations=simulations, file_name="")
# Put together all the simulations
chr_len_L = sum_within_list(chr_len)
L_unique_L = sum_within_list(L_unique)
LG50_L = sum_within_list(LG50)
essential_ratio_L = sum_within_list(essential_ratio)
# Add the first value
NG50 = NG50_calculator(syn_chr)
chr_len_L.insert(0, len(syn_chr)*simulations)
L_unique_L.insert(0, NG50[0]*simulations)
LG50_L.insert(0, NG50[3]*simulations)
#essential_ratio_L.insert(0, 0.5*simulations)
# Divide for the number of simulations. You can use also the function divide_by_sim in work_parallel_functions
chr_len_L = [x / simulations for x in chr_len_L]
L_unique_L = [x / simulations for x in L_unique_L]
LG50_L = [x / simulations for x in LG50_L]
essential_ratio_L = [x / simulations for x in essential_ratio_L]
print("chr_len_L =", chr_len_L)
print("chr_len_Q2 =", chr_len_Q1_Q2_Q3[1])
#print("L_unique_L =", L_unique_L)
#print("LG50_L =", LG50_L)
#print("DELs =", DELs)
#print("INVs =", INVs)
#print("DUPs =", DUPs)
# Plot the results
plot_chr_len(SCRaMbLEd_events, chr_len_L, L_unique=L_unique_L, LG50=LG50_L, num_essential=len(essential), simulations=simulations, circular=circular, probability=probability, file_name=file_name, SD_chr_len=chr_len_SD, SD_L_unique=L_unique_SD, SD_LG50=LG50_SD)
plot_chr_len_median(SCRaMbLEd_events, chr_len_Q1_Q2_Q3, L_unique=L_unique_Q1_Q2_Q3, LG50=LG50_Q1_Q2_Q3, num_essential=len(essential), simulations=simulations, circular=circular, probability=probability, file_name=file_name)
# plot the frequencies of the SCRaMbLE events types
plt.figure(figsize=(7, 3.5), dpi=300)
# Font size
plt.rc('font', size=SMALL_SIZE) # controls default text sizes
plt.rc('axes', titlesize=SMALL_SIZE) # fontsize of the axes title
plt.rc('axes', labelsize=MEDIUM_SIZE) # fontsize of the x and y labels
plt.rc('xtick', labelsize=SMALL_SIZE) # fontsize of the tick labels
plt.rc('ytick', labelsize=SMALL_SIZE) # fontsize of the tick labels
plt.rc('legend', fontsize=SMALL_SIZE) # legend fontsize
plt.rc('figure', titlesize=MEDIUM_SIZE) # fontsize of the figure title
plt.rcParams['lines.linewidth'] = 0.65
#print(len(SCRaMbLEd_events), len(DELs))
plt.ylim(0, 1)
plt.plot(SCRaMbLEd_events[1:], DELs, label="DELs", linewidth=0.7)
plt.plot(SCRaMbLEd_events[1:], INVs, label="INVs", linewidth=0.7)
plt.plot(SCRaMbLEd_events[1:], DUPs, label="DUPs", linewidth=0.7)
plt.plot(SCRaMbLEd_events[1:], essential_ratio_L, label="essential ratio") # linewidth=0.65
plt.ylabel("Percentage of event type over " + str(simulations) + " simulations")
plt.xlabel("SCRaMbLEd events")
plt.title("Frequencies of SCRaMbLE event types", fontsize=9)
# These are some information to add to the saved files.
# Create a random seed to save the image
random_seed = str(random.random())[2:6]
if circular: # record if the chromosome is linear or circular
lin_cir = "c"
lin_cir = "l"
probability_str = "" # record the probabilities of each event
for i in probability:
probability_str = probability_str + str(i)
file_name1 = "SCRaMbLE_chr_len/SCRaMbLE_events_types_" + lin_cir + "_events_" + str(SCRaMbLEd_events[-1]) + "_sim_" + str(simulations) + "_P" + probability_str + "_" + file_name + random_seed
plt.savefig(file_name1 + ".png", dpi=300, bbox_inches='tight')
plt.savefig(file_name1 + ".svg", format="svg", dpi=300, bbox_inches='tight')
return None
# I split the function plot_SCRaMbLE_chr_len in two pieces
def mean_SCRaMbLE_chr_len(syn_chr, events=15, simulations=100, essential=[], CEN=[], circular=False, mu=0, sigma=10, force=True, probability=[0, 2, 2, 1], file_name="", num_essential=0):
if num_essential != 0:
num_essential = 10
essential = sorted(random.sample(syn_chr, k=num_essential))
# Generate the chr len
S = SCRaMbLE_SIM_length(syn_chr, events=events, simulations=simulations, essential=essential, CEN=CEN, circular=circular, mu=mu, sigma=sigma, force=force, probability=probability)
chr_len = S[0]
L_unique = S[1]
LG50 = S[2]
# If you want to plot all the SCRaMbLE chromosomes
#plot_chr_len(SCRaMbLEd_events, chr_len, L_unique=L_unique, LG50=LG50, num_essential=len(essential), simulations=simulations, file_name="")
# Put together all the simulations
chr_len_L = sum_within_list(chr_len)
L_unique_L = sum_within_list(L_unique)
LG50_L = sum_within_list(LG50)
# Add the first value
NG50 = NG50_calculator(syn_chr)
chr_len_L.insert(0, len(syn_chr)*simulations)
L_unique_L.insert(0, NG50[0]*simulations)
LG50_L.insert(0, NG50[3]*simulations)
# Divide for the number of simulations. You can use also the function divide_by_sim in work_parallel_functions
chr_len_L = [x / simulations for x in chr_len_L]
L_unique_L = [x / simulations for x in L_unique_L]
LG50_L = [x / simulations for x in LG50_L]
#print("half_life chr_len_L =", half_life(chr_len_L))
#print("half_life L_unique_L =", half_life(L_unique_L, minus_constant=len(essential)))
#print("half_life LG50_L =", half_life(LG50_L))
return chr_len_L, L_unique_L, LG50_L
def plot_mean_SCRaMbLE_chr_len(syn_chr, events=15, simulations=100, essential=[], CEN=[], circular=False, mu=0, sigma=10, force=True, probability=[0, 2, 2, 1], file_name=""):
A_result = mean_SCRaMbLE_chr_len(syn_chr, events=events, simulations=simulations, essential=essential, CEN=CEN, circular=circular, mu=mu, sigma=sigma, force=force, probability=probability)
# List of time points
SCRaMbLEd_events = list(range(0, events + 1, 1)) # +1 because we record also the initial value
# Plot the results
plot_chr_len(SCRaMbLEd_events, chr_len=A_result[0], L_unique=A_result[1], LG50=A_result[2], num_essential=len(essential), simulations=simulations, circular=circular, probability=probability, file_name=file_name)
return None
# This function plots the chromosome length over a SCRaMbLE evolution using different initial chromosome length.
def chr_len_range_SCRaMbLE(events=15, simulations=100, essential=[], CEN=[], circular=False, mu=0, sigma=10, force=True, probability=[0, 2, 2, 1], file_name=""):
#chr_len_range = list(range(25, 201, 25))
chr_len_range = list(range(25, 226, 50))
# chr_len_range = [25, 50, 75, 100, 125, 150, 175, 200]
# chr_len_range = [25, 75, 125, 175, 225]
print("chr_len_range =", chr_len_range)
chr_len_multi = []
L_unique_multi = []
LG50_multi = []
half_life_L_unique_L_multi = []
for i in chr_len_range:
print("Chr len =", i)
# Create the chromosomes
SYN_CHR = list(range(1, i, 1))
# Use this if you want to chose the essential LUs at random
num_essential = 10
essential = sorted(random.sample(SYN_CHR, k=num_essential))
A_result = mean_SCRaMbLE_chr_len(SYN_CHR, events=events, simulations=simulations, essential=essential, CEN=CEN, circular=circular, mu=mu, sigma=sigma, force=force, probability=probability, file_name=file_name, num_essential=10)
print(i, "half_life chr_len_L =", half_life(A_result[0]))
print(i, "half_life L_unique_L =", half_life(A_result[1], minus_constant=num_essential))
# print(i, "half_life LG50_L =", half_life(A_result[2]))
half_life_L_unique_L_multi.append(half_life(A_result[1], minus_constant=num_essential))
# List of time points
SCRaMbLEd_events = list(range(0, events + 1, 1)) # +1 because we record also the initial value
# plot the results
plt.figure(figsize=(7, 3.5), dpi=300)
# Font size
plt.rc('font', size=SMALL_SIZE) # controls default text sizes
plt.rc('axes', titlesize=SMALL_SIZE) # fontsize of the axes title
plt.rc('axes', labelsize=MEDIUM_SIZE) # fontsize of the x and y labels
plt.rc('xtick', labelsize=SMALL_SIZE) # fontsize of the tick labels
plt.rc('ytick', labelsize=SMALL_SIZE) # fontsize of the tick labels
plt.rc('legend', fontsize=SMALL_SIZE) # legend fontsize
plt.rc('figure', titlesize=MEDIUM_SIZE) # fontsize of the figure title
plt.rcParams['lines.linewidth'] = 0.65
plt.ylabel("Chr length mean over " + str(simulations) + " simulations")
plt.xlabel("SCRaMbLEd events")
plt.title("Chr length over SCRaMbLE events", fontsize=9)
#plt.plot(0, 0, label="Chr len", color="tab:blue")
plt.plot(0, 0, label="No. unique LUs", color="C1")
# plt.plot(0,0, label="LG50", color="tab:green")
#Labels = ["Chr = 25", "Chr = 50", "Chr = 75", "Chr = 100", "Chr = 125", "Chr = 150", "Chr = 175", "Chr = 200"]
Labels = ["Chr len = 25 LUs", "Chr len = 75 LUs", "Chr len = 125 LUs", "Chr len = 175 LUs", "Chr len = 225 LUs"]
colours = ["C0", "C2", "C3", "C4", "C5"]
#Labels, colours = [], []
#for i in range(len(chr_len_range)):
# Labels.append("Chr len = " + str(chr_len_range[i]) + " LUs")
# colours.append("C" + str(i))
for i in range(len(chr_len_multi)):
plt.plot(SCRaMbLEd_events, chr_len_multi[i], color=colours[i], label=Labels[i])
# plt.errorbar(SCRaMbLEd_events, chr_len[i], yerr=SD_chr_len, elinewidth=0.1)
if L_unique_multi != [[]]:
plt.plot(SCRaMbLEd_events, L_unique_multi[i], color="C1") # color="cornflowerblue"
#if LG50 != [[]]:
# plt.plot(SCRaMbLEd_events, LG50[i], label="LG50", color="tab:green")
plt.hlines(num_essential, 0, SCRaMbLEd_events[-1], colors="red", linestyle=":", label="No. essential LUs")
#plt.yscale('log', base=2)
# Plot the half-life of non-essential LUs
for i in range(len(chr_len_range)):
print("half_life_L_unique_L_multi =", chr_len_range[i], half_life_L_unique_L_multi[i])
# plt.hlines(chr_len_range[i]/2, 0, SCRaMbLEd_events[-1], colors="grey", linestyle=":", alpha=0.5)
# plt.hlines(chr_len_range[i]/4, 0, SCRaMbLEd_events[-1], colors="blue", linestyle=":", alpha=0.5)
if half_life_L_unique_L_multi[i] != []:
half = chr_len_range[i] - (chr_len_range[i] - num_essential) / 2
#plt.hlines(half, 0, half_life_L_unique_L_multi[i][0], colors="grey", linestyle=":", alpha=0.5)
plt.scatter(half_life_L_unique_L_multi[i][0], half, s=5, color="black")
# These are some information to add to the saved files.
# Create a random seed to save the image
random_seed = str(random.random())[2:6]
if circular: # record if the chromosome is linear or circular
lin_cir = "c"
lin_cir = "l"
probability_str = "" # record the probabilities of each event
for i in probability:
probability_str = probability_str + str(i)
file_name = "SCRaMbLE_chr_len/chr_length_" + lin_cir + "_events_" + str(SCRaMbLEd_events[-1]) + "_sim_" + str(simulations) + "_P" + probability_str + "_" + file_name + random_seed
plt.savefig(file_name + ".png", dpi=300, bbox_inches='tight')
plt.savefig(file_name + ".svg", format="svg", dpi=300, bbox_inches='tight')
return None
# This function plots the chromosome length over a SCRaMbLE evolution using different number of essential LUs.
def chr_len_essential_range_SCRaMbLE(syn_chr=50, events=15, simulations=100, CEN=[], circular=False, mu=0, sigma=10, force=True, probability=[0, 2, 2, 1], file_name=""):
essential_range = list(range(0, 51, 10))
# essential_range = [0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50]
print("essential_range =", essential_range)
chr_len_multi = []
L_unique_multi = []
LG50_multi = []
for ESSE in essential_range:
print("num essential =", ESSE)
if ESSE == 0:
essential = []
essential = sorted(random.sample(syn_chr, k=ESSE))
A_result = mean_SCRaMbLE_chr_len(syn_chr, events=events, simulations=simulations, essential=essential, CEN=CEN, circular=circular, mu=mu, sigma=sigma, force=force, probability=probability, file_name=file_name)
# List of time points
SCRaMbLEd_events = list(range(0, events + 1, 1)) # +1 because we record also the initial value
# plot the results
plt.figure(figsize=(7, 3.5), dpi=300)
# Font size
plt.rc('font', size=SMALL_SIZE) # controls default text sizes
plt.rc('axes', titlesize=SMALL_SIZE) # fontsize of the axes title
plt.rc('axes', labelsize=MEDIUM_SIZE) # fontsize of the x and y labels
plt.rc('xtick', labelsize=SMALL_SIZE) # fontsize of the tick labels
plt.rc('ytick', labelsize=SMALL_SIZE) # fontsize of the tick labels
plt.rc('legend', fontsize=SMALL_SIZE) # legend fontsize
plt.rc('figure', titlesize=MEDIUM_SIZE) # fontsize of the figure title
plt.rcParams['lines.linewidth'] = 0.65
plt.ylabel("Chr length mean over " + str(simulations) + " simulations")
plt.xlabel("SCRaMbLEd events")
plt.title("Chr length over SCRaMbLE events")
Labels = ["# essential LUs = 0", "# essential LUs = 10", "# essential LUs = 20", "# essential LUs = 30", "# essential LUs = 40", "# essential LUs = 50"]
for i in range(len(chr_len_multi)):
plt.plot(SCRaMbLEd_events, chr_len_multi[i], label=Labels[i])
# if L_unique != [[]]:
# plt.plot(SCRaMbLEd_events, L_unique[i], color="cornflowerblue")
# These are some information to add to the saved files.
# Create a random seed to save the image
random_seed = str(random.random())[2:6]
if circular: # record if the chromosome is linear or circular
lin_cir = "c"
lin_cir = "l"
probability_str = "" # record the probabilities of each event
for i in probability:
probability_str = probability_str + str(i)
file_name = "SCRaMbLE_chr_len/chr_length_" + lin_cir + "_events_" + str(SCRaMbLEd_events[-1]) + "_sim_" + str(simulations) + "_P" + probability_str + "_" + file_name + random_seed
plt.savefig(file_name + ".png", dpi=300, bbox_inches='tight')
plt.savefig(file_name + ".svg", format="svg", dpi=300, bbox_inches='tight')
return None
# This function plots the chromosome length over a SCRaMbLE evolution using different probabilities of deletions and duplications.
def chr_len_probabilities_range_SCRaMbLE(syn_chr=50, events=15, simulations=100, essential=[], CEN=[], circular=False, mu=0, sigma=10, force=True, probability=[0, 2, 2, 1], file_name="", LOG=True):
probabilities_range = [[0,4,4,1], [0,4,4,2], [0,4,4,4], [0,4,4,8], [0,4,4,16]]
chr_len_multi = []
L_unique_multi = []
LG50_multi = []
for PROB in probabilities_range:
print("Probability =", PROB)
A_result = mean_SCRaMbLE_chr_len(syn_chr, events=events, simulations=simulations, essential=essential, CEN=CEN, circular=circular, mu=mu, sigma=sigma, force=force, probability=PROB, file_name=file_name)
# List of time points
SCRaMbLEd_events = list(range(0, events + 1, 1)) # +1 because we record also the initial value
# plot the results
plt.figure(figsize=(7, 3.5), dpi=300)
# Font size
plt.rc('font', size=SMALL_SIZE) # controls default text sizes
plt.rc('axes', titlesize=SMALL_SIZE) # fontsize of the axes title
plt.rc('axes', labelsize=MEDIUM_SIZE) # fontsize of the x and y labels
plt.rc('xtick', labelsize=SMALL_SIZE) # fontsize of the tick labels
plt.rc('ytick', labelsize=SMALL_SIZE) # fontsize of the tick labels
plt.rc('legend', fontsize=SMALL_SIZE) # legend fontsize
plt.rc('figure', titlesize=MEDIUM_SIZE) # fontsize of the figure title
plt.rcParams['lines.linewidth'] = 0.65
plt.ylabel("Chr length mean over " + str(simulations) + " simulations")
plt.xlabel("SCRaMbLEd events")
plt.title("Chr length over SCRaMbLE events", fontsize=9)
#Labels = ["P(Del)/P(Dup) = 4", "P(Del)/P(Dup) = 2", "P(Del)/P(Dup) = 1", "P(Del)/P(Dup) = 1/2", "P(Del)/P(Dup) = 1/4"]
Labels = ["$P_{DEL}/P_{DUP} = 4$", "$P_{DEL}/P_{DUP} = 2$", "$P_{DEL}/P_{DUP} = 1$", "$P_{DEL}/P_{DUP} = 1/2$", "$P_{DEL}/P_{DUP} = 1/4$"]
for i in range(len(chr_len_multi)):
plt.plot(SCRaMbLEd_events, chr_len_multi[i], label=Labels[i])
# if L_unique != [[]]:
# plt.plot(SCRaMbLEd_events, L_unique[i], color="cornflowerblue")
plt.hlines(num_essential, 0, SCRaMbLEd_events[-1], colors="red", linestyle=":", label="No. essential LUs")
# These are some information to add to the saved files.
# Create a random seed to save the image
random_seed = str(random.random())[2:6]
if circular: # record if the chromosome is linear or circular
lin_cir = "c"
lin_cir = "l"
probability_str = "" # record the probabilities of each event
for i in probability:
probability_str = probability_str + str(i)
log_id = ""
if LOG:
log_id = "_log"
file_name = "SCRaMbLE_chr_len/chr_length_" + lin_cir + "_events_" + str(SCRaMbLEd_events[-1]) + "_sim_" + str(simulations) + "_P" + probability_str + "_" + file_name + random_seed + log_id
plt.savefig(file_name + ".png", dpi=300, bbox_inches="tight")
plt.savefig(file_name + ".svg", format="svg", dpi=300, bbox_inches="tight")
return None
# test the code
if __name__ == "__main__":
import os
# Create the folder where the output will be created
if not os.path.exists("SCRaMbLE_chr_len"):
# Test the chromosome length evolution under SCRaMbLE evolution
syn_chr = list(range(1, 45, 1))
essential = [2, 7, 9, 10, 12, 20]
#essential = [2, 7, 9, 10, 12, 19, 20, 24] # LUs 19 and 24 are not essential but required for fast growth. Deletion of LU 6 can also generate some slow growth phenotype.
#num_essential = 10
#essential = sorted(random.sample(syn_chr, k=num_essential))
#print("essential =", essential)
CEN = [2]
events = 1000
simulations = 1000
plot_SCRaMbLE_chr_len(syn_chr, events=events, simulations=simulations, essential=essential, CEN=CEN, circular=True, mu=0, sigma=10, force=True, probability=[0, 2, 2, 1], SD=True)
# Try a different chromosome with 100 LUs
syn_chr = list(range(1, 101, 1))
events = 750
#plot_SCRaMbLE_chr_len(syn_chr, events=events, simulations=simulations, essential=essential, CEN=CEN, circular=False, mu=0, sigma=10, force=True, probability=[0, 4, 4, 1], SD=True)
num_essential = 5
essential = sorted(random.sample(syn_chr, k=num_essential))
CEN_random = [essential[round(len(essential)/2)]]
print("essential =", essential, CEN_random)
#plot_SCRaMbLE_chr_len(syn_chr, events=events, simulations=simulations, essential=essential, CEN=CEN_random, circular=False, mu=0, sigma=10, force=True, probability=[0, 4, 4, 1], SD=True)
#plot_mean_SCRaMbLE_chr_len(syn_chr, events=events, simulations=simulations, essential=essential, CEN=CEN, circular=False, mu=0, sigma=10, force=True, probability=[0, 2, 2, 1])
# Test the impact of initial chromosome length on the chromosome length during SCRaMbLE evolution
num_essential = 10
simulations = 50
# I set the essential LUs at random inside the function
#essential = sorted(random.sample(syn_chr, k=num_essential))
#essential = sorted(random.sample(range(1, 26), k=num_essential))
events = 1000
#chr_len_range_SCRaMbLE(events=events, simulations=simulations, essential=essential, CEN=CEN, circular=False, mu=0, sigma=10, force=True, probability=[0, 2, 2, 1])
half_life_L_unique_L_multi = [101, 78, 95, 84, 96] # Average = 90.8 +- 9.47100839404126
#print("half_life_L_unique_L_multi =", half_life_L_unique_L_multi, statistics.mean(half_life_L_unique_L_multi), "+-", statistics.stdev(half_life_L_unique_L_multi))
# chr_len_essential_range_SCRaMbLE
syn_chr = list(range(1, 51, 1))
#chr_len_essential_range_SCRaMbLE(syn_chr, events=events, simulations=simulations, CEN=CEN, circular=False, mu=0, sigma=10, force=True, probability=[0, 2, 2, 1])
# Test the impact of SCRaMbLE event type probabilities on the chromosome length during SCRaMbLE evolution
syn_chr = list(range(1, 51, 1))
num_essential = 10
events = 250
simulations = 100
essential = sorted(random.sample(syn_chr, k=num_essential))
#chr_len_probabilities_range_SCRaMbLE(syn_chr, events=events, simulations=simulations, essential=essential, CEN=CEN, circular=False, mu=0, sigma=10, force=True, LOG=False)
# Neutral Evolution. Zero essential LUs
syn_chr = list(range(1, 101, 1))
essential = []
CEN = []
events = 1000
simulations = 200
#plot_SCRaMbLE_chr_len(syn_chr, events=events, simulations=simulations, essential=essential, CEN=CEN, circular=False, mu=0, sigma=10, force=True, probability=[0, 10, 10, 9], SD=True)
simulations = 200
#plot_SCRaMbLE_chr_len(syn_chr, events=events, simulations=simulations, essential=essential, CEN=CEN, circular=False, mu=0, sigma=10, force=True, probability=[0, 10, 10, 11], SD=True)
# probability = [0, 10, 10, 9] = [0, 34.48, 34.48, 31.03]. Pdel/Pdup = 34.48/31.03 = 1.111
# probability = [0, 10, 10, 11] = [0, 32.25, 32.25, 35.48]. Pdel/Pdup = 32.25/35.48 = 0.909
chr_len = 200 40.0
chr_len_SD = 1001 40.0
chr_len_Q1_Q2_Q3 = 1001 = 28.0 40.0 57.0
last_chr_len_zero = 0.0 %
[24.0, 24.985, 26.395, 27.615, 28.405, 28.93, 29.525, 30.34, 31.87, 32.565, 32.99, 33.405, 34.59, 35.295, 36.115, 36.555, 36.7, 37.095, 37.385, 37.875, 38.595, 38.43, 38.865, 39.375, 40.035, 39.585, 39.715, 40.645, 40.585, 41.62, 42.23, 43.215, 43.7, 44.08, 44.095, 44.055, 44.075, 44.095, 44.635, 45.375, 46.06, 45.51, 46.245, 45.54, 45.68, 46.325, 45.98, 46.165, 46.565, 46.93, 47.29, 47.34, 46.885, 46.94, 47.22, 47.45, 47.09, 47.35, 47.795, 48.055, 48.345, 48.855, 48.77, 48.565, 49.25, 49.705, 49.555, 49.5, 49.705, 49.365, 49.02, 49.075, 49.045, 48.885, 48.91, 49.68, 49.46, 49.01, 48.68, 49.155, 48.77, 49.565, 49.66, 49.13, 49.53, 49.575, 50.15, 50.755, 50.71, 50.76, 50.2, 50.205, 50.485, 50.295, 49.955, 49.87, 50.195, 50.655, 50.66, 50.6, 50.82, 51.02, 50.615, 50.09, 50.11, 49.96, 50.3, 50.435, 49.38, 49.555, 49.69, 50.11, 49.65, 49.7, 49.48, 49.17, 48.89, 49.255, 48.86, 48.16, 47.97, 47.99, 48.165, 48.07, 48.165, 48.005, 48.07, 48.135, 48.16, 48.2, 48.365, 48.34, 47.71, 46.89, 47.63, 47.41, 48.2, 48.38, 48.5, 48.12, 48.245, 48.055, 48.57, 48.72, 48.495, 48.17, 49.025, 49.38, 49.245, 49.025, 49.665, 49.54, 49.33, 48.985, 49.235, 48.89, 48.98, 49.27, 49.41, 48.935, 49.31, 49.615, 49.84, 49.55, 49.34, 49.49, 50.05, 49.455, 49.375, 49.04, 48.53, 48.6, 48.52, 48.365, 48.365, 48.39, 48.95, 48.585, 48.535, 49.33, 49.615, 49.94, 50.385, 50.87, 51.01, 51.775, 51.29, 51.445, 51.575, 51.785, 52.08, 51.805, 51.4, 50.83, 50.475, 49.87, 49.82, 49.98, 50.375, 49.705, 49.225, 49.595, 49.475, 49.285, 49.22, 49.765, 50.015, 49.835, 49.98, 49.98, 50.235, 49.765, 50.245, 50.265, 50.145, 50.27, 50.76, 50.545, 50.645, 50.5, 50.19, 50.745, 50.9, 50.935, 50.955, 50.93, 50.575, 50.805, 50.79, 50.675, 50.875, 50.57, 50.61, 50.32, 50.82, 50.505, 50.73, 50.685, 50.92, 49.905, 49.1, 49.71, 49.53, 48.74, 48.285, 48.85, 48.53, 48.625, 48.365, 48.645, 48.175, 47.67, 47.69, 47.25, 47.32, 46.775, 46.96, 47.345, 47.795, 47.885, 48.17, 49.06, 49.075, 48.635, 48.85, 48.825, 48.825, 48.975, 48.555, 49.365, 49.4, 49.5, 49.38, 49.75, 49.52, 49.06, 49.07, 49.105, 49.035, 49.105, 49.88, 49.455, 49.56, 49.915, 50.03, 50.02, 50.025, 49.835, 49.48, 48.785, 49.2, 48.285, 48.62, 48.66, 47.73, 47.89, 47.72, 47.58, 47.43, 47.01, 47.19, 47.11, 47.155, 47.215, 46.76, 46.9, 46.7, 46.68, 46.54, 47.015, 47.29, 47.56, 47.54, 47.105, 47.535, 47.54, 47.37, 47.405, 48.555, 49.275, 49.63, 49.745, 49.56, 49.66, 50.015, 49.66, 49.93, 50.01, 50.605, 50.405, 50.57, 50.595, 50.685, 50.61, 50.69, 50.685, 50.73, 50.69, 50.195, 50.34, 50.13, 49.855, 49.685, 50.325, 50.31, 50.61, 50.27, 50.16, 50.65, 50.58, 51.11, 50.92, 50.65, 50.74, 50.98, 50.49, 50.475, 50.58, 50.87, 50.61, 50.365, 49.97, 50.385, 50.175, 50.225, 49.92, 50.395, 50.075, 50.375, 50.555, 50.755, 50.915, 51.405, 51.395, 51.02, 50.575, 50.005, 50.665, 50.215, 50.09, 49.785, 50.11, 50.05, 49.735, 49.305, 48.435, 48.955, 48.82, 48.815, 47.99, 47.865, 48.21, 48.21, 48.515, 48.145, 47.98, 48.515, 48.57, 48.35, 47.93, 47.675, 48.155, 48.545, 48.77, 49.02, 48.695, 48.92, 48.99, 49.42, 49.385, 49.58, 49.4, 49.265, 49.455, 49.725, 48.895, 49.145, 49.26, 48.945, 48.88, 49.09, 48.5, 48.465, 48.26, 48.495, 48.87, 48.665, 48.24, 48.265, 47.8, 48.235, 47.895, 48.28, 48.345, 48.89, 48.685, 48.55, 48.75, 48.635, 48.73, 49.19, 49.105, 49.18, 49.335, 49.42, 49.43, 49.165, 49.495, 49.43, 49.46, 49.41, 49.605, 49.51, 48.91, 49.035, 49.145, 48.77, 48.25, 48.195, 48.48, 48.17, 47.98, 47.215, 47.22, 47.465, 47.82, 47.765, 47.9, 48.29, 48.395, 47.52, 46.87, 46.71, 46.85, 46.805, 47.08, 47.305, 47.03, 47.01, 46.765, 46.695, 47.155, 46.935, 47.22, 46.78, 46.625, 46.43, 46.08, 46.26, 46.05, 46.135, 46.42, 46.065, 46.055, 45.85, 46.425, 46.815, 46.605, 46.345, 45.955, 46.025, 46.0, 46.195, 45.785, 45.61, 45.35, 45.68, 46.08, 45.98, 46.655, 46.88, 47.27, 47.235, 47.37, 47.355, 47.625, 47.6, 47.115, 47.475, 46.92, 47.02, 46.31, 46.675, 46.425, 46.155, 46.57, 46.915, 46.76, 46.66, 47.08, 47.295, 47.38, 47.285, 47.23, 47.1, 46.715, 46.765, 47.175, 47.18, 46.885, 47.05, 47.42, 47.585, 47.635, 48.21, 48.17, 48.56, 49.175, 49.01, 48.85, 48.29, 48.625, 48.795, 48.22, 48.58, 47.815, 47.6, 47.515, 47.56, 46.835, 46.565, 46.46, 46.325, 46.025, 46.8, 46.63, 46.285, 45.66, 45.625, 45.075, 44.975, 44.71, 45.065, 44.77, 44.72, 44.765, 44.83, 45.325, 45.25, 44.52, 44.895, 45.335, 45.28, 45.99, 45.895, 45.78, 45.27, 45.515, 45.71, 45.225, 44.91, 45.01, 45.5, 45.125, 45.465, 44.965, 45.375, 44.295, 44.575, 44.695, 44.58, 43.855, 43.66, 43.935, 44.015, 43.56, 43.685, 43.735, 43.79, 43.6, 43.965, 44.085, 43.945, 43.535, 43.605, 43.76, 43.32, 43.29, 43.49, 43.49, 43.395, 43.035, 42.435, 42.685, 42.535, 42.655, 42.37, 42.355, 42.435, 42.13, 41.52, 41.455, 41.51, 41.835, 41.765, 41.545, 41.795, 42.295, 41.77, 41.365, 41.93, 41.355, 41.35, 40.905, 40.465, 40.515, 40.455, 40.385, 40.67, 40.92, 41.06, 40.88, 41.015, 41.165, 41.26, 41.345, 41.975, 42.015, 41.745, 42.235, 42.07, 42.095, 42.005, 41.58, 41.645, 41.705, 41.275, 40.27, 40.56, 40.55, 40.455, 40.615, 40.09, 40.1, 39.505, 39.385, 39.135, 39.29, 39.73, 40.365, 40.645, 40.31, 40.15, 40.115, 39.905, 39.865, 39.645, 39.745, 39.84, 39.755, 39.54, 40.065, 39.84, 39.9, 40.455, 40.565, 40.255, 40.875, 40.53, 40.88, 40.93, 40.535, 40.625, 40.935, 40.545, 40.295, 40.705, 40.44, 39.815, 39.695, 39.69, 39.68, 39.225, 39.42, 39.26, 39.945, 40.205, 40.35, 40.335, 40.925, 40.885, 40.97, 41.375, 41.675, 41.795, 41.75, 41.77, 41.42, 41.365, 41.85, 41.745, 41.825, 41.75, 41.69, 41.505, 41.665, 41.81, 42.085, 42.155, 41.75, 41.92, 41.245, 41.325, 41.545, 41.99, 41.98, 42.155, 41.525, 41.88, 41.49, 41.425, 41.81, 41.38, 41.215, 41.75, 42.01, 42.045, 41.68, 42.155, 41.75, 42.165, 41.1, 41.63, 40.885, 40.825, 40.925, 40.165, 40.205, 40.335, 39.77, 40.27, 40.3, 40.475, 40.655, 40.645, 40.225, 40.48, 40.525, 41.66, 41.605, 41.5, 41.63, 41.7, 41.615, 41.6, 41.48, 41.565, 41.28, 40.895, 40.81, 40.68, 40.445, 39.895, 39.84, 39.485, 39.25, 39.83, 40.055, 40.095, 40.395, 40.63, 40.6, 40.73, 41.29, 40.99, 40.905, 40.65, 40.705, 40.835, 40.55, 40.93, 41.05, 40.98, 40.775, 41.005, 41.16, 41.045, 40.965, 41.14, 40.785, 40.22, 40.015, 40.06, 40.5, 40.45, 40.37, 40.19, 40.255, 39.745, 39.835, 40.18, 39.98, 40.17, 40.49, 40.75, 40.725, 40.595, 41.165, 40.58, 40.065, 40.19, 40.34, 39.73, 39.84, 40.225, 40.24, 40.105, 40.5, 40.555, 40.905, 41.06, 41.405, 41.22, 41.12, 41.62, 41.265, 40.975, 40.99, 41.06, 41.215, 41.01, 40.95, 41.015, 41.205, 41.195, 41.62, 41.715, 42.13, 42.33, 42.25, 42.31, 42.715, 42.65, 42.605, 42.635, 42.325, 42.375, 42.8, 42.135, 42.28, 41.835, 42.275, 42.665, 42.645, 42.325, 42.275, 42.11, 41.885, 42.195, 42.71, 42.96, 43.425, 42.57, 42.84, 43.185, 43.085, 42.525, 42.09, 41.91, 41.62, 41.415, 40.66, 40.25, 40.055, 40.5, 40.175, 40.09, 40.205, 40.305, 40.71, 40.78, 40.61, 40.71, 40.49, 40.3, 40.565, 40.7, 40.625, 40.555, 40.23, 40.275, 40.455, 39.77, 39.665, 39.92, 39.595, 39.98, 40.155, 39.84, 39.93, 40.055, 40.19, 39.74, 39.425, 39.11, 39.385, 39.905, 40.435, 40.425, 40.275, 39.87, 40.195, 40.045, 40.55, 40.915, 41.35, 40.995, 41.185, 41.465, 41.72, 42.24, 42.165, 41.89, 41.66, 41.615, 41.725, 41.145, 41.52, 41.425, 41.81, 41.335, 41.095, 41.355, 40.84, 40.89, 41.05, 41.395, 41.225, 41.495, 41.755, 41.92, 41.865, 42.45, 42.255, 42.145, 42.025, 41.885, 41.675, 41.185, 40.89, 41.61, 41.525, 41.25, 41.6, 41.465, 40.96, 40.45, 39.735, 39.925, 40.16, 39.795, 39.675, 39.74, 39.88, 40.255, 39.885, 40.095, 39.675, 39.975, 39.57, 39.64]
25 half_life chr_len_L = []
[24.0, 23.79, 23.65, 23.565, 23.45, 23.36, 23.215, 23.09, 23.04, 22.9, 22.75, 22.61, 22.515, 22.4, 22.285, 22.14, 22.035, 21.92, 21.765, 21.605, 21.55, 21.46, 21.395, 21.335, 21.275, 21.195, 21.15, 21.11, 21.035, 20.96, 20.905, 20.885, 20.79, 20.725, 20.66, 20.6, 20.525, 20.395, 20.3, 20.225, 20.145, 20.04, 19.985, 19.93, 19.875, 19.83, 19.8, 19.755, 19.705, 19.665, 19.585, 19.54, 19.445, 19.39, 19.345, 19.295, 19.2, 19.13, 19.08, 19.02, 18.94, 18.895, 18.84, 18.8, 18.75, 18.675, 18.645, 18.58, 18.515, 18.46, 18.4, 18.325, 18.285, 18.24, 18.185, 18.11, 18.06, 18.03, 17.975, 17.95, 17.9, 17.865, 17.825, 17.755, 17.715, 17.66, 17.635, 17.605, 17.565, 17.52, 17.46, 17.415, 17.365, 17.32, 17.29, 17.25, 17.22, 17.16, 17.105, 17.065, 17.01, 16.98, 16.945, 16.91, 16.865, 16.82, 16.79, 16.775, 16.725, 16.69, 16.635, 16.615, 16.555, 16.535, 16.53, 16.465, 16.395, 16.36, 16.315, 16.285, 16.245, 16.22, 16.175, 16.15, 16.105, 16.055, 16.03, 15.98, 15.95, 15.915, 15.885, 15.855, 15.755, 15.7, 15.675, 15.655, 15.64, 15.595, 15.575, 15.53, 15.495, 15.46, 15.44, 15.405, 15.36, 15.33, 15.305, 15.275, 15.235, 15.215, 15.195, 15.16, 15.11, 15.09, 15.07, 15.045, 15.01, 15.0, 14.98, 14.94, 14.91, 14.895, 14.865, 14.84, 14.805, 14.785, 14.765, 14.73, 14.7, 14.665, 14.645, 14.62, 14.59, 14.575, 14.56, 14.54, 14.535, 14.505, 14.485, 14.485, 14.465, 14.465, 14.455, 14.415, 14.395, 14.37, 14.33, 14.32, 14.285, 14.25, 14.225, 14.22, 14.185, 14.16, 14.135, 14.115, 14.11, 14.09, 14.085, 14.065, 14.04, 14.02, 14.005, 14.0, 13.98, 13.97, 13.955, 13.935, 13.92, 13.91, 13.885, 13.875, 13.875, 13.865, 13.85, 13.845, 13.84, 13.83, 13.815, 13.805, 13.79, 13.765, 13.755, 13.75, 13.725, 13.715, 13.71, 13.695, 13.69, 13.66, 13.66, 13.65, 13.645, 13.64, 13.62, 13.605, 13.6, 13.58, 13.575, 13.56, 13.56, 13.545, 13.54, 13.505, 13.495, 13.495, 13.49, 13.47, 13.465, 13.445, 13.405, 13.38, 13.36, 13.35, 13.335, 13.305, 13.295, 13.28, 13.255, 13.23, 13.23, 13.21, 13.2, 13.195, 13.185, 13.18, 13.175, 13.13, 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59.115, 59.18, 58.93, 59.08, 59.0, 58.8, 58.34, 58.235, 58.265, 57.67, 57.905, 57.685, 57.13, 57.14, 57.585, 57.895, 58.45, 58.38, 58.31, 58.925, 58.58, 58.115, 58.505, 58.56, 58.06, 58.235, 58.49, 58.615, 58.305, 57.475, 57.97, 57.56, 57.31, 57.735, 58.045, 58.15, 57.94, 58.515, 58.175, 58.505, 58.37, 58.215, 57.955, 58.23, 57.8, 56.935, 57.245, 56.84, 56.62, 56.47, 56.09, 56.13, 56.185, 56.445, 56.815, 56.36, 56.45, 56.63, 56.885, 57.235, 57.395, 57.48, 57.97, 57.665, 57.88, 58.115, 58.14, 57.9, 57.805, 57.86, 57.855, 57.86, 57.67, 58.105, 57.285, 57.67, 57.535, 57.19, 56.82, 56.935, 56.61, 56.675, 56.28, 56.375, 56.455, 56.29, 56.635, 56.665, 56.325, 56.255, 56.93, 57.3, 57.495, 56.995, 57.205, 58.08, 57.875, 57.69, 56.85, 56.385, 56.225, 56.08, 56.27, 55.99, 55.615, 55.625, 55.74, 56.3, 55.86, 55.89, 55.68, 55.14, 55.01, 54.84, 54.075, 53.565, 53.845, 53.75, 53.69, 54.3, 54.12, 54.34, 54.595, 55.04, 55.035, 54.915, 54.35, 54.56, 54.25, 54.715, 55.1, 54.735, 53.8, 53.685, 54.2, 53.945, 54.225, 53.85, 53.845, 53.875, 54.005, 54.01, 53.79, 53.745, 54.155, 54.22, 53.64, 53.23, 53.195, 53.065, 53.03, 53.15, 53.06, 52.805, 52.86, 53.65, 53.22, 52.85, 53.515, 53.84, 53.58, 53.33, 53.54, 53.53, 53.71, 53.98, 53.85, 53.6, 53.625, 53.56, 53.7, 53.65, 53.41, 52.705, 52.36, 52.255, 52.025, 52.645, 52.505, 52.575, 52.5, 52.715, 53.04, 53.02, 52.19, 51.845, 52.24, 52.435, 51.545, 51.425, 51.4, 51.11, 51.215, 50.835, 50.68, 51.105, 50.585, 50.915, 50.975, 51.11, 51.435, 51.17, 51.145, 51.4, 50.92, 51.36, 51.295, 51.565, 51.395, 50.705, 51.085, 50.775, 50.225, 50.12, 50.305, 50.48, 50.455, 50.4, 50.855, 50.625, 50.575, 50.49, 50.685, 50.775, 51.12, 51.57, 51.155, 51.2, 50.705, 50.635, 50.475, 50.555, 51.15, 51.315, 51.765, 50.975, 51.525, 51.55, 51.085, 50.6, 50.7, 50.69, 50.24, 50.13, 50.27, 50.07, 50.475, 50.765, 50.62, 51.17, 49.9, 50.19, 49.875, 49.81, 49.68, 49.71, 48.985, 48.945, 48.775, 48.91, 48.26, 48.435, 48.555, 48.365, 48.46, 48.305, 48.12, 48.08, 48.57, 48.91, 49.555, 49.42, 49.47, 50.175, 50.25, 50.41, 50.365, 50.36, 50.86, 50.645, 50.67, 50.355, 50.29, 50.67, 50.98, 51.25, 50.87, 50.84, 51.07, 51.115, 50.895, 50.93, 50.835, 50.425, 50.29, 50.58, 50.05, 50.44, 50.36, 50.405, 51.115, 50.79, 51.055, 51.105, 51.18, 50.345, 50.0, 50.94, 51.29, 50.81, 50.545, 50.565, 50.37, 50.425, 50.065, 50.04, 50.695, 50.53, 50.695, 50.41, 50.0, 50.35, 49.55, 49.3, 49.65, 49.485, 49.47, 49.61, 49.37, 49.695, 50.285, 50.43, 50.44, 49.815, 50.055, 50.86, 50.385, 50.465, 49.87, 50.145, 50.45, 50.765, 50.75, 51.25, 51.98, 52.21, 52.175, 52.53, 51.86, 51.38, 51.095, 51.155, 51.075, 51.055, 51.0, 51.525, 51.425, 51.62, 51.495, 51.165]
125 half_life chr_len_L = [559]
[124.0, 122.78, 121.325, 120.45, 119.675, 118.365, 117.06, 115.84, 114.865, 114.005, 113.09, 112.13, 110.845, 109.82, 109.1, 108.29, 107.385, 106.51, 105.78, 104.86, 104.055, 103.545, 103.01, 102.335, 101.42, 100.915, 100.19, 99.42, 98.635, 97.975, 97.46, 96.925, 96.075, 95.39, 94.975, 94.4, 93.84, 93.29, 92.635, 92.095, 91.595, 91.075, 90.41, 90.01, 89.5, 89.035, 88.71, 88.2, 87.52, 86.925, 86.375, 86.105, 85.58, 84.98, 84.45, 83.785, 83.21, 82.78, 82.365, 81.81, 81.34, 80.92, 80.465, 79.925, 79.465, 79.125, 78.71, 78.395, 78.055, 77.465, 77.14, 76.55, 76.14, 75.425, 74.825, 74.505, 74.06, 73.585, 73.255, 72.755, 72.225, 71.84, 71.53, 71.13, 70.765, 70.42, 69.995, 69.53, 69.085, 68.7, 68.42, 68.1, 67.795, 67.475, 67.115, 66.775, 66.36, 66.025, 65.735, 65.275, 64.98, 64.705, 64.395, 64.14, 63.935, 63.52, 63.17, 62.81, 62.52, 62.2, 61.91, 61.55, 61.195, 60.93, 60.725, 60.445, 60.07, 59.695, 59.48, 59.18, 58.73, 58.57, 58.335, 57.935, 57.56, 57.305, 57.0, 56.735, 56.495, 56.115, 55.85, 55.585, 55.285, 54.865, 54.535, 54.25, 54.0, 53.785, 53.565, 53.33, 53.02, 52.695, 52.44, 52.235, 52.035, 51.72, 51.41, 51.14, 50.8, 50.63, 50.43, 50.335, 50.12, 49.92, 49.785, 49.565, 49.285, 49.105, 48.935, 48.71, 48.48, 48.315, 48.02, 47.84, 47.59, 47.375, 47.09, 46.825, 46.625, 46.43, 46.25, 46.065, 45.895, 45.68, 45.55, 45.415, 45.25, 45.05, 44.845, 44.545, 44.405, 44.115, 43.855, 43.695, 43.51, 43.375, 43.155, 42.885, 42.72, 42.65, 42.475, 42.35, 42.215, 42.06, 41.905, 41.775, 41.545, 41.355, 41.2, 41.005, 40.89, 40.715, 40.565, 40.395, 40.21, 40.08, 39.835, 39.68, 39.52, 39.325, 39.155, 39.06, 38.82, 38.755, 38.645, 38.45, 38.31, 38.21, 38.08, 37.935, 37.79, 37.7, 37.55, 37.435, 37.31, 37.225, 37.11, 36.985, 36.925, 36.83, 36.66, 36.53, 36.445, 36.355, 36.13, 36.0, 35.91, 35.75, 35.65, 35.525, 35.415, 35.32, 35.23, 35.115, 34.92, 34.77, 34.65, 34.53, 34.34, 34.205, 34.11, 33.98, 33.865, 33.76, 33.68, 33.55, 33.475, 33.335, 33.285, 33.18, 33.055, 32.925, 32.855, 32.745, 32.62, 32.49, 32.435, 32.345, 32.26, 32.165, 32.055, 31.985, 31.885, 31.835, 31.69, 31.585, 31.485, 31.385, 31.27, 31.205, 31.105, 31.02, 30.935, 30.87, 30.8, 30.695, 30.6, 30.54, 30.47, 30.33, 30.265, 30.195, 30.08, 30.005, 29.92, 29.775, 29.675, 29.585, 29.52, 29.41, 29.31, 29.205, 29.155, 29.05, 28.995, 28.945, 28.85, 28.78, 28.705, 28.67, 28.565, 28.515, 28.445, 28.39, 28.335, 28.27, 28.23, 28.18, 28.11, 28.01, 27.94, 27.88, 27.84, 27.755, 27.705, 27.615, 27.575, 27.44, 27.375, 27.32, 27.235, 27.15, 27.08, 27.02, 26.93, 26.845, 26.765, 26.7, 26.61, 26.535, 26.485, 26.45, 26.35, 26.285, 26.16, 26.105, 26.06, 26.01, 25.955, 25.865, 25.805, 25.76, 25.705, 25.665, 25.62, 25.555, 25.52, 25.46, 25.37, 25.34, 25.295, 25.225, 25.16, 25.13, 25.04, 24.985, 24.94, 24.85, 24.8, 24.72, 24.69, 24.615, 24.555, 24.505, 24.42, 24.37, 24.305, 24.27, 24.195, 24.14, 24.115, 24.07, 24.0, 23.965, 23.9, 23.84, 23.72, 23.63, 23.525, 23.465, 23.43, 23.385, 23.34, 23.25, 23.185, 23.15, 23.105, 23.025, 22.985, 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125 half_life L_unique_L = [95, 215, 378, 555, 808]
[124.0, 122.78, 121.325, 120.45, 119.675, 118.365, 117.06, 115.84, 114.865, 114.005, 113.09, 112.13, 110.845, 109.82, 109.1, 108.29, 107.385, 106.51, 105.78, 104.86, 104.055, 103.545, 103.01, 102.335, 101.42, 100.915, 100.19, 99.42, 98.635, 97.975, 97.46, 96.925, 96.075, 95.39, 94.975, 94.4, 93.84, 93.29, 92.635, 92.095, 91.595, 91.075, 90.41, 90.01, 89.5, 89.035, 88.71, 88.2, 87.52, 86.925, 86.375, 86.105, 85.58, 84.98, 84.45, 83.785, 83.21, 82.78, 82.365, 81.81, 81.34, 80.92, 80.465, 79.925, 79.465, 79.125, 78.71, 78.395, 78.055, 77.465, 77.14, 76.55, 76.14, 75.425, 74.825, 74.505, 74.06, 73.585, 73.255, 72.755, 72.225, 71.84, 71.53, 71.13, 70.765, 70.42, 69.995, 69.53, 69.085, 68.7, 68.42, 68.1, 67.795, 67.475, 67.115, 66.775, 66.36, 66.025, 65.735, 65.275, 64.98, 64.705, 64.395, 64.14, 63.935, 63.52, 63.17, 62.81, 62.52, 62.2, 61.91, 61.55, 61.195, 60.93, 60.725, 60.445, 60.07, 59.695, 59.48, 59.18, 58.73, 58.57, 58.335, 57.935, 57.56, 57.305, 57.0, 56.735, 56.495, 56.115, 55.85, 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51.91, 51.675, 51.97, 51.875, 51.775, 52.225, 51.87, 52.17, 52.805, 53.06, 52.79, 51.895, 52.14, 51.815, 51.865, 52.425, 52.83, 52.785, 52.88, 52.975, 53.325, 53.515, 54.075, 53.77, 54.54, 54.11, 54.12, 54.16, 53.895, 53.23, 53.255, 53.62, 53.2, 53.76, 53.82, 53.845, 53.51, 53.435, 53.31, 52.355, 52.18, 53.36, 52.96, 52.79, 52.975, 52.93, 52.795, 52.475, 52.6, 52.78, 53.005, 53.02, 52.605, 52.58, 52.54, 52.435, 52.73, 52.465, 52.75, 52.325, 52.195, 51.5, 51.415, 50.725, 50.93, 50.495, 50.02, 49.84, 50.045, 50.58, 50.22, 50.915, 50.6, 51.02, 50.27, 51.0, 51.24, 51.835, 52.07, 52.68, 52.4, 51.955, 51.52, 51.665, 51.835, 51.93, 51.925, 51.97, 51.78, 51.765, 50.895, 50.995, 51.135, 51.045, 51.835, 52.175, 52.365, 51.77, 51.365, 51.435, 51.625]
175 half_life chr_len_L = [367]
[174.0, 171.74, 170.075, 168.345, 166.83, 165.55, 163.825, 161.82, 159.81, 158.57, 156.9, 155.11, 153.34, 152.135, 150.36, 148.745, 147.005, 145.695, 144.49, 143.35, 141.855, 140.545, 139.295, 138.05, 136.875, 135.84, 134.78, 133.865, 133.13, 132.075, 131.455, 130.515, 129.47, 128.66, 127.915, 126.81, 126.0, 125.295, 124.495, 123.495, 122.53, 121.5, 120.33, 119.345, 118.76, 117.64, 116.635, 115.85, 114.685, 113.97, 113.065, 112.205, 111.31, 110.59, 109.66, 109.075, 108.375, 107.475, 107.12, 106.46, 105.56, 104.985, 104.425, 103.845, 102.795, 102.335, 101.5, 101.0, 100.35, 99.845, 99.3, 98.79, 98.285, 97.7, 97.125, 96.635, 96.225, 95.57, 94.98, 94.465, 93.96, 93.495, 92.93, 92.38, 91.815, 91.285, 90.875, 90.29, 89.89, 89.3, 88.56, 88.245, 87.63, 87.07, 86.64, 86.22, 85.655, 85.17, 84.645, 84.28, 83.97, 83.525, 83.095, 82.5, 82.055, 81.445, 80.985, 80.595, 80.095, 79.685, 79.325, 79.08, 78.695, 78.375, 78.02, 77.66, 77.27, 76.9, 76.585, 76.27, 75.865, 75.495, 75.165, 74.64, 74.11, 73.78, 73.475, 73.02, 72.595, 72.155, 71.675, 71.385, 70.93, 70.52, 70.2, 69.79, 69.4, 69.04, 68.66, 68.35, 68.065, 67.74, 67.355, 67.09, 66.79, 66.57, 66.24, 65.865, 65.62, 65.275, 65.075, 64.725, 64.465, 63.97, 63.75, 63.37, 63.12, 62.805, 62.475, 62.195, 61.9, 61.59, 61.385, 61.195, 60.96, 60.55, 60.23, 59.87, 59.705, 59.505, 59.27, 59.08, 58.935, 58.725, 58.485, 58.33, 58.055, 57.78, 57.435, 57.185, 57.065, 56.675, 56.46, 56.26, 56.02, 55.805, 55.59, 55.375, 55.03, 54.815, 54.495, 54.235, 54.01, 53.8, 53.62, 53.38, 53.195, 52.995, 52.8, 52.64, 52.465, 52.11, 51.965, 51.75, 51.54, 51.415, 51.265, 51.08, 50.89, 50.64, 50.365, 50.04, 49.76, 49.52, 49.4, 49.18, 48.975, 48.825, 48.68, 48.485, 48.33, 48.15, 47.905, 47.57, 47.42, 47.295, 47.07, 46.935, 46.795, 46.675, 46.51, 46.275, 46.17, 46.02, 45.83, 45.65, 45.555, 45.4, 45.29, 45.185, 45.05, 44.87, 44.64, 44.42, 44.24, 44.07, 43.975, 43.785, 43.63, 43.495, 43.29, 43.125, 43.0, 42.86, 42.725, 42.555, 42.365, 42.255, 42.14, 42.0, 41.86, 41.635, 41.54, 41.38, 41.195, 41.075, 40.87, 40.75, 40.62, 40.485, 40.345, 40.23, 40.1, 39.975, 39.83, 39.68, 39.57, 39.44, 39.35, 39.22, 39.025, 38.88, 38.68, 38.53, 38.44, 38.3, 38.245, 38.12, 37.995, 37.91, 37.83, 37.72, 37.56, 37.445, 37.26, 37.13, 37.04, 36.945, 36.835, 36.615, 36.43, 36.295, 36.16, 36.07, 36.0, 35.915, 35.755, 35.62, 35.48, 35.3, 35.165, 35.055, 34.945, 34.795, 34.67, 34.575, 34.465, 34.395, 34.285, 34.175, 34.065, 33.95, 33.84, 33.765, 33.71, 33.645, 33.525, 33.475, 33.38, 33.21, 33.11, 33.035, 32.93, 32.805, 32.69, 32.595, 32.515, 32.41, 32.29, 32.175, 32.145, 32.01, 31.9, 31.84, 31.715, 31.64, 31.57, 31.48, 31.4, 31.275, 31.15, 31.03, 30.875, 30.805, 30.745, 30.645, 30.585, 30.485, 30.4, 30.34, 30.2, 30.085, 30.02, 29.92, 29.82, 29.73, 29.675, 29.58, 29.505, 29.43, 29.315, 29.235, 29.125, 29.035, 28.94, 28.875, 28.755, 28.685, 28.625, 28.555, 28.465, 28.41, 28.35, 28.25, 28.205, 28.105, 28.015, 27.92, 27.825, 27.755, 27.72, 27.65, 27.595, 27.56, 27.46, 27.37, 27.335, 27.29, 27.225, 27.13, 27.065, 27.0, 26.945, 26.86, 26.81, 26.71, 26.62, 26.535, 26.45, 26.375, 26.325, 26.275, 26.22, 26.15, 26.06, 26.0, 25.945, 25.84, 25.775, 25.675, 25.58, 25.51, 25.46, 25.41, 25.335, 25.27, 25.185, 25.13, 25.09, 25.01, 24.965, 24.92, 24.855, 24.8, 24.75, 24.655, 24.57, 24.51, 24.43, 24.31, 24.25, 24.215, 24.165, 24.115, 24.04, 23.985, 23.91, 23.88, 23.795, 23.755, 23.68, 23.645, 23.595, 23.57, 23.54, 23.485, 23.405, 23.315, 23.3, 23.26, 23.15, 23.085, 23.02, 22.98, 22.93, 22.885, 22.82, 22.805, 22.75, 22.7, 22.655, 22.595, 22.53, 22.485, 22.425, 22.365, 22.345, 22.295, 22.265, 22.165, 22.12, 22.035, 21.98, 21.945, 21.905, 21.895, 21.84, 21.79, 21.73, 21.655, 21.635, 21.585, 21.555, 21.515, 21.47, 21.425, 21.41, 21.355, 21.305, 21.26, 21.23, 21.19, 21.07, 21.02, 20.965, 20.925, 20.895, 20.86, 20.84, 20.8, 20.765, 20.73, 20.705, 20.675, 20.65, 20.595, 20.555, 20.535, 20.47, 20.45, 20.39, 20.33, 20.265, 20.235, 20.215, 20.165, 20.13, 20.07, 20.045, 20.035, 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175 half_life L_unique_L = [84, 208, 357, 523, 745]
[174.0, 171.74, 170.075, 168.345, 166.83, 165.55, 163.825, 161.82, 159.81, 158.57, 156.9, 155.11, 153.34, 152.135, 150.36, 148.745, 147.005, 145.695, 144.49, 143.35, 141.855, 140.545, 139.295, 138.05, 136.875, 135.84, 134.78, 133.865, 133.13, 132.075, 131.455, 130.515, 129.47, 128.66, 127.915, 126.81, 126.0, 125.295, 124.495, 123.495, 122.53, 121.5, 120.33, 119.345, 118.76, 117.64, 116.635, 115.85, 114.685, 113.97, 113.065, 112.205, 111.31, 110.59, 109.66, 109.075, 108.375, 107.475, 107.12, 106.46, 105.56, 104.985, 104.425, 103.845, 102.795, 102.335, 101.5, 101.0, 100.35, 99.845, 99.3, 98.79, 98.285, 97.7, 97.125, 96.635, 96.225, 95.57, 94.98, 94.465, 93.96, 93.495, 92.93, 92.38, 91.815, 91.285, 90.875, 90.29, 89.89, 89.3, 88.56, 88.245, 87.63, 87.07, 86.64, 86.22, 85.655, 85.17, 84.645, 84.28, 83.97, 83.525, 83.095, 82.5, 82.055, 81.445, 80.985, 80.595, 80.095, 79.685, 79.325, 79.08, 78.695, 78.375, 78.02, 77.66, 77.27, 76.9, 76.585, 76.27, 75.865, 75.495, 75.165, 74.64, 74.11, 73.78, 73.475, 73.02, 72.595, 72.155, 71.675, 71.385, 70.93, 70.52, 70.2, 69.79, 69.4, 69.04, 68.66, 68.35, 68.065, 67.74, 67.355, 67.09, 66.79, 66.57, 66.24, 65.865, 65.62, 65.275, 65.075, 64.725, 64.465, 63.97, 63.75, 63.37, 63.12, 62.805, 62.475, 62.195, 61.9, 61.59, 61.385, 61.195, 60.96, 60.55, 60.23, 59.87, 59.705, 59.505, 59.27, 59.08, 58.935, 58.725, 58.485, 58.33, 58.055, 57.78, 57.435, 57.185, 57.065, 56.675, 56.46, 56.26, 56.02, 55.805, 55.59, 55.375, 55.03, 54.815, 54.495, 54.235, 54.01, 53.8, 53.62, 53.38, 53.195, 52.995, 52.8, 52.64, 52.465, 52.11, 51.965, 51.75, 51.54, 51.415, 51.265, 51.08, 50.89, 50.64, 50.365, 50.04, 49.76, 49.52, 49.4, 49.18, 48.975, 48.825, 48.68, 48.485, 48.33, 48.15, 47.905, 47.57, 47.42, 47.295, 47.07, 46.935, 46.795, 46.675, 46.51, 46.275, 46.17, 46.02, 45.83, 45.65, 45.555, 45.4, 45.29, 45.185, 45.05, 44.87, 44.64, 44.42, 44.24, 44.07, 43.975, 43.785, 43.63, 43.495, 43.29, 43.125, 43.0, 42.86, 42.725, 42.555, 42.365, 42.255, 42.14, 42.0, 41.86, 41.635, 41.54, 41.38, 41.195, 41.075, 40.87, 40.75, 40.62, 40.485, 40.345, 40.23, 40.1, 39.975, 39.83, 39.68, 39.57, 39.44, 39.35, 39.22, 39.025, 38.88, 38.68, 38.53, 38.44, 38.3, 38.245, 38.12, 37.995, 37.91, 37.83, 37.72, 37.56, 37.445, 37.26, 37.13, 37.04, 36.945, 36.835, 36.615, 36.43, 36.295, 36.16, 36.07, 36.0, 35.915, 35.755, 35.62, 35.48, 35.3, 35.165, 35.055, 34.945, 34.795, 34.67, 34.575, 34.465, 34.395, 34.285, 34.175, 34.065, 33.95, 33.84, 33.765, 33.71, 33.645, 33.525, 33.475, 33.38, 33.21, 33.11, 33.035, 32.93, 32.805, 32.69, 32.595, 32.515, 32.41, 32.29, 32.175, 32.145, 32.01, 31.9, 31.84, 31.715, 31.64, 31.57, 31.48, 31.4, 31.275, 31.15, 31.03, 30.875, 30.805, 30.745, 30.645, 30.585, 30.485, 30.4, 30.34, 30.2, 30.085, 30.02, 29.92, 29.82, 29.73, 29.675, 29.58, 29.505, 29.43, 29.315, 29.235, 29.125, 29.035, 28.94, 28.875, 28.755, 28.685, 28.625, 28.555, 28.465, 28.41, 28.35, 28.25, 28.205, 28.105, 28.015, 27.92, 27.825, 27.755, 27.72, 27.65, 27.595, 27.56, 27.46, 27.37, 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chr_len = 200 83.0
chr_len_SD = 1001 83.0
chr_len_Q1_Q2_Q3 = 1001 = 54.5 76.5 99.25
last_chr_len_zero = 0.0 %
[224.0, 224.275, 224.295, 224.08, 224.14, 224.33, 224.14, 223.79, 223.38, 223.565, 222.81, 222.66, 223.11, 222.11, 221.44, 220.82, 220.39, 219.77, 220.065, 220.305, 219.92, 219.135, 217.86, 218.325, 218.14, 218.31, 218.13, 218.11, 217.605, 217.31, 217.14, 216.275, 215.895, 216.32, 216.095, 215.625, 215.18, 214.805, 214.39, 214.16, 214.3, 214.07, 214.02, 212.79, 212.41, 212.05, 210.905, 210.065, 210.045, 209.425, 209.06, 208.32, 207.03, 207.15, 206.67, 206.14, 205.555, 205.24, 205.27, 204.725, 204.54, 203.41, 202.83, 202.08, 201.62, 201.155, 200.76, 200.705, 200.915, 200.49, 199.185, 198.85, 198.72, 198.815, 198.47, 198.29, 198.14, 197.57, 196.825, 195.795, 195.64, 194.94, 194.95, 194.445, 194.52, 193.925, 193.635, 192.545, 193.025, 192.175, 191.53, 191.08, 190.31, 190.16, 190.365, 190.605, 189.92, 190.445, 189.5, 188.99, 189.005, 188.83, 187.72, 187.5, 187.28, 186.415, 185.705, 185.045, 183.945, 183.77, 183.16, 183.15, 182.34, 182.665, 182.03, 182.395, 181.86, 182.255, 181.925, 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136.655, 135.98, 135.425, 134.82, 134.55, 133.975, 133.41, 133.195, 133.0, 132.13, 131.755, 131.435, 131.37, 131.085, 130.62, 130.415, 129.545, 128.445, 127.56, 127.495, 126.875, 125.915, 126.075, 126.145, 124.755, 125.335, 125.18, 124.385, 124.33, 124.04, 123.675, 123.805, 122.875, 122.91, 122.46, 122.405, 122.03, 121.865, 121.275, 121.065, 120.755, 120.55, 120.465, 120.59, 119.5, 118.72, 118.315, 117.91, 117.63, 117.8, 117.42, 117.18, 115.83, 115.515, 115.03, 115.15, 114.77, 114.495, 114.68, 114.355, 113.89, 113.38, 112.965, 112.49, 112.405, 111.74, 112.14, 111.635, 111.65, 111.21, 111.065, 111.33, 110.965, 110.25, 110.295, 110.36, 110.675, 110.395, 110.465, 109.91, 109.365, 109.19, 108.325, 107.585, 107.295, 107.35, 107.41, 107.755, 108.455, 107.44, 107.135, 106.355, 105.85, 105.8, 105.595, 106.07, 105.015, 104.79, 104.825, 104.91, 104.595, 104.215, 103.77, 103.705, 103.775, 103.645, 103.265, 103.32, 103.93, 103.86, 103.945, 104.0, 103.145, 102.85, 102.715, 102.435, 102.37, 102.475, 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62.27, 62.645, 63.01, 62.98, 63.105, 63.105, 62.845, 62.545, 62.875, 62.82, 62.67, 62.85, 62.435, 63.385, 62.965, 62.975, 62.42, 62.215, 62.195, 61.995, 62.78, 62.365, 61.995, 62.0, 61.95, 61.17, 60.96, 61.26, 61.15, 61.4, 60.935, 60.765, 60.535, 59.8, 59.205, 59.255, 58.7, 58.53, 58.53, 58.185, 58.02, 58.125, 58.325, 57.81, 57.825, 58.06, 58.085, 57.735, 57.59, 57.735, 58.175, 58.44, 58.2, 57.555, 57.21, 57.48, 57.945, 57.525, 57.34, 56.85, 56.92, 57.21, 57.53, 57.1, 57.105, 57.0, 56.59, 56.675, 57.245, 57.26, 57.65, 57.41, 57.04, 56.715, 56.785, 56.365, 56.55, 56.6, 56.515, 56.305, 56.785, 57.15, 56.775, 56.845, 56.935, 56.5, 56.585, 57.0, 57.135, 57.27, 56.965, 56.795, 56.44, 56.33, 56.32, 56.38, 56.415, 56.13, 56.4, 56.655, 56.095, 55.82, 55.77, 55.875, 56.115, 55.955, 56.41, 56.57, 56.45, 56.42, 56.06, 56.195, 56.585, 56.64, 56.79, 56.49, 56.31, 56.305, 56.345, 56.11, 56.185, 56.125, 55.85, 55.95, 56.25, 56.15, 56.315, 56.35, 56.03, 55.505, 54.83, 54.72, 54.53, 54.34, 54.515, 54.875, 54.94, 54.675, 54.735, 54.91, 54.965, 55.65, 55.175, 54.355, 54.305, 53.46, 53.655, 53.11, 53.365, 53.435, 53.185, 53.545, 52.93, 52.83, 52.56, 52.65, 53.045, 52.77, 52.81, 52.7, 53.085, 52.77, 52.95, 52.745, 52.965, 52.71, 52.755, 52.79, 52.905, 53.335, 53.415, 53.02, 53.29, 53.03, 53.315, 53.86, 54.28, 53.995, 54.155, 54.78, 54.505, 54.145, 54.045, 53.985, 53.99, 54.35, 54.12, 53.01, 52.765, 53.11, 52.95, 52.965, 53.22, 52.99, 53.08, 53.27, 53.06, 53.23, 53.315, 53.48, 53.345, 53.705, 54.14, 54.21, 54.07, 53.82, 54.01, 54.355, 54.105, 54.355, 54.51, 54.115, 53.62, 53.34, 52.575, 52.645, 52.295, 51.995, 52.3, 51.865, 51.505, 51.875, 51.585, 51.455, 51.8, 51.675, 51.43, 51.025, 51.355, 50.64, 50.96, 51.09, 50.61, 50.605, 50.505, 50.715, 51.215, 51.62, 51.39, 51.95, 51.775, 51.605, 51.995, 52.03, 52.055, 52.545]
225 half_life chr_len_L = [301, 856]
[224.0, 221.91, 220.175, 218.51, 216.74, 214.975, 213.29, 211.4, 209.565, 208.055, 206.1, 204.555, 203.24, 201.6, 199.785, 197.58, 196.075, 194.21, 192.78, 191.725, 190.39, 188.83, 187.505, 186.35, 185.07, 183.995, 183.005, 181.615, 180.185, 178.9, 177.73, 176.11, 174.87, 173.94, 172.92, 171.65, 170.095, 169.095, 167.99, 166.715, 165.48, 164.69, 163.72, 162.68, 161.445, 160.19, 158.52, 157.315, 156.365, 155.4, 154.205, 153.355, 152.105, 150.985, 149.985, 148.995, 148.08, 147.265, 146.53, 145.15, 144.205, 143.26, 142.39, 141.375, 140.565, 139.8, 139.12, 138.21, 137.395, 136.565, 135.685, 135.125, 134.445, 133.78, 132.785, 131.965, 131.095, 130.27, 129.26, 128.335, 127.7, 126.885, 126.305, 125.66, 124.975, 124.21, 123.56, 122.67, 122.175, 121.24, 120.325, 119.53, 118.75, 118.195, 117.54, 117.1, 116.49, 116.07, 115.335, 114.745, 114.165, 113.59, 112.935, 112.295, 111.635, 111.03, 110.59, 110.1, 109.49, 108.935, 108.09, 107.35, 106.805, 106.295, 105.63, 105.035, 104.46, 104.1, 103.53, 103.08, 102.54, 101.98, 101.515, 101.02, 100.415, 99.805, 99.185, 98.87, 98.295, 97.905, 97.64, 97.115, 96.815, 96.335, 95.755, 95.4, 94.8, 94.335, 93.87, 93.42, 92.87, 92.455, 91.945, 91.495, 91.035, 90.44, 90.085, 89.66, 89.14, 88.59, 88.185, 87.825, 87.52, 87.015, 86.655, 86.25, 85.835, 85.28, 84.825, 84.555, 84.13, 83.69, 83.32, 82.88, 82.595, 82.125, 81.735, 81.475, 81.18, 80.84, 80.395, 79.97, 79.655, 79.225, 78.875, 78.535, 78.285, 77.99, 77.595, 77.14, 76.695, 76.37, 76.035, 75.75, 75.515, 75.075, 74.58, 74.195, 73.82, 73.355, 73.0, 72.8, 72.525, 72.19, 71.895, 71.625, 71.23, 70.93, 70.515, 70.105, 69.7, 69.405, 69.175, 68.89, 68.585, 68.33, 68.115, 67.965, 67.575, 67.32, 67.085, 66.87, 66.615, 66.28, 66.01, 65.705, 65.33, 65.15, 64.905, 64.67, 64.335, 64.135, 63.89, 63.64, 63.33, 62.92, 62.53, 62.295, 61.995, 61.765, 61.5, 61.265, 60.895, 60.61, 60.23, 59.925, 59.595, 59.33, 59.07, 58.775, 58.555, 58.33, 58.175, 57.97, 57.845, 57.58, 57.255, 57.045, 56.8, 56.55, 56.36, 56.115, 55.94, 55.69, 55.44, 55.185, 54.945, 54.705, 54.48, 54.28, 54.03, 53.705, 53.47, 53.245, 52.98, 52.75, 52.54, 52.355, 52.11, 51.965, 51.75, 51.59, 51.34, 51.115, 50.885, 50.71, 50.595, 50.355, 50.19, 50.055, 49.83, 49.615, 49.4, 49.185, 49.055, 48.845, 48.665, 48.525, 48.27, 48.15, 47.925, 47.725, 47.535, 47.375, 47.155, 46.965, 46.83, 46.64, 46.475, 46.26, 46.045, 45.84, 45.69, 45.6, 45.48, 45.255, 45.075, 44.885, 44.73, 44.585, 44.48, 44.355, 44.235, 44.005, 43.87, 43.77, 43.595, 43.475, 43.145, 42.965, 42.74, 42.6, 42.48, 42.31, 42.15, 41.995, 41.86, 41.715, 41.535, 41.4, 41.275, 41.095, 40.95, 40.765, 40.555, 40.42, 40.25, 40.08, 39.935, 39.76, 39.64, 39.475, 39.34, 39.175, 39.12, 38.97, 38.855, 38.725, 38.57, 38.505, 38.385, 38.29, 38.125, 38.03, 37.875, 37.71, 37.52, 37.375, 37.28, 37.165, 37.1, 36.94, 36.855, 36.695, 36.58, 36.475, 36.4, 36.27, 36.12, 36.01, 35.905, 35.78, 35.63, 35.49, 35.335, 35.24, 35.16, 35.08, 34.955, 34.84, 34.6, 34.535, 34.415, 34.325, 34.21, 34.11, 33.99, 33.87, 33.785, 33.66, 33.59, 33.51, 33.415, 33.305, 33.155, 33.095, 33.005, 32.915, 32.79, 32.66, 32.555, 32.525, 32.42, 32.365, 32.3, 32.215, 32.105, 31.995, 31.865, 31.76, 31.655, 31.555, 31.46, 31.335, 31.27, 31.195, 31.055, 30.925, 30.805, 30.76, 30.675, 30.515, 30.43, 30.33, 30.24, 30.11, 30.025, 29.925, 29.825, 29.745, 29.71, 29.65, 29.57, 29.455, 29.395, 29.33, 29.255, 29.2, 29.14, 29.065, 29.01, 28.935, 28.875, 28.775, 28.675, 28.595, 28.58, 28.515, 28.475, 28.41, 28.35, 28.285, 28.22, 28.115, 28.03, 27.945, 27.88, 27.85, 27.785, 27.73, 27.645, 27.58, 27.51, 27.435, 27.385, 27.335, 27.285, 27.195, 27.115, 27.06, 26.975, 26.925, 26.845, 26.8, 26.745, 26.715, 26.635, 26.6, 26.58, 26.48, 26.445, 26.405, 26.36, 26.305, 26.275, 26.225, 26.16, 26.065, 25.97, 25.93, 25.895, 25.85, 25.815, 25.725, 25.685, 25.615, 25.565, 25.51, 25.47, 25.4, 25.34, 25.295, 25.225, 25.17, 25.095, 25.04, 25.0, 24.94, 24.835, 24.77, 24.695, 24.655, 24.615, 24.58, 24.505, 24.41, 24.37, 24.34, 24.235, 24.135, 24.08, 24.04, 24.005, 23.925, 23.875, 23.825, 23.785, 23.725, 23.655, 23.55, 23.46, 23.415, 23.335, 23.265, 23.225, 23.185, 23.105, 23.07, 23.02, 22.955, 22.9, 22.845, 22.81, 22.785, 22.73, 22.68, 22.635, 22.56, 22.49, 22.45, 22.41, 22.385, 22.335, 22.3, 22.26, 22.225, 22.19, 22.15, 22.12, 22.065, 21.99, 21.985, 21.935, 21.905, 21.865, 21.825, 21.77, 21.69, 21.665, 21.625, 21.565, 21.515, 21.485, 21.445, 21.425, 21.375, 21.35, 21.305, 21.255, 21.22, 21.185, 21.145, 21.13, 21.085, 21.05, 21.005, 20.945, 20.905, 20.875, 20.825, 20.8, 20.73, 20.72, 20.685, 20.66, 20.64, 20.62, 20.585, 20.54, 20.51, 20.47, 20.43, 20.4, 20.37, 20.32, 20.255, 20.225, 20.21, 20.165, 20.13, 20.1, 20.045, 19.985, 19.92, 19.855, 19.83, 19.79, 19.76, 19.705, 19.675, 19.65, 19.62, 19.59, 19.565, 19.525, 19.51, 19.455, 19.43, 19.41, 19.37, 19.345, 19.33, 19.29, 19.265, 19.205, 19.17, 19.125, 19.085, 19.055, 19.035, 19.01, 18.97, 18.93, 18.895, 18.875, 18.86, 18.835, 18.815, 18.79, 18.74, 18.715, 18.69, 18.645, 18.63, 18.605, 18.545, 18.525, 18.43, 18.42, 18.4, 18.37, 18.355, 18.315, 18.295, 18.28, 18.235, 18.21, 18.18, 18.165, 18.11, 18.095, 18.055, 18.025, 18.005, 17.98, 17.965, 17.95, 17.925, 17.895, 17.87, 17.85, 17.835, 17.83, 17.8, 17.765, 17.7, 17.645, 17.63, 17.585, 17.555, 17.53, 17.49, 17.435, 17.42, 17.415, 17.405, 17.405, 17.4, 17.37, 17.355, 17.31, 17.295, 17.285, 17.255, 17.235, 17.21, 17.2, 17.195, 17.145, 17.12, 17.115, 17.085, 17.065, 17.045, 17.015, 16.97, 16.945, 16.915, 16.905, 16.88, 16.855, 16.83, 16.82, 16.805, 16.755, 16.75, 16.705, 16.68, 16.655, 16.64, 16.625, 16.595, 16.54, 16.51, 16.495, 16.49, 16.475, 16.45, 16.445, 16.44, 16.41, 16.39, 16.365, 16.345, 16.33, 16.315, 16.285, 16.27, 16.265, 16.265, 16.245, 16.195, 16.175, 16.165, 16.14, 16.125, 16.11, 16.085, 16.08, 16.075, 16.05, 16.035, 16.02, 16.01, 16.01, 16.0, 15.99, 15.97, 15.96, 15.95, 15.935, 15.915, 15.915, 15.9, 15.88, 15.86, 15.82, 15.79, 15.755, 15.73, 15.71, 15.675, 15.66, 15.63, 15.6, 15.58, 15.545, 15.505, 15.49, 15.485, 15.465, 15.45, 15.445, 15.435, 15.415, 15.41, 15.39, 15.355, 15.35, 15.325, 15.325, 15.3, 15.285, 15.265, 15.24, 15.22, 15.2, 15.19, 15.185, 15.17, 15.155, 15.15, 15.12, 15.105, 15.085, 15.06, 15.05, 15.04, 15.015, 15.0, 14.99, 14.975, 14.965, 14.94, 14.925, 14.92, 14.9, 14.89, 14.87, 14.87, 14.85, 14.845, 14.83, 14.83, 14.8, 14.79, 14.785, 14.775, 14.755, 14.745, 14.74, 14.725, 14.695, 14.665, 14.655, 14.64, 14.64, 14.615, 14.595, 14.585, 14.575, 14.565, 14.56, 14.545, 14.535, 14.51, 14.5, 14.49, 14.48, 14.475, 14.46, 14.455, 14.435, 14.41, 14.38, 14.365, 14.36, 14.35, 14.345, 14.335, 14.325, 14.32, 14.315, 14.31, 14.305, 14.285, 14.285, 14.275, 14.255, 14.25, 14.24, 14.225, 14.215, 14.205, 14.185, 14.18, 14.175, 14.145, 14.14, 14.13, 14.12, 14.1, 14.1, 14.09, 14.075, 14.055, 14.045, 14.045, 14.04, 13.995, 13.99, 13.975, 13.96, 13.95, 13.93, 13.92, 13.915, 13.915, 13.885, 13.86, 13.855, 13.835, 13.83, 13.825, 13.82, 13.815, 13.81, 13.81, 13.795, 13.79, 13.775, 13.77, 13.765, 13.755, 13.745, 13.74, 13.73, 13.72, 13.715, 13.705, 13.7, 13.7, 13.695, 13.695, 13.68, 13.67, 13.67, 13.665, 13.64, 13.625, 13.62, 13.61, 13.605, 13.6, 13.585, 13.57, 13.56, 13.555, 13.55, 13.55, 13.535, 13.53, 13.525, 13.51, 13.5, 13.49, 13.485, 13.475, 13.465, 13.455, 13.45, 13.425, 13.415, 13.415, 13.415, 13.41, 13.38, 13.365, 13.355, 13.345, 13.34, 13.32, 13.3, 13.3, 13.3, 13.295, 13.28, 13.27, 13.27, 13.27, 13.25, 13.245, 13.23, 13.22, 13.205, 13.19, 13.185, 13.18, 13.17, 13.15, 13.15, 13.14, 13.13, 13.13, 13.13, 13.12, 13.105, 13.105, 13.1, 13.09, 13.09]
225 half_life L_unique_L = [96, 224, 363, 532, 727, 970]
[224.0, 221.91, 220.175, 218.51, 216.74, 214.975, 213.29, 211.4, 209.565, 208.055, 206.1, 204.555, 203.24, 201.6, 199.785, 197.58, 196.075, 194.21, 192.78, 191.725, 190.39, 188.83, 187.505, 186.35, 185.07, 183.995, 183.005, 181.615, 180.185, 178.9, 177.73, 176.11, 174.87, 173.94, 172.92, 171.65, 170.095, 169.095, 167.99, 166.715, 165.48, 164.69, 163.72, 162.68, 161.445, 160.19, 158.52, 157.315, 156.365, 155.4, 154.205, 153.355, 152.105, 150.985, 149.985, 148.995, 148.08, 147.265, 146.53, 145.15, 144.205, 143.26, 142.39, 141.375, 140.565, 139.8, 139.12, 138.21, 137.395, 136.565, 135.685, 135.125, 134.445, 133.78, 132.785, 131.965, 131.095, 130.27, 129.26, 128.335, 127.7, 126.885, 126.305, 125.66, 124.975, 124.21, 123.56, 122.67, 122.175, 121.24, 120.325, 119.53, 118.75, 118.195, 117.54, 117.1, 116.49, 116.07, 115.335, 114.745, 114.165, 113.59, 112.935, 112.295, 111.635, 111.03, 110.59, 110.1, 109.49, 108.935, 108.09, 107.35, 106.805, 106.295, 105.63, 105.035, 104.46, 104.1, 103.53, 103.08, 102.54, 101.98, 101.515, 101.02, 100.415, 99.805, 99.185, 98.87, 98.295, 97.905, 97.64, 97.115, 96.815, 96.335, 95.755, 95.4, 94.8, 94.335, 93.87, 93.42, 92.87, 92.455, 91.945, 91.495, 91.035, 90.44, 90.085, 89.66, 89.14, 88.59, 88.185, 87.825, 87.52, 87.015, 86.655, 86.25, 85.835, 85.28, 84.825, 84.555, 84.13, 83.69, 83.32, 82.88, 82.595, 82.125, 81.735, 81.475, 81.18, 80.84, 80.395, 79.97, 79.655, 79.225, 78.875, 78.535, 78.285, 77.99, 77.595, 77.14, 76.695, 76.37, 76.035, 75.75, 75.515, 75.075, 74.58, 74.195, 73.82, 73.355, 73.0, 72.8, 72.525, 72.19, 71.895, 71.625, 71.23, 70.93, 70.515, 70.105, 69.7, 69.405, 69.175, 68.89, 68.585, 68.33, 68.115, 67.965, 67.575, 67.32, 67.085, 66.87, 66.615, 66.28, 66.01, 65.705, 65.33, 65.15, 64.905, 64.67, 64.335, 64.135, 63.89, 63.64, 63.33, 62.92, 62.53, 62.295, 61.995, 61.765, 61.5, 61.265, 60.895, 60.61, 60.23, 59.925, 59.595, 59.33, 59.07, 58.775, 58.555, 58.33, 58.175, 57.97, 57.845, 57.58, 57.255, 57.045, 56.8, 56.55, 56.36, 56.115, 55.94, 55.69, 55.44, 55.185, 54.945, 54.705, 54.48, 54.28, 54.03, 53.705, 53.47, 53.245, 52.98, 52.75, 52.54, 52.355, 52.11, 51.965, 51.75, 51.59, 51.34, 51.115, 50.885, 50.71, 50.595, 50.355, 50.19, 50.055, 49.83, 49.615, 49.4, 49.185, 49.055, 48.845, 48.665, 48.525, 48.27, 48.15, 47.925, 47.725, 47.535, 47.375, 47.155, 46.965, 46.83, 46.64, 46.475, 46.26, 46.045, 45.84, 45.69, 45.6, 45.48, 45.255, 45.075, 44.885, 44.73, 44.585, 44.48, 44.355, 44.235, 44.005, 43.87, 43.77, 43.595, 43.475, 43.145, 42.965, 42.74, 42.6, 42.48, 42.31, 42.15, 41.995, 41.86, 41.715, 41.535, 41.4, 41.275, 41.095, 40.95, 40.765, 40.555, 40.42, 40.25, 40.08, 39.935, 39.76, 39.64, 39.475, 39.34, 39.175, 39.12, 38.97, 38.855, 38.725, 38.57, 38.505, 38.385, 38.29, 38.125, 38.03, 37.875, 37.71, 37.52, 37.375, 37.28, 37.165, 37.1, 36.94, 36.855, 36.695, 36.58, 36.475, 36.4, 36.27, 36.12, 36.01, 35.905, 35.78, 35.63, 35.49, 35.335, 35.24, 35.16, 35.08, 34.955, 34.84, 34.6, 34.535, 34.415, 34.325, 34.21, 34.11, 33.99, 33.87, 33.785, 33.66, 33.59, 33.51, 33.415, 33.305, 33.155, 33.095, 33.005, 32.915, 32.79, 32.66, 32.555, 32.525, 32.42, 32.365, 32.3, 32.215, 32.105, 31.995, 31.865, 31.76, 31.655, 31.555, 31.46, 31.335, 31.27, 31.195, 31.055, 30.925, 30.805, 30.76, 30.675, 30.515, 30.43, 30.33, 30.24, 30.11, 30.025, 29.925, 29.825, 29.745, 29.71, 29.65, 29.57, 29.455, 29.395, 29.33, 29.255, 29.2, 29.14, 29.065, 29.01, 28.935, 28.875, 28.775, 28.675, 28.595, 28.58, 28.515, 28.475, 28.41, 28.35, 28.285, 28.22, 28.115, 28.03, 27.945, 27.88, 27.85, 27.785, 27.73, 27.645, 27.58, 27.51, 27.435, 27.385, 27.335, 27.285, 27.195, 27.115, 27.06, 26.975, 26.925, 26.845, 26.8, 26.745, 26.715, 26.635, 26.6, 26.58, 26.48, 26.445, 26.405, 26.36, 26.305, 26.275, 26.225, 26.16, 26.065, 25.97, 25.93, 25.895, 25.85, 25.815, 25.725, 25.685, 25.615, 25.565, 25.51, 25.47, 25.4, 25.34, 25.295, 25.225, 25.17, 25.095, 25.04, 25.0, 24.94, 24.835, 24.77, 24.695, 24.655, 24.615, 24.58, 24.505, 24.41, 24.37, 24.34, 24.235, 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half_life_L_unique_L_multi = 25 [101, 244, 419, 598, 792]
half_life_L_unique_L_multi = 75 [78, 216, 392, 617, 953]
half_life_L_unique_L_multi = 125 [95, 215, 378, 555, 808]
half_life_L_unique_L_multi = 175 [84, 208, 357, 523, 745]
half_life_L_unique_L_multi = 225 [96, 224, 363, 532, 727, 970]