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MSGF+ Pipeline

Workflow of the MSGF+ pipeline



Step Description Software Input Output
00 Extract reporter ion peaks from MS2 spectra and create Selected Ion Chromatograms for each MS/MS parent ion MASIC Thermo .Raw file _ReporterIons.txt and _SICStats.txt (plus several other files)
01 Convert Thermo .raw files to .mzML files (standard XML file format for MS data) MSConvert Thermo .Raw file .mzML file
02 Identify peptides using a fully tryptic search (for speed); these are used in Step 03 MS-GF+ .mzML file and .fasta file .mzid file
03a Use mass error histograms to in-silico re-calibrate the m/z values in the .mzML file mzrefiner filter in MSConvert .mzid file and .mzML file _FIXED.mzML
03b Plot the mass error histograms before and after in-silico recalibration PPMErrorCharter .mzid file and _FIXED.mzML file PNG files
04 Identify peptides using a partially tryptic search MS-GF+ _FIXED.mzML file and .fasta file .mzid file
05 Create a tab-separated value file listing peptide IDs from step 04 MzidToTSVConverter .mzid file .tsv file
06 Create tab-delimited files required for step 7; files contain peptide IDs, unique sequence info, and residue modification details PeptideHitResultsProcessor .tsv file _syn.txt file and several related files
07 Localize the position of Phosphorylation on S, T, and Y residues in phosphopeptides Ascore _syn.txt files, _FIXED.mzML file, .fasta file _syn_plus_ascore.txt file


All the steps described here can be run in the containers available in the dockerfiles directory. Check the to find out more.

The examples are based on the analysis of both protein global abundance and a post-translational modification (protein phosphorylation).

The commands available in every step are extracted from the WDL file. The variables between ${ } refers to the input, outputs, and parameter files. The names are self-explanatory. For example, ${raw_file} refers to a single raw file.

Step 00: MASIC

Extract reporter ion peaks from MS2 spectra and create Selected Ion Chromatograms for each MS/MS parent ion.

Container: prot-masic

mono /app/masic/MASIC_Console.exe \
/I:${raw_file} \
/P:${masic_parameter} \

Step 1: Convert .raw to .mzML files

Convert Thermo .raw files to .mzML files (standard XML file format for MS data)

  • Input: raw/*.raw
  • Output: msgfplus_input/*.mzML


wine msconvert ${raw_file} \
--zlib \
--filter "peakPicking true 2-" \
-o output_msconvert

Step 2: Identify peptides using a fully tryptic search

Run on Docker MS-GF+ (prot-msgfplus) using the .mzML file from msconvert (step 1), get a .mzid file

  • Input directory/files:
    • *.mzML
    • sequence_db.fasta sequence db
    • MSGFPlus_Mods.txt config file
  • Output directory/file: msgfplus_output/*.mzid

Container: prot-msgfplus

java -Xmx4000M \
-jar /app/MSGFPlus.jar \
-s ${input_mzml} \
-o output_msgf_tryptic/${sample_id}.mzid \
-d ${seq_file_id}.fasta \
-conf ${msgf_tryptic_mzrefinery_parameter}

Step 3: Use mass error histograms to in-silico re-calibrate the m/z values

3A) mzrefiner filter in MSConvert

Use mass error histograms to in-silico re-calibrate the m/z values in the .mzML file. Run msconvert with the mzrefiner option to create a new .mzML file named _FIXED.mzML

Container: prot-msgfplus

wine msconvert ${input_mzml} \
-o output_msconvert_mzrefiner \
--outfile output_msconvert_mzrefiner/${output_name} \
--filter "mzRefiner ${input_mzid} thresholdValue=-1e-10 thresholdStep=10 maxSteps=2" \

3B) PPMErrorCharter

Run PPMErrorCharter using the .mzid file from step 2a and the _FIXED.mzML file from step 3a

Container: prot-ppmerror

mono /app/PPMErrorCharterPython.exe \
-I:${input_mzid} \
-F:${input_fixed_mzml} \
-EValue:1E-10 \
-HistogramPlot:output_ppm_errorcharter/${sample_id}-histograms.png \
-MassErrorPlot:output_ppm_errorcharter/${sample_id}-masserrors.png \

Step 4: Protein Identification and Quantification

Identify peptides using a partially tryptic search

Run MS-GF+ using the _FIXED.mzml file from Step 3: That creates a .mzID file (called it Dataset_final.mzid).

Container: prot-msgfplus

java -Xmx4000M \
-jar /app/MSGFPlus.jar \
-s ${sample_id}.mzML \
-o output_msgf_identification/${sample_id}_final.mzid \
-d ${seq_file_id}.fasta \
-conf ${msgf_identification_parameter}

Step 5: MzidToTSVConverter

Create a tab-separated value file listing peptide IDs from step 04.

Run MzidToTSVConverter to convert Dataset_final.mzid to Dataset.tsv

Container: prot-mzid2tsv

mono /app/mzid2tsv/net462/MzidToTsvConverter.exe \
-mzid:${input_mzid_final} \
-tsv:output_mzidtotsvconverter/${output_name} \
-unroll -showDecoy

Step 6: PeptideHitResultsProcRunner

Create tab-delimited files required for step 7; files contain peptide IDs, unique sequence info, and residue modification details

Run PeptideHitResultsProcRunner using the .tsv file from step 5

Container: prot-phrp

mono /app/phrp/PeptideHitResultsProcRunner.exe \
-I:${input_tsv} \
-O:output_phrp \
-M:${phrp_parameter_m} \
-T:${phrp_parameter_t} \
-N:${phrp_parameter_n} \
-SynPvalue:${phrp_synpvalue} \
-SynProb:${phrp_synprob} \
-L:output_phrp/${phrp_logfile} \
-ProteinMods \

Step 7: AScore (only PTMs)

Localize the position of Phosphorylation on S, T, and Y residues in phosphopeptides.

Inputs: _syn.txt, _FIXED.mzML, .fasta files

Container: prot-ascore

mono /app/ascore/AScore_Console.exe \
-T:msgfplus \
-F:${input_syn} \
-D:${input_fixed_mzml} \
-MS:${syn_ModSummary} \
-P:${ascore_parameter_p} \
-U:${seq_file_id}_syn_plus_ascore.txt \
-O:output_ascore \
-Fasta:${fasta_sequence_db} \

Step 8: Relative Quantification

Step for processing TMT data proteomics data using PlexedPiper and generate reporter ion intensity and ratio tables.


  • MS/MS identifications from the MS-GF+ search engine
  • Reporter ion intensities extracted using MASIC
  • Tables outlining study design
    • table linking dataset to plexes
    • table linking reporter channels with sample names
    • table identifying reference within each plex

Script to run PlexedPiper: pp.R

Container: prot-plexedpiper

Rscript /app/pp.R \
-p ${proteomics_experiment} \
-i final_output_phrp \
-j final_output_masic \
-f ${fasta_sequence_db} \
-d ${sequence_db_name} \
-s study_design \
-o output_plexedpiper \
-n ${results_prefix} \
-c "${species}" \
-u ${unique_only} \
-r ${refine_prior}