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Update labels-events.yml #19

Update labels-events.yml

Update labels-events.yml #19

Workflow file for this run

name: WW-Layout

Check failure on line 1 in .github/workflows/layout.yml

View workflow run for this annotation

GitHub Actions / .github/workflows/layout.yml

Invalid workflow file

No steps defined in `steps` and no workflow called in `uses` for the following jobs: unit-test-4
runs-on: macos-11
xcode-version: [13.2, 12.5.1]
DEVELOPER_DIR: /Applications/Xcode_${{ matrix.xcode-version }}.app
# - name: checkout
# uses: actions/checkout@v2
# with:
# repository: "ww-tech/wwlayout"
# ref: develop
# ssh-key: ${{ secrets.ssh_ww }}
# - name: Install dependencies in Gemfile
# run: gem install fastlane
# - name: Unit Tests, using Swift 4.0
# run: |
# bundle exec fastlane scan \
# --device "iPhone SE" \
# --xcargs "SWIFT_VERSION=4.0" \
# --code_coverage \
# --output_directory output/scan
# - name: Unit Tests, using Swift 5.0
# run: |
# bundle exec fastlane scan \
# --device "iPhone X" \
# --xcargs "SWIFT_VERSION=5.0" \
# --code_coverage \
# --output_directory output/scan
# - name: Unit Tests, using Swift 5.1
# run: |
# bundle exec fastlane scan \
# --device ["iPhone 6", "iPhone 11"] \
# --xcargs "SWIFT_VERSION=5.1" \
# --code_coverage \
# --output_directory output/scan
# - name: Unit Tests, using Swift 5.2
# run: |
# bundle exec fastlane scan \
# --device ["iPhone 7", "iPhone XS"] \
# --xcargs "SWIFT_VERSION=5.2" \
# --code_coverage \
# --output_directory output/scan
# - name: Unit Tests, using Swift 5.3
# run: |
# bundle exec fastlane scan \
# --device ["iPhone 8", "iPhone SE"] \
# --xcargs "SWIFT_VERSION=5.3" \
# --code_coverage \
# --output_directory output/scan
# - name: Build example (test spm)
# run: |
# xcodebuild build \
# -project "WWLayoutExample/WWLayoutTV/WWLayoutTV.xcodeproj" \
# -scheme "WWLayoutTV" \
# -destination "platform=tvOS Simulator,name=Apple TV"
# test-self-hosted:
# runs-on: macos
# env:
# DEVELOPER_DIR: /Applications/
# steps:
# - name: Another version
# run: |
# xcodebuild -version