This app links your discord to whatsapp through the use of package whatsapp-web.js
- whatsapp-web.js
- discord.js
- qrcode-terminal
- fs
Step 1: Create a server. To do that log into Discord, scroll down to the bottom untill you see a + icon, click it and follow the steps
Step 2: Enable Community. This can be done by going into Server Settings -> Community -> Enable Community. Click the Get Started Button and follow the steps.
Step 3: Invite your bot with manage server permissions. This can be done using this link and replacing {YourBotID} with Your Bot ID
Step 4: Copy your Bot Token. Token can be obtained by going to Discord Developer Portal and then going into applications -> Bot -> Reset Token. Once regerated you won't be able to view the token again, I reccomend you store it in a safe space.
Step 5: Paste your Bot Token on Line 2 of config.json
Step 6: Copy your server ID, this can be done by right clicking the server icon and clicking "Copy ID" button
Step 7: Paste your server ID on line 3 of config.js
Step 8: Execute index.js. After starting, the bot will automatically generate 3 channels which can later be re-named
If the channels are not generated, it means there was some problem with the permissions, check console for more info.
Step 9: After the channels are created, go to the log channel and wait for a qr code
Step 10: Scan the QR code using your WhatsApp Mobile app
All messages in your WhatsApp will automatically be Logged in your Discord
To reply to message, just send a message in the thread where the chat is, the message will automatically be posted to WhatsApp