- Started as a personal school project for the subject "ICD0009 Building Distributed Systems". Got a grade 5 (A).
- Back-end written in C# using .NET Core, Entity Framework (EF) and distributed architecture:
- Domain - Database models
- Data Access Layer (DAL) - Repositories and Unit of Work (UOW)
- Business Logic Layer (BLL) - Services
- Public layer - Public Data Transfer Objects (DTOs) and API Controllers using REST API
- Microsoft SQL Server (MSSQL) was used as a database
- JSON Web Token (JWT) was used for authorization
- Swagger was used for versioned API documentation
- Base packages uploaded and imported via NuGet
- Front-end client web application written using Aurelia framework and TypeScript
- Design currently implemented in plain CSS (will be changed to SASS or LESS).
- Both back-end and front-end were publicly hosted using Docker and Azure
- Created by Melissa Eenmaa, 2020
📃 NOTE: NEEDS REFACTORING! Especially regarding DRY principle. Many things were done quickly to meet the tight deadlines.
- Working features:
- Registering & logging in
- Theme toggle for the whole webpage (dark vs light)
- Changing your profile info
- Creating and changing a personal Wishlist with Gifts in it
- Searching for users
- Visiting other users' profiles
- Adding or removing users as friends
- Inviting new users to join
- Reserving gifts (from other users' Wishlists), cancelling or gifting them
- Archiving gifts (personal or others users'), reactivating or deleting them
- Seeing all Campaigns and interacting with Donatees/their gifts
- Creating new Campaigns and adding Donatees (only users with Campaign Manager role)
This App is publicly hosted but temporarily unavailable. Once it is available again the URL will appear here.