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Welcome to the web page for the 28th Project Week!

The 28th NA-MIC Project Week will be held during the week of June 25-29, 2018 at Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.

Please read about our experience in running these events since 2005: Increasing the Impact of Medical Image Computing Using Community-Based Open-Access Hackathons: the NA-MIC and 3D Slicer Experience.

Photo Album

The 28th NA-MIC PW Event album.

Segment Editor in presentation in Casa África

28 PW Summer NA-MIC in the media


To receive information about this and future events please join the Project Week Mailing List (for continuity and permanence across Project Weeks) AND participate in the Project Week forum.

Local Organizing Committee


#f03c15 3D View/Map of venue location 25th June

#f03c15 3D View/Map of venue location 26th-29th June


Frequently Asked Questions

Preparatory Videoconferences

  • Zoom video conference: To join the videoconference, click here on Tuesdays, 10am Boston time, starting April 24, 2018
  • Conference call notes: To access these, click here.


<iframe src="" style="border: 0" width="800" height="600" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> How to add this calendar to your own?



  1. Using 3D Slicer Segment Editor (Csaba Pinter, Till Best, Nikos Makris, Filippo Cicali)
  2. Gynecological Brachytherapy Needle Segmentation Deployment (Paolo Zafino, Tina Kapur, Maria Francesca Spadea)
  3. Multi-Label segmentation of anatomic prostate zones in MRI (Anneke Meyer, Marko Rak, Christian Hansen)
  4. Segmentation geometry widget (Csaba Pinter, Andras Lasso)

Visualization and Interoperability

  1. Programmable Multi Volume Rendering in Slicer (Simon Drouin, Csaba Pinter, Steve Pieper, Jean-Christophe Fillion-Robin)
  2. OpenIGTLinkIO Development (Simon Drouin, Csaba Pinter, Andras Lasso, Ole Vegard Solberg, Geir Arne Tangen)
  3. Add 3D views linking capabilities (Davide Punzo, Andras Lasso, Steve Pieper, Jean-Christophe Fillion-Robin, Simon Drouin)
  4. DICOMweb related projects: OHIFViewer, Siemens teamplay, ctkDICOMweb, using secure DICOMweb (Michael Kelm, Steve Pieper, Erik Ziegler, Marco Nolden, Jonas Scherer, Tina Kapur)
  5. Raw Image Read and Display (Attila Nagy, Csaba Pinter)
  6. Improve/Test multivolume preclinical MRI data import (DCE, DTI, ASL, T1 mapping (Sharon Peled, Andras Lasso, Lauren O'Donnell)
  7. Conversion of Matlab Bridge modules to integrated 3DSlicer modules (Sharon Peled, Andras Lasso)

Application to Large Studies in Chest, Brain

  1. SlicerCIP Quantitative Reports Tool (Pietro Nardelli, Jorge Onieva Onieva,Raúl San José Estépar)
  2. CIP Python3 (Jorge Onieva, Pietro Nardelli, Raúl San José Estépar)
  3. CIP Deep Learning (Jorge Onieva, Pietro Nardelli, Raúl San José Estépar)
  4. Longitudinal analysis of white matter connectivity changes prompted by concussions (Andrei Irimia, Lauren O'Donnell)
  5. Stereotaxy PYDBS and EPILOC Toolboxes (Sara Fernandez Vidal, Jordan Cornillaut and Eric Bardinet)

New Applications and Customizations of 3D Slicer

  1. Evaluation of projects: simulator of bone sliding, augmented reality system to be used in surgeries, software for orthognatic planning (Donato Monopoli, Javier González, Juan Ruiz-Alzola)
  2. Slicer Ecosystems Education for Newcomers & Developing Countries (GTMA Group, Juan Ruiz-Alzola)
  3. Atlas development for education (Babacar Diao, Ahmedou Moulaye Idriss, Mohamed Septy, Alexandra Fernandes Rodrigues, Cheick Tidiane, Nayra Pumar, Xerach Suárez, Juan Ruiz-Alzola)
  4. Custom GUI for an US simulator training system (José Carlos Ruiz-Luque, Guillermo Valentín Socorro-Marrero, Juan Ruiz-Alzola)
  5. Medical Infrared Imaging with Slicer (Yolanda Martin-Hernando, Abián Hernández, Jorge Quintero Nehrkorn, Enrique Villa, José-Carlos Ruiz-Luque, Natalia Arteaga-Marrero, Juan Ruiz-Alzola)
  6. 3DSlicer models for serious games (Sergi Bermudez i Badia, Yuri Almedia, Artemisa Moreno, Abián Hernández, María Dolores Afonso-Suárez, Juan Ruiz-Alzola)
  7. Implementing 1H Time resolved Functional Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy with quantification of broad metabolite spectrum in 3D Slicer (Francisco-José Marcano-Serrano, José Luis González Mora, Juan Ruiz-Alzola)
  8. 4D MRI via retrospectiv stacking of 2D Slices(Gino Gulamhussene, Marko Rak)


  1. Slicer-based Jupyter notebooks (Jean-Christophe Fillion-Robin, Andras Lasso)
  2. Documenting Slicer using readthedocs (Jean-Christophe Fillion-Robin, Andras Lasso)
  3. Slicer 5 roadmap (Jean-Christophe Fillion-Robin, Andras Lasso, Steve Pieper, Csaba Pinter, Andrey Fedorov, Everyone)


  1. Integrating Free WaveForm sequence with DICOM (F. Szczepankiewicz, C-F. Westin)
  2. Insula segmentation using 3D Slicer (Filippo Cicali, Nikos Makris)
  3. Intelligent and Adaptive Minimally Invasive Surgery Simulation (Tina Vajsbaher, Csaba Pinter, Andras Lasso, Gino Gulamhussene, Juan Ruiz-Alzola, Miguel Angel Rodriguez Florido, Javier González Fernández, Donato Monopoli)
  4. Uncertainty Estimation for Feature Based Registration (Sandy Wells)


Do not add your name to this list - it is maintained by the organizers based on your paid registration. Please register here.

  1. Sharon Peled, (@speled)( - Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School - USA
  2. Davide Punzo, (@punzo)( - Kapteyn Astronomical Institute, University of Groningen - Netherlands
  3. Csaba Pinter, (@cpinter)( - Queen’s University - Canada
  4. Filip Szczepankiewicz, ( - Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School - USA
  5. Tina Kapur, (@tkapur)( - Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School - USA
  6. Mohamed El Moctar Septy (@msepty)( - Faculté de Médecine, Université de Nouakchott Al Aasriya - Mauritania
  7. Ahmedou Moulaye Idriss ( - Centre Hospitalier National Nouackchott - Mauritania
  8. M Alexandra Fernandes Rodrigues ( - Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade Eduardo Mondlane - Mozambique
  9. Joseane Alexandre Da Rosa de Pina Ferreira ( - Hospital Agostinho Neto de Praia - Cabo Verde
  10. Artemisa Mendes Moreno ( - Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade de Cabo Verde - Cabo Verde
  11. Cheikh Tidiane Diop ( - Centre Hospitalier National Fann Dakar - Senegal
  12. Oumar Kane ( - Centre Hospitalier National Fann Dakar - Senegal
  13. Babacar Diao ( - Ecole Militaire de Santé Dakar - Senegal
  14. Juan Ruiz Alzola (@jruizalz)( - University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria / Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias - Spain
  15. Jose Carlos Ruiz Luque ( - University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria - Spain
  16. Nayra Pumar Carreras ( - University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria - Spain
  17. Guillermo Valentín Socorro Marrero (@gvsocorro)( - University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria - Spain
  18. Abián Hernández Guedes (@SolidusAbi)( - University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria - Spain
  19. Xerach Suárez Moreno ( - University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria - Spain
  20. Maria Dolores Afonso Suárez (@MarilolaMACbioIDi)( - University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria - Spain
  21. Steven Pieper (@pieper)( - Isomics, Inc. - USA
  22. Attila Nagy ( - Faculty of Medicine, University of Szeged - Hungary
  23. Andras Lasso (@lassoan)( - Queen’s University - Canada
  24. Filippo Cicali ( - Mass General Hospital and Harvard Medical School - USA
  25. Nikolaos Makris ( - Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School - USA
  26. Jorge Onieva (@jonieva)( - Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School - USA
  27. Paolo Zaffino (@pzaffino)( - Magna Graecia University - Italy
  28. Raúl San José (@rjosest)( - Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School - USA
  29. Erik Ziegler ( - Open Health Imaging Foundation- France
  30. Lauren O'Donnell (@ljod)( - Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School - USA
  31. Simon Drouin ( - Montreal Neurological Institute - Canada
  32. Pietro Nardelli ( - Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School - USA
  33. Francisco José Marcano Serrano ( - Universidad de la Laguna - Spain
  34. Jean-Christophe Fillion-Robin (@jcfr)( - Kitware Inc. - USA
  35. Andrei Irimia ( - University of Southern California - USA
  36. Ole Vegard Solberg ( - SINTEF - Norway
  37. Geir Arne Tangen ( - SINTEF - Norway
  38. Yolanda Martín Hernando ( - Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias - Spain
  39. Enrique Villa Benito ( - Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias - Spain
  40. Natalia Arteaga Marrero ( - Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias - Spain
  41. Michael Halle (@mhalle)( - Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School - USA
  42. Yuri Ameida ( Madeira Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute - Portugal
  43. Marco Nolden ( - German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) - Germany
  44. Carl-Fredrik Westin ( - Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School - USA
  45. Marko Rak ( - University of Magdeburg - Germany
  46. Andrei Irimia ( - University of Southern California - USA
  47. Anneke Meyer ( - University of Magdeburg - Germany
  48. Tina Vajsbaher ( - University of Bremen - Germany
  49. Gino Gulamhussene ( - Institute for Simulation and Graphics OvGU University Magdeburg - Germany
  50. Sara Fernández Vidal ( - ICM Institute - France
  51. Eric Bardinet ( - ICM Institute - France
  52. José Luis González-Mora ( - University of La Laguna - Spain
  53. Jordan Cornillault ( - ICM Institute - France
  54. Donato Monopoli ( - Intituto Tecnológico de Canarias - Spain
  55. Javier González Fernández ( - Intituto Tecnológico de Canarias - Spain
  56. Michael Kelm ( - Siemens Healthcare GmbH - Germany
  57. William Wells ( - Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School - USA
  58. Jonas Scherer ( - German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) - Germany


58 Registrants, from around 20 different nationalities, from 25 institutions, from 14 countries, from 3 continents :-)

Working in 31 joint projects from 6 different categories