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Buzz Language Reference

The API documentation presents Buzz's syntax and available functions. It is structured as follows:

  2. File Inclusion
  3. Variables
    3.1 Primitive Types
    3.2 Scope
  4. Control Structures
    4.1 Boolean Operators
    4.2 Comparison Operators
    4.3 If Statements
    4.4 While Loops
    4.5 For Loops
    4.6 Foreach Loops
  5. Tables
  6. Functions
    6.1 Function Definition
    6.2 Function Pointers
    6.3 Namespaces
    6.4 Classes and Methods
  7. Math
    7.1 Basic Operators
    7.2 Math Library
    7.3 Random Library
    7.4 Vector2 Library
    7.5 Matrix Library
  8. Strings
  9. File I/O
  10. Queues
  11. Swarm Management
  12. Virtual Stigmergy
  13. Neighbor Management
  14. User Data


Buzz code can be commented with #.

# This is a comment

File inclusion

To allow cleaner code structure as well as library usage, .bzz files can be included with the following syntax:

include "otherfile.bzz"

NOTE: A specific file can be included only once. Any 'include' statement for a file is ignored after the first inclusion occurred. Relative paths are automatically transformed into absolute paths before including a file.


Buzz is a dynamically typed language. This means that the type of a variable can change during the execution of a script, and it depends on the type of the value stored by a variable at any moment.

Buzz does not include the concept of constant. Every variable is always mutable.

A variable can be created in three ways, which will affect its scope:

# Declared, but not initialized (var keyword mandatory)
var x
# Declared and initialized (with var keyword)
var i = 5
# Declared and initialized (without var keyword)
n = 7

Primitive Types

Buzz supports the following primitive types:

  • nil : encodes an unknown value for a variable, or a false condition
  • integer : a 32-bit signed integer (e.g., 90)
  • float : a 32-bit floating-point value (e.g., 1.0, 0.25, .5)
  • string : a strings of characters (e.g., "hello, world!")
  • table : a structured type to encode various kinds of data structures (see tables)
  • closure : a function pointer
  • user data : a pointer to a user-defined memory region managed externally to Buzz. See User Data for more information.

The type of a variable can be checked with type(my_variable).


Buzz variables can be global or local. To declare a variable as local to a code block (e.g., a functions, you need to prepend its first definition with the keyword var:

# A local variable - by default its value is nil
var x
# Another local variable with initialization
var i = 5
# Assignment for a local variable
x = 7.8

To declare a global variable, you simply assign its value without using the var keyword:

# Local variables
function f() {
    var x = 42  # x is a local variable
    j = 5       # j is a global variable

Control Structures

Boolean Operators

Buzz has three basic boolean operators to allow the combination of conditional statements. These operators are the standard and, or and not operators, which follow regular truth tables and operator precedence.

Because there is no explicit boolean type (unlike in Python for example, which has True and False as possible boolean values), we remind the reader that in Buzz, 0 and nil both evaluate as falsy values (represented by 0), while any other numeric value evaluates as truthy (represented by 1).

log(not 1)    # 0
log(2 or 0)   # 1
log(1 or 0)   # 1
log(1 and 1)  # 1

Comparison Operators

Along with boolean operators, Buzz also provides comparison operators: <, <=, =>, >, == and !=. Again, these follow standard operator precedence.

log(1 < 2)   # 1
log(2 <= 2)  # 1
log(0 == 2)  # 0
log(0 or 0 == 0)  # 1

if Statement

Buzz supports conditional code execution through if, if/else and if/else if/else statements. The parentheses around the condition are required. The brackets surrounding the block are not mandatory if said block is only one line long (much like in C++), but they are nevertheless recommended for clarity.

# Simple if statement
if (x > 3) {
    log("x is too big")

# if / else if / else
if (x > 3) {
    log("x is too big")
} else if (x < 3) {
    log("x is too small")
} else {
    log("maybe I just don't like x")

# Checking for equality
if (x == 3) {
    log("x is equal to 3")
# Checking for inequality
if (x != 4) {
    log("x is different from 4")
# Combining conditions with OR
if (x < 3) or (x > 3) {
    log("x is not 3")
# Combining conditions with AND
if ((x > 3) and (y > 3)) {
    log("x and y are too big")
# Negating a condition
if (not (x < 3)) {
    log("x is <= 3")

while Statement

var i = 10
while (i < 20) {
    i = i + 1

for Statement

Buzz supports standard for loops. Note that statements defining the loop (like i=0) are separated by commas.

for (i = 0, i < 10, i = i + 1) {

foreach Statement

The foreach statement allows to iterate over tables, and as such is more extensively described in the tables section.

var my_table = { .x = 3, .y = 5 }
foreach(my_table, function(key, value) {
    log(key, " -> ", value)


Tables are the only structured type available in Buzz. Tables are quite flexible: you can use them both as a hash map or as a classical array. Tables are always passed by reference, whether it is through assignment or through parameters in a function call.

To create an empty table, use this syntax:

t = {}

Internally, Buzz tables are implemented as hash maps, that is, a collection of (key, value) pairs. While in principle you could use any Buzz primitive type as key, the most common types are integers, floats, and strings. In this case, you can use this syntax to populate a table:

t = { .x = 1, .2 = 5.6, .4.5 = "k" }

This syntax creates a table that contains three pairs: ("x", 1), (2, 5.6), and (4.5, "k"). The table is stored in variable t.

To add new values to a table, or to set new values for existing keys (remember that in hash maps keys can't be duplicated!), use this syntax:

# If the key is an integer
t[6] = "six"
# If the key is a float
t[1.0] = "one point zero"
# If the key is a string, the following two lines are equivalent
t["hello"] = "this is a greeting"
t.hello = "this is a greeting"

To read the value of a table, the same syntax as above applies:

# If the key is an integer
# If the key is a float
# If the key is a string, the following two lines are equivalent

Finally, to erase an element from a table it is enough to set it to nil:

t[1.0] = nil

Table contents can be handled through a number of dedicated functions.

  • size(t) : returns the current number of elements in table t:
    t = { .x = 4 }
    print(size(t)) # prints 1
  • foreach(t, f) : applies a function f(key, value) to each element of table t:
    t = { .x = 4, .y = 5, .z = 6 }
    foreach(t, function(key,value) { log(key, ", ", value) })
    # prints
    #   (x, 4)
    #   (y, 5)
    #   (z, 6)
    It is important to notice that foreach(t, f) is not meant to modify the values of the table. It is only meant to go through the elements of t and use its values in a read-only fashion. If you want to modify the elements of a table, use map(t, f).
  • map(t, f) : applies a function f(key, value) to each element of table t and returns a new table. For each element, function f must return a value, which is used to populate the new table. For instance:
    t = { .x = 1, .y = 2 }
    u = map(t, function(key,value) { return value + 100 })
    # now u contains:
    #   ("x", 101)
    #   ("y", 102)
  • reduce(t, f, a) : applies a function f(key, value, accumulator) to each element of table t. Function f must accept three parameters: the current key, the corresponding value, and an accumulator. Function f must also return a value, that is passed as accumulator to the invocation of f on the next table element. Parameter a of reduce(t, f, a) is the initial value of the accumulator. For instance, if you want to calculate the average of the values in a table, write the following code:
    t = { .1 = 1.0, .2 = 2.0, 3. = 3.0 }
    average = reduce(t, function(key, value, accumulator) {
          return value + accumulator
      }, 0.0) / size(t)
    # avg is now 2.0

Buzz also offers a library to handle more table operations. The library is stored in INSTALL_PREFIX/share/buzz/include/table.bzz, so to use it a script must first include it. The complete reference of these functions is included in the file.


Defining and Calling Functions

To define and call functions in Buzz, use this syntax:

# Function definition
function my_add(x, y) {
    return x + y

# Function call: z = 1 + 2 = 3
z = myadd(1, 2)

Functions that do not return an explicit value implicitly return nil:

function my_void_function(x, y) {
    log(x + y)

# Function call ignoring return value
# Prints 3
my_void_function(1, 2)

# Function call assigning return value
# Prints 3
# z is nil after the call
z = my_void_function(1, 2)

Function definitions can be nested:

# Outer definition
function my_outer(x) {
    # Inner definition
    function my_inner(y) {
        return x + y
    # Call the internally defined function
    return my_inner(2)

# Function call: z = 1 + 2 = 3
z = my_outer(1)

Function Pointers

Buzz supports function pointers. This means that you can define anonymous functions and pass them as arguments or assign to variables. These are also referred to as lambdas. To define a function pointer, use this syntax:

# Function definition
my_add = function(x, y) {
    return x + y

# Function call: z =  1 + 2 = 3
z = my_add(1, 2)

For all effects and purposes, this is identical to the definition we saw above:

function my_add(x, y) {
    return x + y

Using function pointers allows you pass functions as parameters to higher-level functions:

# Some table...
t = { ... }

# Print all the table elements
foreach(t, function(k, v) { log("k=", k, "; v=", v) })

You can mix inner function definition with function pointers:

# Function definition
function my_outer(x) {
    return function(y) {
        return x + y

# Function call
f = my_outer(1)

# Using the returned function
# z = 1 + 2 = 3
z = f(2)

In the above example, the statement my_outer(1) creates a function in which parameter x of my_outer(x) is bound to 1. This means that the returned function sums 1 to the parameter given to it.


Using tables and function pointers, it is possible to define namespaces. This is used extensively in the core libraries, such as string and math. A namespace is nothing but a table:

# Define the namespace
mynamespace = {}

# Define a constant
mynamespace.CONST = 3.14

# Define a function
mynamespace.myadd = function(x,y) {
    return x + y

# Use the namespace
z = mynamespace.myadd(1, 2)

Classes and methods

By using tables and function pointers it is also possible to define classes and methods. In Buzz, the syntax to define namespaces and classes is, effectively, the same, and internally the virtual machine does not distinguish between these two scenarios.

However, when a function is meant to be interpreted as a class method, the keyword self becomes important. The self keyword is interpreted upon function call as shown in this example:

# Function definition
function my_function() {

# Using the function standalone
# Prints nil

# Using the function within a table
t = {}
t.f = my_function
# Prints [table with 1 element]

In other words, the keyword self points to the context in which the function is called. When the function is called standalone, there is no context and self is nil. When a function is called from a table, the self keyword points to the table.

Using the self keyword, you can write methods that access class attributes:

# Class definition
MyClass = {
    .my_attribute = 1,

    .my_method = function(x) {
        return x + self.my_attribute

# Method call: z = 1 + 2 = 3
z = MyClass.my_method(2)

You can make full-fledged classes with constructors as follows:

# Class definition
MyClass = {
    # Class constructor
    .new = function(x) {
        # Return a new table
        return {
            # Bind the attribute values
            .my_attribute = x,
            # Bind the methods
            .my_method = MyClass.my_method

    # Method definition
    .my_method = function(x) {
        return self.my_attribute + x

# Usage
# Create the object
my_object =
# Call the method: z = 1 + 2 = 3
z = my_object.my_method(2)

Note that because classes are essentially tables, their elements (attributes and methods) must be separated by commas as in the previous example.


Basic Math Operations

Math works similarly to most programming languages you are used to. The basic math operations, in decreasing order of precedence, are:

  1. Unary minus (e.g., -5)
  2. Power (e.g., 3^5)
  3. Modulo (e.g., 10 % 4)
  4. Multiplication and division (e.g., 2 * 3 / 4)
  5. Addition and subtraction (e.g., 2 + 3 - 4) Analogously to other languages, parentheses are used to modify the natural precedence of the operators:
x = 5^(4 % (3 * (2 + 1)))
# x = 5^(4 % (3 * 3))
# x = 5^(4 % 9)
# x = 5^4
# x = 625.0

As the above example shows, the power operator transforms its operands into float, even if the operands are both integers. The other operators return an integer if both operands are integer, and a float if either or both operands are float. A type error is raised if the operands are not integers nor floats.

The math Library

A wider set of mathematical functions is available. These functions are stored into the math table. The math table is set up upon initialization of the Buzz VM, so no include statement is necessary to use it.

The math functions work with both integer and float values. The complete list of functions is as follows:

  • math.abs(x) returns the absolute value of x. The type of the result is the same as the type of x.
  • math.log(x) returns the natural logarithm of x as a float.
  • math.log2(x) returns the base 2 logarithm of x as a float.
  • math.log10(x) returns the base 10 logarithm of x as a float.
  • math.exp(x) returns e to the power of x as a float.
  • math.sqrt(x) returns the square root of x as a float.
  • math.sin(x) returns the sine of x as a float.
  • math.cos(x) returns the cosine of x as a float.
  • math.tan(x) returns the tangent of x as a float.
  • math.asin(x) returns the arc sine of x as a float.
  • math.acos(x) returns the arc cosine of x as a float.
  • math.atan(y, x) returns the arc tangent of y, x as a float.
  • math.min(x, y) returns the minimum between x and y. The type of the return value corresponds to the type of the minimum value: min(1.0, 2) is 1.0, and min(1, 2.0) is 1.
  • math.max(x, y) returns the maximum between x and y. The type of the return value corresponds to the type of the maximum value: max(1.0, 2) is 2, and max(1, 2.0) is 2.0.

In addition to these functions, the math table also includes the constant math.pi.

As an example of how mathematical operators and the math library can be combined, take a look at an excerpt of the math.vec2 library implementation:

# Create a new namespace for vector2 functions
math.vec2 = {}

# Creates a new vector2.
# PARAM x: The x coordinate.
# PARAM y: The y coordinate.
# RETURN: A new vector2.
# = function(x, y) {
    return { .x = x, .y = y }

# Creates a new vector2 from polar coordinates.
# PARAM l: The length of the vector2.
# PARAM a: The angle of the vector2.
# RETURN: A new vector2.
math.vec2.newp = function(l, a) {
    return {
        .x = l * math.cos(a),
        .y = l * math.sin(a)

# Rotates v by angle a (in radians)
# PARAM v: A vector2
# PARAM a: An angle (in radians)
# RETURN: the rotated vector
math.vec2.rotate = function(v, a) {
    return {
        .x = v.x * math.cos(a) - v.y * math.sin(a),
        .y = v.x * math.sin(a) + v.y * math.cos(a)

The math.rng Library

The math library also includes a collection of functions for random number generation. These functions are stored into the math.rng table and, similarly to math, do not require an include statement to be used.

The random number generator is based on the well-known Mersenne Twister algorithm.

Setting the Seed

Upon initialization, the Buzz VM sets a random seed taken from the current clock. If you wish to set the random seed explicitly to a value s, use the function math.rng.setseed(s). The value of s must be an integer, or a type error is raised.

Uniform Distribution

To draw numbers from a uniform distribution, use math.rng.uniform(...). The behavior of this function depends on the number and type of parameters passed.

  • math.rng.uniform() : returns an integer between $-2^{32}$ and $+2^{31}-1$.
  • math.rng.uniform(x) : returns a value between 0 and x. The type of the returned value matches the type of x.
  • math.rng.uniform(x, y) : returns a value between x and y. If both x and y are integers, the returned value is an integer; if either or both are floats, the returned value is a float.

Gaussian Distribution

To draw numbers from a Gaussian distribution, use math.rng.gaussian(...). The behavior of this function depends on the number and type of parameters passed.

  • math.rng.gaussian() : returns a float from a Gaussian with 0 mean and standard deviation 1.
  • math.rng.gaussian(x) : returns a float from a Gaussian with 0 mean and standard deviation x.
  • math.rng.gaussian(x, y) : returns a float from a Gaussian with mean y and standard deviation x.

Exponential Distribution

To draw numbers from an exponential distribution, use math.rng.exponential(x), where x is the mean. The returned value is a float.

Usage Example

# Sets the seed with current robot id

# Samples randomly from a uniform distribution
math.rng.uniform(-1.0, 1.0)

# Samples randomly from a exponential distribution

The math.vec2 library

When dealing with the robots, it is often useful to manipulate vectors. Buzz offers a library to handle 2D vectors. The library is stored in INSTALL_PREFIX/share/buzz/include/vec2.bzz, so to use it a script must first include it. The complete reference of these functions is included in the file.

Usage Example

include "vec2.bzz"

# Vector creation
my_vec =, 1.0)
my_other_vec =, 1.0)

# Vector scaling
scaled_vec = math.vec2.scale(vec, 2.0)

# Vector addition
added = math.vec2.add(my_vec, my_other_vec)

The math.matrix Library

The math library also includes a collection of functions for manipulating matrices. The library is stored in INSTALL_PREFIX/share/buzz/include/matrix.bzz, so to use it a script must first include it. The complete reference of these functions is included in the file.

Usage Example

include "matrix.bzz"

# Empty (zeros) matrix creation
my_matrix =, 3)

# Identity matrix creation
my_identity = math.matrix.identity(3)

# Matrix subtraction
math.matrix.sub(my_identity, my_matrix)


Built-in String Operations

  • string.length(s) returns the length of string s
  • string.sub(s, ...) returns a substring of the given string. Two signatures are possible: string.sub(s, n) returns the substring starting at character n (0 is the first character); string.sub(s, n, m) returns the substring starting at character n and ending at m.
  • string.concat(s1, s2, ...) returns a new string that is the concatenation of the given strings.
  • string.tostring(o) transforms object o into a new string.
  • string.toint(x) converts a string into an integer. If the conversion fails, this function returns nil.
  • string.tofloat(x) converts a string into a float. If the conversion fails, this function returns nil.

Additional String Operations

A number of additional string operations is available as a library that must be included. The library is stored in INSTALL_PREFIX/share/buzz/include/string.bzz, so to use it a script must first include it. The complete reference of these functions is included in the file.

String Implementation in Buzz

The Buzz VM maintains a data structure that stores every string that was ever encountered during the execution of a script. Each string is associated with a unique identifier, which is simply a counter of strings created so far. Every time a string is used in a script, only the identifier is used. The actual value of the string is stored only once in the data structure. To make string lookup operations fast, strings are stored in a binary tree ordered by identifier.

String manipulation often creates large numbers of intermediate strings, which are used only once over the lifetime of a script. To save memory, the Buzz VM internally distinguishes between protected and non-protected strings -- protected strings are stored permanently, while non-protected strings are erased during garbage collection if no script variable refers to them. Examples of protected strings are function names, constant names, and other strings that are produced during compilation. Strings that result from manipulation with the string operations are typically non-protected.

When strings are communicated between robots, they must be serialized. It is not possible to force the string identifiers to be the same across different robots. This is because (in general) different robots might execute different parts of a script, and strings might be created in different order. Therefore, when two robots exchange strings, the full value of the string must be communicated, rather than their identifier.

Usage Example

include "string.bzz"

# String creation
my_string = "hello"

# String concatenation
my_other_string = string.concat(my_string, " world!")

# Conversion of int to string
my_number_string = string.tostring(3)


To handle files, Buzz offers a number of built-in functions collected in the io table. All file management functions are static members of the io class, and are therefore used with the syntax io.a_function() where io is the builtin class.

  • fopen(path, mode) opens a file located at path. Both parameters are strings. Parameter mode encodes how the file is opened:
    • "r" opens the file read-only;
    • "w" opens the file write-only and truncates the file;
    • "a" opens the file write-only for appending data;
    • "w+" opens the file for both reading and writing, and truncates the file;
    • "a+" opens the file for both reading and writing, for appending. This function returns nil in case of error, and a table in case of success. The table contains the methods listed in the following.
  • fclose(f) closes file f.
  • fsize(f) returns the size of file f.
  • fforeach(f, func) executes function func for each line of file f.
  • fwrite(f, s1, s2, ...) writes the concatenation of strings s1, s2, ... into file f.

Additionally, two attributes are available on the io class and are accessed with the syntax io.an_attribute:

  • errno returns an integer representing the last error id. If there is no error, returns 0.
  • error_message returns a message describing the last error. If there is no error, returns "No error".

Usage Example

This example appends a line into an existing csv file.

# Open file in append mode
result_file = io.fopen("results.csv", "a")

# Write a line in the file
io.fwrite(result_file, x_key, ",", y_key, ",", radiation)

# Close the file


Because it is often necessary to prioritize treating some data before other data, Buzz offers the possibility to store data in fixed-size queues. The Buzz queue is essentially a fixed-size circular buffer implemented using tables. The library is stored in INSTALL_PREFIX/share/buzz/include/queue.bzz, so to use it a script must first include it. The complete reference of these functions is included in the file.

Usage Example

include "queue.bzz"

# Queue creation, with max size of 3
my_queue =

# Adding elements to queue
queue.push(my_queue, 0)
queue.push(my_queue, 1)
queue.push(my_queue, 2)

# Removing an element

# Printing the contents of the queue

Swarm Management

Because Buzz is a DSL specifically aimed at swarm management, it includes functions dedicated to this purpose. It allows the creation of swarms as sets of robots to facilitate coordination, task allocation, etc.

There are two categories of functions exposed by the swarm API: those who can be likened to static functions in Python, and those which are instance functions.

Static swarm functions

These functions are inspired from typical set operations. They are used with the syntax swarm.a_function(), where swarm is a builtin class. For example:

s = swarm.create(1)
  • create(i) : Creates a swarm with identifier i.
  • intersection(i, a, b) : Creates a new swarm with identifier i with the intersection of previously created swarms a and b.
  • union(i, a, b) : Creates a new swarm with identifier i with the union of previously created swarms a and b.
  • difference(i, a, b) : Creates a new swarm with identifier i with the robots from swarm a who are not in swarm b.

Instance swarm functions

These functions are called on an instance of a swarm. They are used with the syntax s.a_function() where s is an instance of swarm. For example:

s = swarm.create(1)
  • join() : Join the swarm unconditionally.
  • select(conditonal_statement) : Join the swarm only if conditonal_statement is true.
  • unselect(conditonal_statement) : Leave the swarm only if conditonal_statement is true.
  • leave() : Leave the swarm unconditionally.
  • in() : Checks if the current robots belongs to the swarm.
  • exec(function() {...}) : Assigns a task to the swarm.
  • others(1) : Creates a new swarm with identifier i which is a negation of s.

Instance swarm attributes

These are the attributes on each swarm instance. They are used with the syntax where s is an instance of swarm.

  • id The id of the current swarm.

Usage Example

# Create a swarm and join it
my_swarm = swarm.create(1)

# Assign a task to the swarm
my_swarm.exec(function() { log("I'm in a swarm!") })

# Leave the swarm

Virtual Stigmergy

The virtual stigmergy is a conflict-free replicated data type (CRDT) and is implemented directly into Buzz as key-value distributed storage system. It can be used to share information between the members of a swarm. The virtual stigmergy whitepaper can be found here.

There are two categories of functions exposed by the virtual stigmergy API: those who can be likened to static functions in Python, and those which are instance functions.

Static virtual stigmergy functions

This function is used with the syntax stigmergy.a_function(), where stigmergy is a builtin class. For example:

s = stigmergy.create(1)
  • create(i) : Creates a virtual stigmergy with identifier i.

Instance virtual stigmergy functions

  • get(key) : Gets the element at position key in the virtual stigmergy. If there is no element at position key, returns nil.
  • put(key, value) : Inserts element value at position key in the virtual stigmergy.
  • size() : Gets the number of elements in the virtual stigmergy.
  • onconflict(i) : Creates a virtual stigmergy with identifier i.
  • onconflictlost(i) : Creates a virtual stigmergy with identifier i.
  • foreach(function(key, value, robot_id) {...}) : Iterates over each element contained in the stigmergy and applies a lambda function to it.

Instance virtual stigmergy attributes

These are the attributes on each stigmergy instance. They are used with the syntax where s is an instance of stigmergy.

  • id The id of the current stigmergy.

Usage Example

# Create a new virtual stigmergy
v = stigmergy.create(1)
# Write a (key, value) entry into the stigmergy
v.put("a", 6)
# Read a value from the stigmergy
x = v.get("a")
# Get the number of keys in the structure
log("The vstig has ", v.size(), " elements")

Neighbor Management

Buzz allows interactions with neighboring robots. This is especially useful for exchanging messages. All neighbor management functions are static members of the neighbors class, and are therefore used with the syntax neighbors.a_function() where neighbors is the builtin class.

  • get(robot_id) : Gets the data associated with the robot with robot_id. This data is a table with attributes representing the elevation, distance and azimuth of the given robot.
  • kin() : Gets a table of the robots belonging to the same swarm as the current robot.
  • nonkin() : Gets a table of the robots not belonging to the same swarm as the current robot.
  • map(function(robot_id, data) {...}) : Makes a new neighbor structure in which each element is transformed by the passed function.
  • reduce(function(robot_id, data, accumulator) {...}, init_value) : Performs a left fold/accumulation/reduction operation on the neighbors' data. The init_value must have a format compatible with data's format.
  • filter(function(robot_id, data) {...}) : Filters the neighbors according to a predicate ('boolean' function).
  • foreach(function(robot_id, data) {...}) : Calls a function for each neighbor.
  • count() : Gets the number of neighbors.
  • broadcast(topic, value) : Broadcasts a value on topic across the neighbors.
  • listen(topic, function(value_id, value, robot_id) {...}) : Installs a listener function for messages broadcast on topic by neighbors. When a message is received on topic, the listener function is called. The listener function must have parameters value_id, value, and robot_id.
  • ignore(topic) : Removes the listener for a topic across the neighbors.

Usage Example

# Iteration (rid is the neighbor's id)
neighbors.foreach(function(rid, data) {
    log("robot ", rid, ": ",
        "distance  = ", data.distance, ", ",
        "azimuth   = ", data.azimuth, ", ",
        "elevation = ", data.elevation)
# Transformation
cartesian =, data) {
    var c = {}
    c.x = data.distance * math.cos(data.elevation) * math.cos(data.azimuth)
    c.y = data.distance * math.cos(data.elevation) * math.sin(data.azimuth)
    c.z = data.distance * math.sin(data.elevation)

    return c
# Reduction (accum is a table) with values x, y, and z, initialized to 0
result = cartesian.reduce(function(rid, data, accum) {
    accum.x = accum.x + data.x
    accum.y = accum.y + data.y
    accum.z = accum.z + data.z

    return accum
}, { .x = 0, .y = 0, .z = 0 })
# Filtering
one_meter = neighbors.filter(function(rid, data) {
    # We assume the distance is expressed in centimeters
    return data.distance < 100
# Listening to a topic
neighbors.listen("key", function(vid, value, rid) {
    log("Got (", vid, ",", value, ") from robot #", rid)
# Stopping listening to a topic
# Broadcasting a value on a topic
neighbors.broadcast("topic", value)

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