1.9.0-beta (2022-10-20)
- Add dev deployment workflows. (ab69ff3)
- Add matomo. (8b865d5)
- Added new command to clean projects (37eb5a8)
- Heroicons version upgrade (586d1da)
- NMRium json versioning implemented (90f98be)
- Refactoring, Validation, DOI and Identifier implementation (60b7e68)
- Stable identifiers / DOI implementation (1199cf3)
- Update Delete team validations. (10db574)
Bug Fixes
- Fix Citation & Author issue. (3a4ce65)
- Add help link to documentation (85fffc9)
- Add star to studies. (24de317)
- Add team owner avatar (41ac50f)
- Added console commands for data schema migration and other formatting changes (69d535d)
- Added schema version to the projects / studies / datasets (7611a32)
- Added/Updated commands publish, unpublish, assign dois, config based doi assignments, validation - schema version updates and code formatting (6bb9925)
- Broken link for Author Orcid Id. (6fc6cb8)
- Broken Orcid link. (1033c04)
- Broken parent link bug fix (eb8491d)
- Broken stable identifier based links bug fix (131ad47)
- Carbon reference import (c59f69b)
- Change the dev workflow name. (13511cc)
- Code formatting and missing imports fix (067eff2)
- Dashboard reload after project save (64ad79f), closes #460
- Demo banner typo fix and z-index update (2728561)
- Demo site warning message added to local and development environments (f7b2979)
- Disabled workspace specification for the nmrium wrapper (ea35ac3)
- DoiService reference bug fix (b8c936d)
- Extended nmrxiv clean migration console command (b2eb2c8)
- File upload duplication issue fix - studies page (bd09c51)
- Fixed broken sharing docs link and code formatting (2845348)
- Fixes - public studies - possible deletion of structures #464 (87eaa26)
- Fixes show roles for project members #309 (5cd134d)
- Fixes submission pipeline - enable editing structures #480 (5bb2eae)
- Force reloading nmrium (832a318)
- Forcing browser to reload previews (da2c7ec)
- Increasing upload body size limit (52bcb31)
- Limiting the max projects shown in the welcome page - extended the projects component (94928f4)
- Manage studies and datasets button text changes and code formatting (vite) (af05b02)
- Migrated public pages to be loaded via public url, code formatting and indentation fixes (5290afe)
- Migrating public share url through identifiers (e715aae)
- Missing files in s3 bug fix, FSObject class name typo fix, Publish view updates (ea8e4e7)
- Missing SVGString function added, CSS changes and conditional rendering of pagination in the projects & datasets pages (a762544)
- Missing validation class import fixed (507934f)
- Moved getSVGString to the methods section (1689a81)
- Non existent drafts update bug fix and validation null value bug fix (732ec31)
- Passing doiService variable to DB enclosure (a4b6c1f)
- Project delete action is not extended to studies and drafts (0afd752)
- Public spectral datasets viewer bug fix (44c1ad3)
- Remove console (9a9bb45)
- Remove release-please (c4df99e)
- Removed citations requirement for validations (3085728)
- Replace with jetstream link tag (f31318d)
- Resetting loading indicator incase of NMRium spectra loading error (8f8125c)
- Retrieving only active drafts, ignoring missing files/folders, updated process function to reflect the same (bc9497f)
- Role bug fix (d419db1)
- Separate user and team owner situation handling bug fix (13d4afe)
- Spectra undefined bug fix (7282c4d)
- Structure edit feature enabled (566cd62)
- Tracking file status to be active / missing (984ed2b)
- Trailing spaces in file names issue fix, empty spectra save disabled and other ui updates (5577df3)
- Unify "public " symbol fixes #399 (38495ca)
- Update Author & Citation header. (ebdde70)
- Update citation import from DOI. (3194b16)
- Update cond to Need Help link (e51af33)
- Update deployment branch name. (35afb47)
- Update manage author API (a973895)
- Update project will revalidate project automatcally and file upload disabled in the study files tab (uploaded via submission) (d316ac4)
- Update some links and logo images (9ab7d80)
- Update team deletion validation msg. (8ff8f79)
- Update the ingress and letsencrypt. (c4e6d02)
- Update welcome screenshots (048e085)
- Updated daily scheduled command for publishing models (92c2594)
- Updated privacy policy and terms pages to reflect Matomo analytics (4420d31)
- Updated product and datasets cards (a78018e)
- Updated validations module - loaded through config (c343634)
- Updating stale draft_ids on the file system objects (dbd38fa)
- Validation class missing bug fix (cd994d0)