diff --git a/Images/Info.png b/Images/Info.png index 846e22e..ed87cce 100644 Binary files a/Images/Info.png and b/Images/Info.png differ diff --git a/Images/Warning.png b/Images/Warning.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4b0f976 Binary files /dev/null and b/Images/Warning.png differ diff --git a/wiki/base.html b/wiki/base.html index 6c8dc71..7656788 100644 --- a/wiki/base.html +++ b/wiki/base.html @@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
- - - -function topleft() {
+ let fps = getVal("fps");
+ setVal("fpsbutbetter", fps+2);
+ return "thy fps+2 is " + getVal("fpsbutbetter");
+ function topleft() {
+ return "this will appear in the top left section!";
+function bottomleft() {
+ return "this in the bottom left!";
+function topright() {
+ return "this in the top right!";
+function bottomright() {
+ return "this in the bottom right!";
+The functions will be executed in the following order:
+to change the size of a section just make a global variable with the section's name + "scale". Example:
+var topleftscale = 2;
+var bottomleftscale = 2;
+var toprightscale = 2;
+var bottomrightscale = 2;
+Function | +Description | +Return type | +Notes | +
Writes to the game console. | +None | +||
Writes to the game console. | +None | +||
Writes to the game console. | +None | +||
Sends a message to the player. | +None | +||
Returns the variable with the given name (ex. fps, key_h). | +Any | +||
Returns the variable with the given name (ex. fps, key_h). | +Any | +||
Returns the Number variable with the given name. | +Number | +||
Returns the String variable with the given name. | +String | +||
Returns the Boolean variable with the given name. | +Boolean | +||
Sets the variable with the given name to the given object. | +None | +||
Draws the item with the provided itemid on the provided X, Y positions on screen with the provided scale. | +None | +||
Draws the item from the slot provided on the provided X, Y positions on screen with the provided scale. + will also draw durability and item count if showcount is true. | +None | +Can be used alongside getVal("selectedslot") to draw the item the player is holding | +|
Draws the armor from the slot provided on the provided X, Y positions on screen with the provided scale. + will also draw durability if showcount is true. | +None | +0 for boots, 1 for leggings, 2 for chestplate and 3 for helmet | +|
Draws the item held in the offhand on the provided X, Y positions on screen with the provided scale. + will also draw durability if showcount is true. | +None | +0 for boots, 1 for leggings, 2 for chestplate and 3 for helmet | +|
Draws the armor from the slot provided on the provided X, Y positions on screen with the provided scale. + will also draw durability and item-count if showcount is true. | +Number | +||
Draws the armor from the slot provided on the provided X, Y positions on screen with the provided scale. + will also draw durability and item-count if showcount is true. | +None | +||
Returns the length of the string. | +Number | +||
Draws text on the screen with the provided scale and color. + if shadow is provided then a shadow will also be drawn regardless of the option selected in hudder's settings. | +None | +||
Compiles the file with the specified compilertype (or the javascript compiler if none is specified), + returns the compile results and adds the elements created by the file. | +CompileResult | +CompileResult has the following properties { String topleft, String bottomleft, String topright, String bottomright, + Number topleftscale, Number bottomleftscale, Number toprightscale, Number bottomrightscale} |
function topleft() {
+ let fps = getVal("fps");
+ setVal("fpsbutbetter", fps+2);
+ return "thy fps+2 is " + getVal("fpsbutbetter");
+;slot, [Number slot], [Number x], [Number y], <Number scale>, <Boolean showcount>; - draw the item in the provided slot on screen.
+;item, [String itemid], [Number x], [Number y], <Number scale>; - draw the item with the provided id on screen.
+;hand, [Number x], [Number y], <Number scale>, <Boolean showcount>; - draw the held item on screen.
+;helemet, [Number x], [Number y], <Number scale>, <Boolean showcount>; - draw the item in the helmet slot on screen.
+;chestplate, [Number x], [Number y], <Number scale>, <Boolean showcount>; - draw the item in the chestplate slot on screen.
+;leggings, [Number x], [Number y], <Number scale>, <Boolean showcount>; - draw the item in the leggings slot on screen.
+;boots, [Number x], [Number y], <Number scale>, <Boolean showcount>; - draw the item in the boots slot on screen.
+;offhand, [Number x], [Number y], <Number scale>, <Boolean showcount>; - draw the item in the offhand slot on screen.
+;text, [Number x], [Number y], [String text], <Number scale>, <HexColor color>, <Boolean shadow>, <Boolean background>, <HexColor bgcolor> - Compiler and then draw the provided text on screen.
+;strwidth, [String text], [String variable]; - Sets the provided variable's value to the width of the provided string.
+;topleft/topright/bottomleft/bottomright/mute, <Number scale>; - change which section to write to.
+;health/xpbar/hotbar/helditemtooltip, [Number x], [Number y]; - Draw the provided Hud element on screen.
+;image, [String filename], [Number x], [Number y], [Number width], [Number height]; - Draws the provided Image on screen.
+;texture, [Number x], [Number y], [Number width], [Number height]; - Draws the provided Texture on screen.
+;log, [String message]; - Send the provided message in the game console.
+;warn, [String message]; - Send the provided message in the game console at warning level.
+;error, [String message]; - Send the provided message in the game console at error level.
+;alert, [String message]; - Send the provided message in the player's chat.
+;throw, [String message]; - Throws an CompileException with the provided message - Please do not use this if you don't know what this means.
+;run, [String filename], <Boolean addText>, <String compiler>; - Compile the provided file with the provided compiler, if "addText" is set to true then it will combine the result with the current file, UI Elements get combined whether addText is true or false.
+;exists, [String text], [String variable]; - Sets the provided variable's value to true or false depending on whether the provided file exists or not.
+;decimalpoint, [String numbervariable], [Number maxdecimalpoint]; - Takes the value of the provided variable, cuts off the decimal point at the requested point and inserts it back into the variable. Inserting a number into the "Variable" parameter will do nothing.
+;int, [String numbervariable]; - Same as the above method except it removes the decimal point entirely.
+;concat, [String firstString], [String secondString], [String variable]; - Combines both strings and places the result into the provided variable.
+;substring, [String string], [Number start], [Number end], [String variable]; - Cuts the string at the provided start and end points and places the result into the provided variable.multiplystring
+;name, [Number slot], [String variable]; - Sets the value of the provided variable to the name of the item in the provided slot.
+;durability, [Number slot], [String variable]; - Sets the value of the provided variable to the durability of the item in the provided slot.
+;maxdurability, [Number slot], [String variable]; - Sets the value of the provided variable to the max durability of the item in the provided slot.
+;count, [Number slot], [String variable]; - Sets the value of the provided variable to the item count of the item in the provided slot.
+;maxcount, [Number slot], [String variable]; - Sets the value of the provided variable to the max item count of the item in the provided slot.
+%condition 1, "condition 1 is true", condition 2, "condition 2 is true", "neither condition is true"%
+;selectedslot,[x position on screen], [y position on screen], <scale>;
+;helmet, [x position on screen], [y position on screen], <scale>;
+;chestplate, [x position on screen], [y position on screen], <scale>;
+;leggings, [x position on screen], [y position on screen], <scale>;
+;boots, [x position on screen], [y position on screen], <scale>;
+;item, [Item], [x position on screen], [y position on screen], <scale>;
+;slot, [Slot number], [x position on screen], [y position on screen], <scale>;
+;load, [hudder file];
+#if fps<60
+ {math=10+20}
+ {crashmypc=true}
+#while crashmypc
+ #if yy>height
+ {crashmypc=false}
+ ;hand, xx,yy,1;
+ {xx=xx+16}
+ #if xx>width
+ {yy=yy+16}
+ {xx=0}
+key_[key on keyboard] - Is key is held
+isslime / is_slime - Is the current chunk (the one the player is in) is a slime chunk
+hudhidden - Is the HUD hidden (F1)
+showdebug - Is the F3 debug menu showing
+issurvival / is_survival - Is the player in survial mode
+iscreative / is_creative - Is the player in creative mode
+isadventure / is_adventure - Is the player in adventure mode
+isspectator / is_spectator - Is the player in spectator mode
+enabled - Yes (Hudder is enabled)
+shadow - Is Hudder's shadow option selected
+showinf3 - Is Hudder's show in f3 option selected
+javascriptenabled - Is Hudder's javascript enabled option selected
+globalvariablesenabled - Is Hudder's global variables enabled option selected
+background - Is Hudder's background option selected
+removegui - Is Hudder's remove gui option selected
+limitrate - Is Hudder's limit rate option selected
+fps - The current frame rate
+avgfps / avg_fps - The average frame rate in the last few seconds
+minfps / min_fps - The lowest frame rate in the last few seconds
+maxfps / max_fps - The highest frame rate in the last few seconds
+ping - The current ping
+tps - The current Ticks per second (Client only)
+gpu_d - GPU usage (with decimal point)
+gpu - GPU usage (without decimal point)
+delta - The previous frame's frame rate delta
+totalmemory / maxmemory / totalram / maxram - Maximum RAM (In MB)
+usedmemory / usedram - Used RAM (In MB)
+freememory / freeram - Unused RAM (In MB)
+usedmemory_percentage / usedram_percentage - The percentage of memory that is being used (out of the Maximum RAM supplied to Minecraft)
+freememory_percentage / freeram_percentage - The percentage of memory that is being NOT used (out of the Maximum RAM supplied to Minecraft)
+time - Current time (In milliseconds) as supplied by the Operating System (Ex Windows, Linux, MacOS, etc.)
+random /rng - Random number
+saturation - The saturation of the player (not to be confused with the hunger value)
+hunger - The hunger of the player
+previoushunger - I have no idea TBH... Why did I add this?... Maybe the previous hunger value?
+exhaustion - The exhaustion of the player
+health / hp - The health of the player
+maxhealth / maxhp - The maximum health of the player
+dxpos / dx - The X position of the player (with decimal point)
+dypos / dy - The Y position of the player (with decimal point)
+dzpos / dz - The Z position of the player (with decimal point)
+xpos / x - The X position of the player (Without decimal point)
+ypos / y - The X position of the player (Without decimal point)
+zpos / z - The X position of the player (Without decimal point)
+dpitch - The pitch (with decimal point)
+dyaw - The yaw (with decimal point)
+pitch - The pitch (without decimal point)
+yaw - The yaw (without decimal point)
+selectedslot - The selected hotbar slot
+held_item_durability / helmet_durability / chestplate_durability / leggings_durability / boots_durability / offhand_durability - The durability of the specified Item
+held_item_max_durability / helmet_max_durability / chestplate_max_durability / leggings_max_durability / boots_max_durability / offhand_max_durability - The maximum durability of the specified Item
+entites - The number of entites drawn (As shown in the debug screen)
+particles - The number of particles drawn (As shown in the debug screen)
+chunks - The number of chunks loaded
+light - The current light level
+blocklight / block_light - The current block light level
+skylight / sky_light - The current sky light level
+world_time / worldtime - The current time of day
+width - The (adjusted) width of the screen
+height - The (adjusted) height of the screen
+guiscale - The scale of the screen (as set in the video settings)
+scale - The default scale Hudder option
+color - The default color Hudder option
+yoffset - The y offset Hudder option
+xoffset - The x offset Hudder option
+lineheight - The line height Hudder option
+metabuffer - The meta buffer Hudder option
+backgroundcolor - The background color Hudder option
+cpu_info - Information about the CPU (Model, Generation, etc)
+operating_system - Which operating system is used
+helditem_name - The name of the held Item
+biome - The biome the player is currently inside
+compilertype - The type of Hudder compiler selected
+mainfile - The name of the main Hudder file