Location hg19
Location GrCh38
Melting temperature
GC content
date added
lab/user added
presence of high MAF snps
when last checked for snps UKAS wanted regular check of primers for SNPs given new data e.g. gnomad or ref changes in new genome build
measure of specificity e.g. x matches in in silico PCR/blast at y% similarity
type in primer set forward/reverse/internal oligo
success given lab conditions
Ensembl transcript ids
RefSeq transcript ids
exon locations
genes (account for alt genenames)
M13 tags
mastermix used (e.g. Megamix, GC-RICH)
additives used (e.g. DMSO)
other reagents used?
pcr settings?
name lab roles for access
verified success of primer in other lab