All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- some short description of what's fixed
- added new_test
- short description of the test
- removed parameter x from some_test
Changed Chla_fluorsescence min value in global range test.
Don't know what was changed between these two versions.
Changed the function signature of QC.execute. Split the tests dict into:
- measurement_name: str
- tests: Dict[str, bool]
tests = {"temperature" : {
"local_range_test": False,
"global_range_test": False,
"argo_spike_test": True,
"frozen_test": True,
QC.execute(platform=qclib.QC.init(platform_code), qc_input=data, tests=tests)
tests = {
"local_range_test": False,
"global_range_test": False,
"argo_spike_test": True,
"frozen_test": True,
# in addition we introduced a new param measurement_name. example:
QC.execute(platform=qclib.QC.init(platform_code), qc_input=data,
measurement_name="temperature", tests=tests)
- made locations required in velocity_from_location_list function
- fixed pump_history_test so that it allows None values
- If a timeseries for pump is supplied with None values, the test will replace None -> 0
- related issue
all these versions did not have a changelog. Please refer to git history for the remaining history