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Code reviews


At the eScience Center, we value software quality. Higher quality software has fewer defects, better security, and better performance, which leads to happier users who can work more effectively.

Code reviews are an effective method for improving software quality. McConnell (2004) suggests that unit testing finds approximately 25% of defects, function testing 35%, integration testing 45%, and code review 55-60%. While that means that none of these methods are good enough on their own, and that they should be combined, clearly code review is an essential tool here.

Code review also improves the development process. By reviewing new additions for quality, less technical debt is accumulated, which helps long-term maintainability of the code. Reviewing lets developers learn from each other, and spreads knowledge of the code around the team. It is also a good means of getting new developers up to speed.

The main downside of code reviews is that they take time and effort. In particular, if someone from outside the project does the reviewing, they'll have to learn the code, which is a significant investment. Once up to speed, the burden is reduced significantly however, and the returns include a much smaller amount of time spent debugging later.


It's important to distinguish between semi-formal code reviews and formal code inspections. The latter involve "up to six participants and hours of meetings paging through detailed code printouts" (SMARTBEAR 2016). As this extra formality does not seem to yield better results, we limit ourselves to light-weight, informal code reviews.


We haven't yet decided on how to integrate code reviews into our working process. While that gets hashed out, here is some general advice from various sources and experience.

  • Review everything, nothing is too short or simple

  • Try to have something else to do, and spread the load throughout your working day. Don't review full-time.

  • Don't review for more than an hour at a time, after that the success rate drops quite quickly

  • Don't review more than 400 lines of code (LOC) at a time, less than 200 LOC is better

  • Take the time, read carefully, don't review more than 500 LOC / hour


Before handing over a change or a set of code for review, the following items should be there for the reviewer to work with:

  • Documentation on what was changed and why (feature, bug, issue #, etc.)
  • Comments / annotations by the author on the code itself
  • Test cases

Also, before doing a code review, make sure any tools have run that check the code automatically, e.g. checkers for coding conventions and static analysis tools, and the test suite. Ideally, these are run as part of the continuous integration infrastructure.

Review checklist

This section provides two checklists for code reviews, one for the whole program, and one for individual files or proposed changes.

In all cases, the goal is to use your brain and your programming experience to figure out how to make the code better. The lists are intended to be a source of inspiration and a description of what should be best practices in most circumstances. Some items on this list may not apply to your project or programming language, in which case they should be disregarded.

Excluded from this checklist

The following items are part of a software quality check, but are better done by an automated tool than by a human. As such, they've been excluded from this checklist. If tools are not available, they should be checked manually.

  • Coding conventions (e.g. PEP 8)
  • Test coverage

Rubric for assessing code quality

All code should be level 3 or 4.

Level 1 2 3 4
names names appear unreadable, meaningless or misleading names accurately describe the intent of the code, but can be incomplete, lengthy, misspelled or inconsistent use of casing names accurately describe the intent of the code, and are complete, distinctive, concise, correctly spelled and consistent use of casing all names in the program use a consistent vocabulary
headers headers are generally missing or descriptions are redundant or obsolete; use mixed languages or are misspelled header comments are generally present; summarize the goal of parts of the program and how to use those; but may be somewhat inaccurate or incomplete header comments are generally present; accurately summarize the role of parts of the program and how to use those; but may still be wordy header comments are generally present; contain only essential explanations, information and references
comments comments are generally missing, redundant or obsolete; use mixed languages or are misspelled comments explain code and potential problems, but may be wordy comments explain code and potential problems, are concise comments are only present where strictly needed
layout old commented out code is present or lines are generally too long to read positioning of elements within source files is not optimized for readability positioning of elements within source files is optimized for readability positioning of elements is consistent between files and in line with platform conventions
formatting formatting is missing or misleading indentation, line breaks, spacing and brackets highlight the intended structure but erratically indentation, line breaks, spacing and brackets consistently highlight the intended structure formatting makes similar parts of code clearly identifiable
flow there is deep nesting; code performs more than one task per line; unreachable code is present flow is complex or contains many exceptions or jumps; parts of code are duplicate flow is simple and contains few exceptions or jumps; duplication is very limited in the case of exceptions or jumps, the most common path through the code is clearly visible
idiom control structures are customized in a misleading way choice of control structures is inappropriate choice of control structures is appropriate; reuse of library functionality may be limited reuse of library functionality and generic data structures where possible
expressions expressions are repeated or contain unnamed constants expressions are complex or long; data types are inappropriate expressions are simple; data types are appropriate expressions are all essential for control flow
decomposition most code is in one or a few big routines; variables are reused for different purposes most routines are limited in length but mix tasks; routines share many variables instead of having parameters routines perform a limited set of tasks divided into parts; use of shared variables is limited routines perform a very limited set of tasks and the number of parameters and shared variables is limited
modularization most code is in one or a few large modules; or modules are artificially separated modules have mixed responsibilities, contain many variables or contain many routines modules have clearly defined responsibilities, contain few variables and a somewhat limited amount of routines modules are defined such that communication between them is limited
  • no need to assess a level that is not relevant to the software
  • level 2 implies that the features in level 1 are not present, level 4 implies that the features in level 3 are also present

CC BY-NC 4.0

This rubric is based on:

Stegeman, Barendsen, & Smetsers (2016). Designing a rubric for feedback on code quality in programming courses. In proceedings of the 16th Koli Calling International Conference on Computing Education Research. ACM.

Program level checklist

Here is a list of things to consider when looking at the program as a whole, rather than when looking at an individual file or change.


Documentation is a prerequisite for using, developing and reviewing the program. Here are some things to check for.

  • Is there a description of the purpose of the program or library?
  • Are detailed requirements listed?
  • Are requirements ranked according to MoSCoW?
  • Is the use and function of third-party libraries documented?
  • Is the structure/architecture of the program documented? (see below)
  • Is there an installation manual?
  • Is there a user manual?
  • Is there documentation on how to contribute?
    • Including how to submit changes
    • Including how to document your changes


These items are mainly important for larger programs, but may still be good to consider for small ones as well.

  • Is the program split up into clearly separated modules?
  • Are these modules as small as they can be?
  • Is there a clear, hierarchical or layered, dependency structure between these modules?
    • If not, functionality should be rearranged, or perhaps heavily interdependent modules should be combined
  • Can the design be simplified?


If you're making software that is accessible to the outside world (e.g. a web application), then security becomes important. Security issues are defects, but not all defects are security issues. A security-conscious design can help mitigate the security impact of defects.

  • Which modules deal with user input?
  • Which modules generate output?
  • Are input and output compartmentalised?
    • If not, consider making separate modules that manage all input and output, so validation can happen in one place
  • In which modules is untrusted data present?
    • The fewer the better
  • Is untrusted data compartmentalised?
    • Ideally, validate in the input module and pass only validated data to other parts


"I'm an engineer, not a lawyer!" is an oft-overheard phrase, but being an engineer doesn't give you permission to ignore the legal rights of the creators of the code you're using. Here are some things to check. When in doubt, ask your licensing person for advice.

  • Are the licenses of all modules/libraries that are used documented?
  • Are the requirements set by those licenses fulfilled?
    • Are the licenses included where needed?
    • Are copyright statements included in the code where needed?
    • Are copyright statements included in the documentation where needed?
  • Are the licenses of all the parts compatible with each other?
  • Is the project license compatible with all libraries?

File/Change level checklist

When you're checking individual changes (e.g. pull requests) or files, the code itself becomes the subject of scrutiny. Depending on the language, files may contain interfaces, classes or other type definitions, and functions. All these should be checked, as well as the file overall:

  • Does this file contain a logical grouping of functionality?
  • How big is it? Should it be split up?
  • Is it easy to understand?
  • Can any of the code be replaced by library functions?


  • Is the interface documented?
  • Does the concept it models make sense?
  • Can it be split up further? (Interfaces should be as small as possible)

Note that most of the following items assume an object-oriented programming style, which may not be relevant to the code you're looking at.

Classes and types

  • Is the class documented?
  • Does it have a single responsibility? Can it be split?
  • If it's designed to be extended, can it be?
  • If it's not designed to be extended, is it protected against that? (e.g. final declarations)
  • If it's derived from another class, can you substitute an object of this class for one of its parent class(es)?
  • Is the class testable?
    • Are the dependencies clear and explicit?
    • Does it have a small number of dependencies?
    • Does it depend on interfaces, rather than on classes?

Function/Method declarations

  • Are there comments that describe the intent of the function or method?
  • Are input and output documented? Including units?
  • Are pre- and postconditions documented?
  • Are edge cases and unusual things commented?

Function/Method definitions

  • Are edge cases and unusual things commented?
  • Is there incomplete code?
  • Could this function be split up (is it not too long)?
  • Does it work? Perform intended function, logic correct, ...
  • Is it easy to understand?
  • Is there redundant or duplicate code? (DRY)
  • Do loops have a set length and do they terminate correctly?
  • Can debugging or logging code be removed?
  • Can any of the code be replaced by library functions?


  • If you're using a library, do you check errors it returns?
  • Are all data inputs checked?
  • Are output values checked and encoded properly?
  • Are invalid parameters handled correctly?


  • Do unit tests actually test what they are supposed to?
  • Is bounds checking being done?
  • Is a test framework and/or library used?

Providing feedback

The main purpose of a code review is to find issues or defects in a piece of code. These issues then need to be communicated back to the developer who proposed the change, so that they can be fixed. Doing this badly can quickly spoil everyone's fun.

Perhaps the most important point in this guide therefore is that the goal of a code review is not to provide criticism of a piece of code, or even worse, the person who wrote it. The goal is to help create an improved version.

So, when providing feedback, stay positive and constructive. Suggest a better way if possible, rather than just commenting that the current solution is bad. Ideally, submit a patch rather than an issue ticket. And always keep in mind that you're not required to find anything, if the code is fine, it's fine. If it's more than fine, file a compliment!

Most of our projects are hosted on GitHub, so most results will be communicated through pull requests and issues there. However, if you find something particularly bad or weird, consider talking in person, where a lengthy, complicated, or politically sensitive explanation is easier to do.

Communicating results through GitHub

If you are reviewing a pull request on Github, comments should be added in the Files changed section, so they can be attached to a particular line of code. Make many small comments this way, rather than a big ball of text with everything in it, so that different issues can be kept separate. Where relevant, refer to existing Issues and documentation.

If you're reviewing existing code rather than changes, it is still handy to use pull requests. If you find an issue that has an obvious fix, you can submit a pull request with a patch in the usual way.

If you don't have a fix, you can add an empty comment to the relevant line, and create a pull request from that as a patch. The relevant line(s) will then light up in the pull request's Files changed overview, and you can add your comments there. In this case, either the pull request is never merged (but the comments processed some other way, or not at all), or the extra comments are reverted and replaced by an agreed-upon fix.

In all cases, file many small pull requests, not one big one, as GitHub's support for code reviews is rather limited. Putting too many issues into a single pull request quickly becomes unwieldy.

Reviewing Jupyter notebooks with ReviewNB

For rich diffs and commenting on Jupyter notebooks Github is not very useful, because Github shows differences between Jupyter notebooks as a diff between json files. You can use ReviewNB for reviewing Jupyter notebooks. ReviewNB shows the diff between notebooks in a human readable way. If you configure your email address as your primary email for your Github account here you have access to the academic plan with full benefits.


Atwood, Jeff (2006) Code Reviews: Just Do It

Burke, Kevin (2011) Why code review beats testing: evidence from decades of programming research.

McConnell, Steve (2004) Code Complete: A Practical Handbook of Software Construction, Second Edition. Microsoft Press. ISBN-13: 978-0735619678

SMARTBEAR (2016) Best practices for code review.