From 1ef317a6ce9f74bdb138f041274bcd57234fced8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Qingfu Liu Date: Sun, 26 May 2024 12:01:40 -0400 Subject: [PATCH] fix the compile problem for HR4-GWD-update --- ccpp/data/GFS_typedefs.meta | 34 +--------------------------------- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 33 deletions(-) diff --git a/ccpp/data/GFS_typedefs.meta b/ccpp/data/GFS_typedefs.meta index 5a6b954b2..357a17165 100644 --- a/ccpp/data/GFS_typedefs.meta +++ b/ccpp/data/GFS_typedefs.meta @@ -992,7 +992,6 @@ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent) type = real kind = kind_phys - active = (control_for_land_surface_scheme == identifier_for_ruc_land_surface_scheme) [fire_heat_flux] standard_name = surface_fire_heat_flux long_name = heat flux of fire at the surface @@ -1943,7 +1942,6 @@ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent) type = real kind = kind_phys - active = (flag_for_mellor_yamada_nakanishi_niino_surface_layer_scheme) [flhc] standard_name = surface_exchange_coefficient_for_heat long_name = surface exchange coefficient for heat @@ -1951,7 +1949,6 @@ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent) type = real kind = kind_phys - active = (flag_for_mellor_yamada_nakanishi_niino_surface_layer_scheme) [flqc] standard_name = surface_exchange_coefficient_for_moisture long_name = surface exchange coefficient for moisture @@ -1959,7 +1956,6 @@ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent) type = real kind = kind_phys - active = (flag_for_mellor_yamada_nakanishi_niino_surface_layer_scheme) [chs2] standard_name = surface_exchange_coefficient_for_heat_at_2m long_name = exchange coefficient for heat at 2 meters @@ -2635,7 +2631,7 @@ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent) type = real kind = kind_phys - active = (flag_for_surface_flux_coupling .or. flag_for_chemistry_coupling .or. flag_for_land_coupling) + active = (flag_for_surface_flux_coupling .or. flag_for_air_quality_coupling) [dqsfci_cpl] standard_name = surface_upward_latent_heat_flux_for_coupling long_name = instantaneous sfc latent heat flux @@ -3379,7 +3375,6 @@ dimensions = (number_of_lines_in_internal_namelist) type = character kind = len=256 - active = (number_of_lines_in_internal_namelist > 0) [logunit] standard_name = iounit_of_log long_name = fortran unit number for logfile @@ -6721,14 +6716,12 @@ units = flag dimensions = () type = logical - active = (do_smoke_coupling) [enh_mix] standard_name = do_planetary_boundary_layer_fire_enhancement long_name = flag for rrfs smoke mynn enh vermix units = flag dimensions = () type = logical - active = (do_smoke_coupling) [smoke_dir_fdb_coef] standard_name = smoke_dust_direct_fdb_coef long_name = smoke dust direct feedback coefficents @@ -6736,7 +6729,6 @@ dimensions = (7) type = real kind = kind_phys - active = (do_smoke_coupling) [smoke_conv_wet_coef] standard_name = smoke_dust_conv_wet_coef long_name = smoke dust convetive wet scavanging coefficents @@ -6744,7 +6736,6 @@ dimensions = (3) type = real kind = kind_phys - active = (do_smoke_coupling) [dust_moist_correction] standard_name = dust_moist_correction_fengsha_dust_scheme long_name = moisture correction term for fengsha dust emission @@ -6752,7 +6743,6 @@ dimensions = () type = real kind = kind_phys - active = (do_smoke_coupling) [dust_drylimit_factor] standard_name = dust_drylimit_factor_fengsha_dust_scheme long_name = moisture correction term for drylimit in fengsha dust emission @@ -6760,14 +6750,12 @@ dimensions = () type = real kind = kind_phys - active = (do_smoke_coupling) [dust_moist_opt] standard_name = control_for_dust_soil_moisture_option long_name = smoke dust moisture parameterization 1 - fecan 2 - shao units = index dimensions = () type = integer - active = (do_smoke_coupling) [dust_alpha] standard_name = alpha_fengsha_dust_scheme long_name = alpha paramter for fengsha dust scheme @@ -6775,7 +6763,6 @@ dimensions = () type = real kind = kind_phys - active = (do_smoke_coupling) [dust_gamma] standard_name = gamma_fengsha_dust_scheme long_name = gamma paramter for fengsha dust scheme @@ -6783,7 +6770,6 @@ dimensions = () type = real kind = kind_phys - active = (do_smoke_coupling) [wetdep_ls_alpha] standard_name = alpha_for_ls_wet_depoistion long_name = alpha paramter for ls wet deposition @@ -6791,126 +6777,108 @@ dimensions = () type = real kind = kind_phys - active = (do_smoke_coupling) [ebb_dcycle] standard_name = control_for_diurnal_cycle_of_biomass_burning_emissions long_name = rrfs smoke diurnal cycle option units = index dimensions = () type = integer - active = (do_smoke_coupling) [seas_opt] standard_name = control_for_smoke_sea_salt long_name = rrfs smoke sea salt emission option units = index dimensions = () type = integer - active = (do_smoke_coupling) [dust_opt] standard_name = control_for_smoke_dust long_name = rrfs smoke dust chem option units = index dimensions = () type = integer - active = (do_smoke_coupling) [drydep_opt] standard_name = control_for_smoke_dry_deposition long_name = rrfs smoke dry deposition option units = index dimensions = () type = integer - active = (do_smoke_coupling) [coarsepm_settling] standard_name = control_for_smoke_pm_settling long_name = rrfs smoke coarsepm settling option units = index dimensions = () type = integer - active = (do_smoke_coupling) [plume_wind_eff] standard_name = option_for_wind_effects_on_smoke_plumerise long_name = wind effect plumerise option units = index dimensions = () type = integer - active = (do_smoke_coupling) [extended_sd_diags] standard_name = flag_for_extended_smoke_dust_diagnostics long_name = flag for extended smoke dust diagnostics units = flag dimensions = () type = logical - active = (do_smoke_coupling) [wetdep_ls_opt] standard_name = control_for_smoke_wet_deposition long_name = rrfs smoke large scale wet deposition option units = index dimensions = () type = integer - active = (do_smoke_coupling) [do_plumerise] standard_name = do_smoke_plumerise long_name = rrfs smoke plumerise option units = index dimensions = () type = logical - active = (do_smoke_coupling) [plumerisefire_frq] standard_name = smoke_plumerise_frequency long_name = rrfs smoke add smoke option units = min dimensions = () type = integer - active = (do_smoke_coupling) [n_dbg_lines] standard_name = smoke_debug_lines long_name = rrfs smoke add smoke option units = index dimensions = () type = integer - active = (do_smoke_coupling) [addsmoke_flag] standard_name = control_for_smoke_biomass_burning_emissions long_name = rrfs smoke add smoke option units = index dimensions = () type = integer - active = (do_smoke_coupling) [smoke_forecast] standard_name = do_smoke_forecast long_name = index for rrfs smoke forecast units = index dimensions = () type = integer - active = (do_smoke_coupling) [aero_ind_fdb] standard_name = do_smoke_aerosol_indirect_feedback long_name = flag for wfa ifa emission indirect feedback units = flag dimensions = () type = logical - active = (do_smoke_coupling) [aero_dir_fdb] standard_name = do_smoke_aerosol_direct_feedback long_name = flag for smoke and dust radiation feedback units = flag dimensions = () type = logical - active = (do_smoke_coupling) [rrfs_smoke_debug] standard_name = do_smoke_debug long_name = flag for rrfs smoke plumerise debug units = flag dimensions = () type = logical - active = (do_smoke_coupling) [do_smoke_transport] standard_name = do_smoke_conv_transport long_name = flag for rrfs smoke convective transport units = flag dimensions = () type = logical - active = (do_smoke_coupling) [ncnvcld3d] standard_name = number_of_convective_cloud_variables_in_xyz_dimensioned_restart_array long_name = number of convective 3d clouds fields